Ayo Ayco
Ayo Ayco
One accessibility consideration here. Expanding the status/post card will mean more characters to read per line. There's an optimum number of characters per line that we keep to make it...
I think this should also be left for user-land solutions like a browser extension 😄
Adding here a comment in the linked issue #1883 > make the hotkey to toggle Zen Mode more intentional, so add some modifier keys instead of just 'Z'
Hi @meyerweb thanks for mentioning this. I think the dot `.` is appropriate to add here indeed, and your comment here should be enough include it when someone picks up...
PR welcome! No need to assign
PR welcome here! No need to assign :)
Sure @SoldierCorp -- let me know if you need help!
The main goal of this issue is a new landing page so that's the content of `index.astro` -- you can check readme for possible content but it can be minimal...
@sulco I had the same thoughts and I submitted a PR for this. #4