svelte-algolia-instantsearch copied to clipboard
How to set API_KEY and APP_ID via env variable evaluated at runtime
Hi, I don't like the idea to have my API_KEY and APP_ID hardcoded in my application, even if I'm doing pure SSR. I'm trying to find a solution to "inject" those information into my component.
I have tried to customize the getServerState function. But when copy / paste as it is the getServerState function into my application, it generates an error
Cannot subscribe to 'page' store on the server outside of a Svelte component, as it is bound to the current request via component context.
Here is my page.server.ts used in the sampe app provided by svelte-algolia-instantsearch.
import Page from "./+page.svelte";
//import { getServerState } from "$lib";
import type { PageServerLoad } from "./$types";
import type { InstantSearch } from "instantsearch.js";
import { getInitialResults, waitForResults } from "instantsearch.js/es/lib/server";
const serverContext = Symbol("InstantSearch:serverContext");
export const load: PageServerLoad = ({ url }) => getServerState(Page, url);
function getServerState(component: any, serverUrl: URL): Promise<Record<string, any>> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
const notifyServer = async (search: InstantSearch) => {
await waitForResults(search);
const results = getInitialResults(search.mainIndex);
component.render({}, { context: new Map([[serverContext, { notifyServer, serverUrl }]]) });
May I know if you have an idea about how to solve this ?
I have proposed a solution in my PR: