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It allows you to use methods such as schema, innerJoin, where, limit, select, orderBy on JSON data.

Json Function

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Lets you use where, limit, select, orderBy, and more in JSON data.


npm install json-function


yarn add json-function


JsonFunction • documentation

Json-Function provides a lot of useful functions especially for your json data. It contains the methods you need too much to eliminate unnecessary code repetition.

You can use the Json-Function methods separately, but it is possible to use them all together. You can also chain it.


import JsonFunction from "json-function";

const result = JsonFunction
  .where({ completed: false })
  .select(["title", "completed"])
  .orderBy("title", "DESC")

or Basic

import JsonFunction from "json-function";

JsonFunction.where({ completed: false });
JsonFunction.select(["title", "completed"]);
JsonFunction.orderBy("title", "DESC");
const result = JsonFunction.get(data);

or create a query and use it at any time.

const queryTwoIncompleteTasks = JsonFunction
  .where({ completed: false })
  .select(["title", "completed"])

Query usage

// or
JsonFunction.get(data, { query: queryTwoIncompleteTasks });


Instead of an entire "class", you can use only the methods you need.

innerJoin • documentation

The "innerJoin" function is used to join two arrays.

import { innerJoin } from "json-function";

innerJoin(data, data2, "id", "userId");

schema • documentation

The "Schema" function is a great way to reconfigure your json data and make it your own.

import { schema } from "json-function";

schema(data, {
  book: {
    id: "id",
    title: "title"
  firstname: "user.firstname",
  lastname: "user.lastname"

Use "callback" for advanced conversions.

schema(data, (sc) => ({
  id: "id",
  fullName: sc.join("user.firstname", "user.lastname")

Custom separator

schema(data, (sc) => ({
  id: "id",
  fullName: sc.join("user.firstname", "user.lastname", { separator: "_" })

Use your own special function.

schema(data, (sc) => ({
  id: "id",
  fullName: sc.custom(
    (firstname, lastname) => `${firstname.toUpperCase()} ${lastname.toUpperCase()}`,


schema(data, (sc) => ({
  id: "id",
  createdAt: sc.custom(
    (createdAt) => moment(createdAt).format("DD/MM/YYYY"),

where • documentationsamples

The "Where" function provides a comfortable method for filtering a json data.

import { where } from "json-function";

// Single
// (completed === false)
where(data, { completed: false });

// Multiple (or)
// (completed === false || userId === 2)
where(data, [{ completed: false }, { userId: 2 }]);

// Deep
// (address.city === "New York")
where(data, { "address.city": "New York" }, { deep: true });

Use "callback" for advanced filter.

// id <= 3
where(data, (wh) => ({
  id: wh.lte(3),

Other wh methods.

wh.lte(3)             // value <= 3
wh.lt(3)              // value <  3
wh.gte(3)             // value >= 3
wh.gt(3)              // value >  3
wh.between(3,5)       // value >= 3 && value <= 5
wh.eq("3")            // value == 3
wh.ne("3")            // value != 3
wh.in("test")         // value.includes("test")
wh.nin("test")        // !value.includes("test")
wh.oneOf([1, 2, 3])  // [1, 2, 3].includes(value)

select • documentation

The "Select" function is a practical method where you only get the desired fields of a json data.

import { select } from "json-function";

// Single
select(data, "title");

// Multiple
select(data, ["title", "completed"]);

limit • documentation

"Limit" is used to get a limited number of elements from a json data. Almost javascript works like slice() but it is much easier and clearer.

import { limit } from "json-function";

// limit
limit(data, 2);

// limit and Start
limit(data, 2, 2);

orderBy • documentation

With the "orderBy" function you can reorder the data in your json array.

import { orderBy } from "json-function";

orderBy(data, "title", "DESC");

orderBy(data, "user.firstname", "DESC", { deep: true });

search • documentation

Search over fields of objects.

import { search } from "json-function";

// Syntax: search(data: Object[], key: any, fields: string | string[], options?);

// single field
search(data, "key", "description");

// multiple field
search(data, "key", ["user.firstName", "description"]);

// case sensitive
search(data, "key", "description", { caseSensitive: false });

toArray • documentation

Converts objects into meaningful sequences.

import { toArray } from "json-function";

// default key "uid"

// custom key
toArray(data, { key: "_id_" });

transform • documentation

JSON converts the snake_case keys in your data to camelCase.

import { transform } from "json-function";
