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Gradle plugin to generate the jOOQ metamodel from Flyway & Liquibase migrations using a dockerized database

Results 9 jooq-modelator issues
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Having to pass an XML config file to jOOQ makes it hard to dynamically compute values in the jOOQ configuration such as absolute paths of output directories; you end up...

This plugin has a cardinal sin in that it is validating states of the plugin during configration phase. This makes it impossible to implement lazy evalution. Please move the validation...

Upgrading from 3.6.0 to 3.8.0 I now get a failing Gradle build with the following error: ``` liquibase.exception.UnknownChangelogFormatException: Cannot find parser that supports /Users/fletch/netflix/spinnaker/workspace/keel/keel-sql/src/main/resources/db/databaseChangeLog.yml ``` It's not clear if this...

Even if I ensure that the implementation of a custom change is on the classpath of the `jooqModelatorRuntime` configuration, the migration fails with an error caused by a `ClassNotFoundException`. There...

I'm using version 3.5.0 and setting the migrationsPaths to the flyway default: migrationsPaths = ['./src/main/resources/db.migration/'] I get this error message: Caused by: org.gradle.api.InvalidUserDataException: Directory 'C:\Users\...\src\main\resources\db.migration' specified for property '$1' does...

Currently the migration file has to be named `databaseChangeLog.*` but that's not a requirement of Liquibase. I'm currently dealing with an app that has Liquibase configured by an (internal) library...

When running migrations with Liquibase, Postgres and multiple schemas, the database is not properly cleaned up after each run. Reproduction steps: 1) Set up example project with the following Liquibase...

Resolves #22 - Bumps almost all versions of dependencies to the current versions - except liquibase, where I only bumped to the latest 3.x version (3.10.3), but didn't invest into...

While the currently released version of jooq-modelator still works,it uses relatively old versinos of jOOQ, flyway and many other dependencies. Also, pulling the docker containers (postgres, mariadb) for newer versions...