feature_discovery icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
feature_discovery copied to clipboard

Feature discavery based on material design

Results 44 feature_discovery issues
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Thanks again for the awesome package. please consider updating the package and fixing flutter 3 warnings. `Warning: Operand of null-aware operation '!' has type 'WidgetsBinding' which excludes null`

Hi we have a scenario once the feature_discovery completes the bottom sheet should open, how can we do that? or adding on the model bottom sheet possible?

As you can see in this image, the positioning of the round background prevents the text from being read properly, any tips on how to avoid this?

@ayalma apologies for the ping, but there are some outstanding PR's. Could you please merge them? Many people will be happy to continue to contribute, but we do need merging...

Is there a way to add a FlatButton, for example, as the tap target? When I tried using, it gets cut since it seems like this library only supports rounded...


Would it be possible to set the Apps background to be dimmed or blurred? It would make sense to focus on the Overlay if you have a significant looking background...

I took code from example and the teal background is hidden above. I tried conetntLocation property but it goes down but never to the right.