Sorry for having been unclear, but the app uses Document Provider integration: `Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_OPEN_DOCUMENT).setType("*/*");` (if needed, I can post more code)
Do I have to wait for a fix in the OwnCloud app or is it possible to adopt a third-party Android app suitably? (For example: Can I tell the documents...
Well that's really a strange behavior of the OwnCloud app: the file dialog shows the correct date and time of the most up-to-date version of the file, but I get...
I've found out that the docker image already contains the Samba scheme. So my users have got their regular OpenLDAP password and a Samba password. Everything works as I wanted...
The entry for a person is something like that: ``` dn: uid=TestAccount,ou=people,dc=mydomain,dc=lokal objectclass: inetOrgPerson objectclass: sambaSamAccount objectclass: posixAccount sn: lastname cn: firstname lastname uid: TestAccount userPassword: {SHA}shapassword sambaNTPassword: password uidNumber:...
May I ask what the status of my bug report is? Or is there a workaround?