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Provides named query parameter capability to JDBC PreparedStatements


Provides a NamedParameterPreparedStatement class which implements PreparedStatement and allows the use of named parameters in JDBC prepared SQL statements.

Credit to Adam Crume for his implementation of the SQL query parser:



Add as a dependency:


Then use in place of PreparedStatement, e.g.

PreparedStatement stat = NamedParameterPreparedStatement.createNamedParameterPreparedStatement(
    connection, "SELECT id FROM some_table WHERE name = :name");

Query test parsing

Usually this library should be used internally by applications to parse queries containing named parameters. The jar is also executable and can be used to view the parsed results of a query containing named parameters.

Execute the jar and pass the path to a query file as the only argument:

java -jar jdbc-named-parameters.jar /home/you/test_query.sql