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Unity version of ailia models repository
The collection of pre-trained, state-of-the-art models for Unity.
How to use
ailia MODELS Unity tutorial
Supporting Models
Audio processing
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
silero_vad | Silero VAD | Pytorch | 1.2.15 and later |
rvc | Retrieval-based-Voice-Conversion-WebUI | Pytorch | 1.2.12 and later |
Depth estimation
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
midas | Towards Robust Monocular Depth Estimation: Mixing Datasets for Zero-shot Cross-dataset Transfer |
Pytorch | 1.2.4 and later |
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
latent-diffusion-inpainting | Latent Diffusion - inpainting | Pytorch | 1.2.10 and later |
latent-diffusion-superresolution | Latent Diffusion - Super-resolution | Pytorch | 1.2.10 and later |
stable-diffusion-txt2img | Stable Diffusion | Pytorch | 1.2.14 and later |
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
detic | Detecting Twenty-thousand Classes using Image-level Supervision | Pytorch | 1.2.14 and later |
Generative adversarial networks
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
lipgan | LipGAN | Keras | 1.2.15 and later |
gfpgan | GFP-GAN: Towards Real-World Blind Face Restoration with Generative Facial Prior | Pytorch | 1.2.10 and later |
Hand recognition
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
blazehand | MediaPipePyTorch | Pytorch | 1.2.5 and later |
Image classification
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
googlenet | Going Deeper with Convolutions | Pytorch | 1.2.0 and later |
resnet50 | Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition | Chainer | 1.2.0 and later |
inceptionv3 | Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision | Pytorch | 1.2.0 and later |
mobilenetv2 | PyTorch Implemention of MobileNet V2 | Pytorch | 1.2.0 and later |
mobilenetv3 | PyTorch Implemention of MobileNet V3 | Pytorch | 1.2.1 and later |
partialconv | Partial Convolution Layer for Padding and Image Inpainting | Pytorch | 1.2.0 and later |
Image deformation
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
dewarpnet | DewarpNet: Single-Image Document Unwarping With Stacked 3D and 2D Regression Networks | Pytorch | 1.2.1 and later |
Image segmentation
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
deeplabv3 | Xception65 for backbone network of DeepLab v3+ | Chainer | 1.2.0 and later |
hrnet_segmentation | High-resolution networks (HRNets) for Semantic Segmentation | Pytorch | 1.2.1 and later |
hair_segmentation | hair segmentation in mobile device | Keras | 1.2.1 and later |
pspnet-hair-segmentation | pytorch-hair-segmentation | Pytorch | 1.2.2 and later |
U2net | U2-Net: Going Deeper with Nested U-Structure for Salient Object Detection | Pytorch | 1.2.2 and later |
Image manipulation
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
noise2noise | Learning Image Restoration without Clean Data | Pytorch | 1.2.0 and later |
illnet | Document Rectification and Illumination Correction using a Patch-based CNN | Pytorch | 1.2.2 and later |
colorization | Colorful Image Colorization | Pytorch | 1.2.2 and later |
Object detection
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
yolov1-tiny | YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection | Darknet | 1.1.0 and later |
yolov1-face | YOLO-Face-detection | Darknet | 1.1.0 and later |
yolov2 | YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection | Pytorch | 1.2.0 and later |
yolov2-tiny | YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection | Pytorch | 1.2.0 and later |
yolov3 | YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection | ONNX Runtime | 1.2.1 and later |
yolov3-tiny | YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection | ONNX Runtime | 1.2.1 and later |
yolov3-face | Face detection using keras-yolov3 | Keras | 1.2.1 and later |
yolov3-hand | Hand detection branch of Face detection using keras-yolov3 | Keras | 1.2.1 and later |
yolov4 | YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection | Pytorch | 1.2.7 and later |
yolov4-tiny | YOLO: Real-Time Object Detection | Pytorch | 1.2.7 and later |
yolox | YOLOX | Pytorch | 1.2.9 and later |
mobilenet_ssd | MobileNetV1, MobileNetV2, VGG based SSD/SSD-lite implementation in Pytorch | Pytorch | 1.2.1 and later |
Pose estimation
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
lightweight-human-pose-estimation | Fast and accurate human pose estimation in PyTorch. Contains implementation of "Real-time 2D Multi-Person Pose Estimation on CPU: Lightweight OpenPose" paper. | Pytorch | 1.2.1 and later |
blazepose-fullbody | MediaPipe | TensorFlow Lite | 1.2.5 and later |
Style transfer
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
adain | Arbitrary Style Transfer in Real-time with Adaptive Instance Normalization | Pytorch | 1.2.1 and later |
Super resolution
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
srresnet | Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network | Pytorch | 1.2.0 and later |
real-esrgan | Real-ESRGAN | Pytorch | 1.2.9 and later |
Text recognition
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
paddleocr | PaddleOCR : Awesome multilingual OCR toolkits based on PaddlePaddle | Pytorch | 1.2.6 and later |
Face detection
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
blazeface | BlazeFace-PyTorch | Pytorch | 1.2.1 and later |
facemesh | facemesh.pytorch | Pytorch | 1.2.2 and later |
facemesh_v2 | MediaPipe Face landmark detection | Pytorch | 1.2.9 and later |
Face identification
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
vggface2 | VGGFace2 Dataset for Face Recognition | Caffe | 1.1.0 and later |
arcface | pytorch implement of arcface | Pytorch | 1.2.1 and later |
Person ReID
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
person_reid_baseline_pytorch | UTS-Person-reID-Practical | Pytorch | 1.2.6 and later |
Natural Language Processing
This model requires the installation of ailia Tokenizer.
Name | Detail | Exported From | Supported Ailia Version |
sentence_transformers_japanese | sentence transformers | Pytorch | 1.2.7 and later |
multilingual-e5 | multilingual-e5-base | Pytorch | 1.2.15 and later |