apticket-nonce-checker copied to clipboard
Is it possible to decrypt iOS 6 .shsh/extract the nonce and if so, how?
iPad Mini (2,5) - not attempting to use the re-restore bug.
Attempting to run the tool I get:
./apticket-nonce-checker.py 424815784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.shsh Parsing APTicket. ERROR: OpenSSL returned unexpected output when parsing APTicket.
Looking at the closed issue and following instructions:
apticket-nonce-checker admin$ openssl asn1parse -inform DER -in 424815784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.shsh
0:d=0 hl=4 l= 0 prim: <ASN1 1416>
4:d=0 hl=2 l= 0 prim: EOC
apticket-nonce-checker admin$ plutil -convert xml1 424815784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.shsh 424815784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.shsh: Property List error: Unexpected character at line 1 / JSON error: JSON text did not start with array or object and option to allow fragments not set.
Blob attached.
The .shsh file was also compressed with gzip. This worked:
$ unzip 42481595784-ipad2.5-6.1.3.shsh.zip 42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.shsh
Archive: 42481595784-ipad2.5-6.1.3.shsh.zip
inflating: 42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.shsh
$ file 42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.shsh
42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.shsh: gzip compressed data, from FAT filesystem (MS-DOS, OS/2, NT)
$ cat 42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.shsh | gunzip > 42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.plist
$ file 42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.plist
42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.plist: Apple binary property list
$ plutil -convert xml1 42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.plist
$ file 42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.plist
42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.plist: XML 1.0 document text, ASCII text
$ ./apticket-nonce-checker.py 42481595784-ipad2,5-6.1.3.plist
Parsing APTicket from SHSH file.
APTicket does not have a nonce.