vuex-douyu icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
vuex-douyu copied to clipboard


Vuex版的斗鱼 (vuex-douyu)

使用技术栈: webpack + vuejs+ vuex + axios + vue-router


proxyTable: {	
  '/api': {	
    target: '',	
    changeOrigin: true,	
    pathRewrite: {	
      '^/api': ''	
  '/category': {	
    target: '',	
    changeOrigin: true,	
    pathRewrite: {	
      '^/category': ''	

## 动图演示	

## 本地运行	

 ``` bash
# install dependencies
npm install or yarn install
# serve with hot reload at localhost:8080
npm run dev or yarn run dev
# build for production with minification
npm run build