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Support for IOS

Open kl2karpenko opened this issue 8 years ago • 10 comments

Please can you tell me are you going to support IOS in the nearest time? Need it very much!)

kl2karpenko avatar Apr 19 '16 14:04 kl2karpenko

@kl2karpenko I am not an iOS developer, so this would be hard. I am hoping that someone in the community who knows ObjectiveC helps with it. ...

axemclion avatar Apr 19 '16 15:04 axemclion

I'm also not an iOS developer, so I'm useless in helping to bring iOS support. However, I would guess that being able to support iOS would greatly improve the adoption of this plugin. I personally wouldn't invest the time to use it knowing that it's only useful for Android. Very few projects target just one platform. In fact, I'd purport that the primary reason most people choose react-native is because they're targeting both iOS and Android. So, this plugin is unfortunately not very useful until it is cross platform.

I know you're waiting to see more interest before you invest the time, but I think that's a chicken/egg problem. I truly believe that making this cross platform will greatly improve interest and usage.

my 3 cents worth

geirman avatar Jun 15 '16 15:06 geirman

@geirman I do agree that we do need an iOS version of this. I am just waiting for someone to help. In the meantime, I have started learning ObjectiveC - it may be a while before I can get to the iOS version.

axemclion avatar Jun 15 '16 15:06 axemclion

Any news about the iOS support ?

EmrysMyrddin avatar Jul 25 '16 08:07 EmrysMyrddin


mvayngrib avatar Jul 31 '16 21:07 mvayngrib

@mvayngrib the accepted +1 convention these days is in the form of a 👍 reaction. Would be great if you tried to do that instead going forward :)

geirman avatar Aug 01 '16 02:08 geirman

@geirman oof, i'm getting to be an old man. Done.

mvayngrib avatar Aug 01 '16 03:08 mvayngrib

I could help with the iOS version of this library but unfortunately i don't own a Mac right now :s

nfabian13 avatar Jul 28 '17 19:07 nfabian13

Did you guys see the work at It seems to support both Android & iOS (MIT license).

brodycj avatar Jul 28 '17 19:07 brodycj

Good find @brodybits

geirman avatar Jul 29 '17 08:07 geirman