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🦈 GUI framework agnostic virtual DOM library


vfin is a GUI framework agnostic virtual DOM library. Due to the small number of assumptions made about the underlying framework the design is different from other VDOM libraries. While fully functional, the interface is not yet stable.

See the web DOM example for usage.

The html! macro

Vtree defines simple stack operations, create_element and pop_parent, unlike in the JS-world where one would typically nest function calls instead. The html! macro is sugar for creating trees.

fn render(app: Rc<RefCell<App>>) -> Vtree<DomContext> {
    use Attribute::*;
    let mut vtree = Vtree::new();
            <Div Text=state.count, />
            // Inline code-block
            { render_part(&mut vtree); }
            <Button Text="Increment", OnClick={
                let app = Rc::clone(&app);
                move || {
                    dispatch(&app, Action::IncrementCount);
            }, />
                for i in 0..4 {
                    let i = if state.count < -1 { 5 - i } else { i };
                    // Resume adding nodes
                    html!{vtree, <Div key=i, Text=i, />}

Here Div and Button are trait objects that contain procedures for un-/mounting and updating attributes for the respective types.

DomContext is a DOM backend specific type that implements the Context trait and is responsible for actually carrying out the patching.

The function patch takes a Context and the previous Vtree and a reference to the new Vtree and performs the diffing.


vfin-dom is a vfin backend for the web.

Disadvantages compared to Yew or similiar

  • Potentially larger generated binaries. Each tag needs its own trait implementation.
  • No batteries included. This is only a virtual DOM framework and not a general application framework. (Though I would consider it an advantage. You are free to use whatever state store you wish)


  • [x] Working example.
  • [x] Only send delta movements to context.
  • [x] Recursive unmounting. Otherwise you'd get memory leaks in non-garbage collected backends that don't store destructor addresses.
  • [x] Stateful virtual nodes.
  • [ ] New more performant diffing algorithm, using LIS or similar. Currently Heckel diff is used, which is still O(n).
  • [ ] Sub-tree rendering. Possible without API breaking changes.
  • [ ] String keys. Currently only integer keys are supported.