amazon-kinesis-client-nodejs copied to clipboard
Does this thing work with the DDB Streams Kinesis adapter? I am writing NodeJS worker. I need to process DDB streams. I am not finding any information about how this might be done using KCL. I might imagine that kcl-bootstrap needs to be modified to add getMavenPackageInfo('com.amazonaws', 'dynamodb-streams-kinesis-adapter', '1.0.0') in the MAVEN_PACKAGE_LIST and then in, some way to identify the DDB stream ARN instead of a Kinesis stream name.
+1. Having the same issue. Specifying the DDB stream ARN as streamName gives the error
Member must satisfy regular expression pattern: [a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+ (Service: AmazonKinesis; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException;
use 'dynamodb-streams-kinesis-adapter', '1.0.2' and and Worker constructor with AmazonDynamoDBStreamsAdapterClient