amazon-guardduty-tester copied to clipboard
Unable to generate Recon:EC2/PortProbeUnprotectedPort findings
Hi Team,
I have setup the environment which you suggested in README file and ran the script but unable to generate portprobe alerts.
here is the script output
Expected GuardDuty Findings
Test 1: Internal Port Scanning
Expected Finding: EC2 Instance i-05 is performing outbound port scans against remote host. 172.1
Finding Type: Recon:EC2/Portscan
Test 2: SSH Brute Force with Compromised Keys
Expecting two findings - one for the outbound and one for the inbound detection
Outbound: i-0 is performing SSH brute force attacks against 172.xxxx
Inbound: 172.xxxxxx is performing SSH brute force attacks against i-07ad
Finding Type: UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/SSHBruteForce
Test 3: RDP Brute Force with Password List
Expecting two findings - one for the outbound and one for the inbound detection
Outbound: i-056 is performing RDP brute force attacks against 17xxxxxx
Inbound: 17xxxxxxx is performing RDP brute force attacks against i-005c71xxxx
Finding Type : UnauthorizedAccess:EC2/RDPBruteForce
Test 4: Cryptocurrency Activity
Expected Finding: EC2 Instance i-05615xxx is querying a domain name that is associated with bitcoin activity
Finding Type : CryptoCurrency:EC2/BitcoinTool.B!DNS
Test 5: DNS Exfiltration
Expected Finding: EC2 instance i-05615089xxx is attempting to query domain names that resemble exfiltrated data
Finding Type : Backdoor:EC2/DNSDataExfiltration
Test 6: C&C Activity
Expected Finding: EC2 instance i-05615089=xxxx1 is querying a domain name associated with a known Command & Control server.
Finding Type : Backdoor:EC2/C&CActivity.B!DNS
[ec2-user@ip-17xxxxx ~]$
When I checked the script, I did not see the command to do this.
Please suggest how to generate portprobe alert
We would like to generate the Port Probe Alerts for some testing and needs a way to be able to generate them as and when we want to run our tests.
Recon:EC2/PortProbeUnprotectedPort findings require that the source IP probing the open port is a known malicious IP so it cannot be generated using the test script.
Closing this issue as the tester will not be modified to cover this use case.