amazon-eks-ami copied to clipboard
Packer configuration for building a custom EKS AMI
We are seeing logs are getting rotate before we transfer the logs to logging system using fluentd, as the log size is more than 10Mi. we need to update the...
**What would you like to be added**: The code that is used to build gpu eks nodes should be visible in this repo **Why is this needed**: We use this...
**What happened**: aws-network-policy-agent image is not preloaded on the latest AL2 EKS optimized AMI. As per other images are preloaded to speedup node start. Node start times increased with...
**What happened**: In the worker node running AL2 EKS AMI amazon-eks-node-1.24-v20230825 (containerd 1.6.19, runc 1.1.7, libseccomp 2.4.1), if I enable RuntimeDefault seccomp profile for a pod, it will consume higher...
**What happened**: We use EKS opt AMI with node type c5.18xlarge max pods value is overridden by 1. --show-max-allowed is used in It should not be used here it...
**What happened**: The syscalls in the seccomp did not be allowed to use in pod. We are using playwright to crawl website and I followed the [instruction](, to create seccomp...
**Environment**: production - AWS Region: ap-south-1 - Instance Type(s): m5a.2xlarge - EKS Platform version (use `aws eks describe-cluster --name --query cluster.platformVersion`): 1.24 - Kubernetes version (use `aws eks describe-cluster --name...
**What would you like to be added**: Radeon Drivers **Why is this needed**: We currently are looking to use AMD GPU's for some workloads and we were wondering if that...
I am getting **"Ensure that the --tls-cert-file and --tls-private-key-file arguments in EKS are set as appropriate"** issue in Kubebench report for my EKS cluster. I could find the Kubelet server...
**What would you like to be added**: Today, the `ecr-credential-provider` does not support authenticating public ECR registries, but that was [recently added to the credential provider]( Once added, customers can...