amazon-ecr-credential-helper copied to clipboard
Unable to pull from ECR using IAM Role on Instance
I have been beating my head against a wall, and every thing i search on google is now a purple link.
I am attempting to use this in conjunction with Nomad, but I cannot even get this working, let alone the issues with Nomad.
I am using an IAM policy attached to the role that is assigned to the EC2 instance I am attempting use. The IAM Policy is the standard AmazonEC2ContainerServiceforEC2Role
When manually logging in using aws ecr
and docker login
I can push/pull just fine, so I think I've ruled out IAM related issues.
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-west-2 | \
sudo docker login --username AWS --password-stdin \
sudo docker pull <account><image>:latest
latest: Pulling from <image>
42c077c10790: Pull complete
f63e77b7563a: Pull complete
0c31162eec9d: Pull complete
7cfd3784111c: Pull complete
791791ccdd73: Pull complete
ef21c12392c8: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:f43b...cded3
Status: Downloaded newer image for <account><image>:latest
However, trying to do the same while utilizing docker-credential-ecr-login
I have tried multiple variations of the following in config.json
"credHelpers": {
"<account>": "ecr-login"
"credsStore": "ecr-login"
"credHelpers": {
"<account>": "ecr-login"
"credsStore": "ecr-login"
I've tried each variation in the following locations, all with 644
Despite every effort, I get the following:
docker-credential-ecr-login get <<< <account>
credentials not found in native keychain
cat ~/.ecr/log/ecr-login.log
time="2022-07-28T21:19:46Z" level=debug msg="Could not fetch credentials for cache prefix, disabling cache" error="NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.\n\tFor verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors"
time="2022-07-28T21:19:46Z" level=debug msg="Retrieving credentials" region=us-west-2 registry=<account> serverURL=<account>
time="2022-07-28T21:19:46Z" level=debug msg="Calling ECR.GetAuthorizationToken" registry=<account>
time="2022-07-28T21:19:46Z" level=error msg="Error retrieving credentials" error="ecr: Failed to get authorization token: NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain. Deprecated.\n\tFor verbose messaging see aws.Config.CredentialsChainVerboseErrors"
current env
AWS_SDK_LOAD_CONFIG=true # I've tried this true/false and unset
Contents of /root/.aws/config, the only file in .aws/
cat ~/.aws/config
region = us-west-2
I'm sure there is something really simple I am missing, but the error logging isn't very helpful in this case. What chain? Why is it using a chain if it doesn't need credentials because of the existing IAM policy?
TIA for any suggestions or troubleshooting advice!
@ip-sf Which version of docker-credential-ecr-login
are you using?
You can check this running docker-credential-ecr-login -v
I had the same error (although this was using an SSO config) that was due to an outdated version of the tool installed via apt
on Ubuntu. Doing a go install
on latest (following the documentation) solved it.
i used the following
code ~/.docker/config.json
edit config.json
"auths": {
"": {},
"": {},
"": {}
"credsStore": "ecr-login"
AWS_PROFILE=profile-name docker pull
Hi @ip-sf , did you manage to solve this problem? I have the exact same issue
Hi @ip-sf , did you manage to solve this problem? I have the exact same issue
me too I'm dying inside
I did get it working, but I dont exactly remember what i had to do.
This is how it's configured in my nomad environment, and it is working.
I can check other config elements if needed, just let me know. Hopefully this helps. Sorry for the delay, i legit didnt see the notifications until today. I feel all of your pain and i want to help :)
Nomad Client Config
plugin "docker" {
config {
auth {
config = "/etc/docker/config.json"
helper = "ecr-login"
"credHelpers": {"<accountid>": "ecr-login"}
IAM Instance Profile applied to Nomad Client hosts
"Statement": [
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "arn:aws:ecr:*:<accountid>:repository/*",
"Sid": ""
"Action": [
"Effect": "Allow",
"Resource": "*",
"Sid": ""
"Version": "2012-10-17"
Required config in Nomad Job
job "job" {
group "group" {
task "task" {
driver = "docker"
config {
auth_soft_fail = true
Script logic being used to install/configure the ECR helper (truncated)
export GO_VER="1.18.4"
export DEAFULT_ECR_HELPER_CFG="/etc/docker/config.json"
# Install docker-credential-ecr-login
# install go
wget -q${GO_VER}.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go${GO_VER}.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo ln -s /usr/local/go/bin/go /usr/bin/go
go install $ECR_HELPER_REPO
# This will install to ~/go/bin, move it to somewhere $PATH will find
sudo mv go/bin/docker-credential-ecr-login /usr/bin/
# Default config.json for provisioning
sudo mkdir -p /etc/docker
sudo sh -c 'cat <<EOF >> ${DEAFULT_ECR_HELPER_CFG}
"credHelpers": {"<accountID>.dkr.ecr.<region>": "ecr-login"}
I had the same error (although this was using an SSO config) that was due to an outdated version of the tool installed via apt on Ubuntu. Doing a go install on latest (following the documentation) solved it.
I do believe this was part of it. I am currently installing GO from source and then installing the helper via go directly.
See details in above post.
I had the same error (although this was using an SSO config) that was due to an outdated version of the tool installed via apt on Ubuntu. Doing a go install on latest (following the documentation) solved it.
I do believe this was part of it. I am currently installing GO from source and then installing the helper via go directly.
See details in above post.
@ip-sf You sir, are my hero :) I had ended up doing my own cronjob to refresh my creds, but your way is better. Thank you
@ip-sf Hero status confirmed again today by solving our issue 🥳