aws-doc-sdk-examples copied to clipboard
Implement the scenario and API examples from DynamoDB.
Movie database (taken from the examples in Getting Started with the AWS SDKs)
- Create a table with partition: year (N) and sort: title (S) (CreateTable)
- Add a new movie. (PutItem)
- Update the rating and plot of the movie by using an update expression. (UpdateItem with UpdateExpression + ExpressionAttributeValues args)
- Put movies in the table from moviedata.json--download it from the DynamoDB guide. OK to include manual download and unzip steps in your example README. This is a large file so limit the number of movies to 250 or so. (BatchWriteItem)
- Get a movie by Key (partition + sort) (GetItem)
- Delete a movie. (DeleteItem)
- Use Query with a key condition expression to return all movies released in a given year. (Query + KeyConditionExpression arg)
- Use Scan to return movies released within a range of years. Show how to paginate data using ExclusiveStartKey. (Scan + FilterExpression)
- Delete the table. (DeleteTable)
Include single-action examples for each of these.
- [x] CreateTable
- [x] ListTables
- [x] DeleteTable
- [x] PutItem
- [x] GetItem
- [x] UpdateItem
- [x] #3498
- [x] Query
- [x] Scan
- [x] BatchWriteItem
- [ ] BatchGetItem
Basic APIs
- [x] #2765
- [x] #2784
- [x] #2766
- [x] #2785
- [x] #2771
- [ ] #2767
- [ ] #3498
- [x] #2768
- [x] #2769
- [x] #2770
- [ ] Runnable scenario code.
- [ ] Service action code (may be same as scenario code).
- [ ] Unit tests.
- [ ] Scenario and API examples tagged for SOS.
- [ ] README