porting-assistant-dotnet-ui icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
porting-assistant-dotnet-ui copied to clipboard

The program does not warn after having the path length error - "Message: The destination path length cannot exceed 259 characters."

Open turalarda opened this issue 1 year ago • 2 comments

I successfully assessed my project. After the assessment, I tried to port it to another folder but the application (porting assistant) did not successfully do it. In the log files, I realized that the length of the destination path was too long. A shorter path solved the problem. It would be better for the program to show the error on a pop-up.

[2023-02-10 00:03:41.285] [error] Error occurred in handler for 'copyDirectory': {
  ClassName: '[System.IO](http://system.io/).PathTooLongException',
  Message: 'The destination path length cannot exceed 259 characters. Please try a location that has a shorter path.',
  Data: null,
  InnerException: null,
  HelpURL: null,
  StackTraceString: '   at PortingAssistant.Common.Utils.PortingAssistantUtils.CopyDirectory(String solutionPath, String destinationPath) in C:\\codebuild\\tmp\\output\\src680297959\\src\\[github.com](http://github.com/)\\aws\\porting-assistant-dotnet-ui\\packages\\csharp\\PortingAssistant\\PortingAssistant.Common\\Utils\\PortingAssistantUtils.cs:line 55\r\n' +
    '   at PortingAssistant.Api.Application.<SetupConnection>b__8_1(CopyDirectoryRequest request) in C:\\codebuild\\tmp\\output\\src680297959\\src\\[github.com](http://github.com/)\\aws\\porting-assistant-dotnet-ui\\packages\\csharp\\PortingAssistant\\PortingAssistant.Api\\Application.cs:line 83\r\n' +
    '   at ElectronCgi.DotNet.Connection.<>c__DisplayClass24_0`1.<On>b__0(T args)\r\n' +
    '   at ElectronCgi.DotNet.RequestHandler`1.HandleRequestAsync(Guid requestId, Object arguments)\r\n' +
    '   at ElectronCgi.DotNet.RequestExecutor.<>c__DisplayClass6_0.<<ExecuteAsync>b__0>d.MoveNext()',
  RemoteStackTraceString: null,
  RemoteStackIndex: 0,
  ExceptionMethod: null,
  HResult: -2147024690,
  Source: 'PortingAssistant.Common',
  WatsonBuckets: null

turalarda avatar Feb 10 '23 12:02 turalarda