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Unable to use ECRPullImage task to pull an image from public AWS ECR repository

Open avolcoff opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

Describe the bug

Unable to use ECRPullImage task to pull an image from public AWS ECR repository

To reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. use this task definition:
  • task: ECRPullImage@1 displayName: Pull amazon linux 2 image inputs: awsCredentials: 'AWS-ECR-Pull-Image-From-Public-ECR' regionName: ${{ parameters.awsRegion }} repository: 'amazonlinux/amazonlinux' imageSource: 'imagetag'
  1. run an azure pipeline build
  2. get this log error: Starting: Pull base image ============================================================================== Task : Amazon ECR Pull Description : Pull a Docker image from an Amazon Elastic Container Registry on AWS Version : 1.13.0 Author : Amazon Web Services Help : Please refer to Amazon Elastic Container Registry documentation for working with this service.

####Task Permissions This task requires permissions to call the following AWS service APIs (depending on selected task options, not all APIs may be used):

  • ecr:DescribeRepositories
  • ecr:GetDownloadUrlForLayer
  • ecr:GetAuthorizationToken
  • ecr:BatchGetImage
  • ecr:BatchCheckLayerAvailability ============================================================================== Configuring credentials for task ...configuring AWS credentials from service endpoint '53b42f7f-dc7b-4063-82ff-d870ef6813c1' ...endpoint defines standard access/secret key credentials Configuring region for task ...configured to use region eu-west-1, defined in task. Obtaining authentication token for ECR login ##[error]Error: Failed to obtain authorization token to log in to ECR, error: AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:iam::035978952288:user/AzurePipelinePullFromPublicECR is not authorized to perform: ecr:GetAuthorizationToken on resource: * because no identity-based policy allows the ecr:GetAuthorizationToken action Finishing: Pull base image

Expected behavior

should pull the image without errors

Your Environment

  • cloud based: Azure pipeline
  • Azure DevOps version: Version Dev18.M202.1 (AzureDevOps_M202_20220407.8)
  • AWS Toolkit for Azure DevOps version: could not find it

avolcoff avatar Apr 19 '22 09:04 avolcoff

Hey @avolcoff,

You may need to allow your IAM role to access ecr:GetAuthorizationToken. Here's an example statement that gives the role access for all resources:

  "Effect": "Allow",
  "Action": "ecr:GetAuthorizationToken",
  "Resource": "*"

I believe there is also an AWS-managed policy called AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryReadOnly that could be used.

JadenSimon avatar Apr 19 '22 15:04 JadenSimon