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Deploy SAM

Open ghost opened this issue 5 years ago • 9 comments

Feature request - Deploy SAM packages support.

Deploying SAM packages is still a little bit of a pain via VSTS / Azure DevOps. would be good to have the tooling including as part of the aws-vsts-tools project.

The ability to deploy a SAM package from Local File or From Public Github Repo.

ghost avatar Oct 21 '19 21:10 ghost

We use SAM in both our pipeline and release, and this will result in that we will need to install SAM CLI many times (each time we build & release).

The prefered method of using brew will also require installation of brew. Last week there was a commit in brew master that break the installation and the current recommended method there is no way to use anything else than master.

SAM CLI installation on linux

We moved over to be using pip in our pipelines that solved the issue.

Best would be if we get a task available that has sam cli ready to run without any installation. This works for aws cli, and a task with support of aws sam cli would increase both speed and stability.

JohGiz avatar Mar 12 '20 11:03 JohGiz

Very useful feature request

mannharleen avatar May 20 '20 13:05 mannharleen

Would very much like this, I'm losing 3-4mins installing via pip

karl-barbour avatar Jun 18 '20 16:06 karl-barbour

+1 for this feature request. Edit: Actually I see the current hosted images include the AWS SAM CLI 1.0

bbarman4u avatar Aug 11 '20 23:08 bbarman4u

consider adding your upvote 👍 to the main description so it will be counted when comparing requests in this project.

justinmk3 avatar Aug 12 '20 00:08 justinmk3

@JohGiz how do you manage the AWS credentials for SAM? Are you using pipeline variables or AWS service connection? I'm using an AWS service connection but trying to find a way to pass the credentials to SAM.

curtrube avatar Aug 19 '20 05:08 curtrube

@JohGiz how do you manage the AWS credentials for SAM? Are you using pipeline variables or AWS service connection? I'm using an AWS service connection but trying to find a way to pass the credentials to SAM.

We just use the AWSShellScript task using one of the service connections setup for the account connection to AWS. This is a task that we run to use sam build on our pipelines:

           - task: AWSShellScript@1
            displayName: AWS SAM build
              awsCredentials: $(serviceConnectionName)
              regionName: $(awsRegion)
              scriptType: 'inline'
              inlineScript: |
                sam --version
                sam build --use-container --template-file $(cloudformationTemplate)

JohGiz avatar Aug 20 '20 06:08 JohGiz

Hi I create this azure-pipelines.yml to deploy SAM in Azure DevOps

    vmImage: 'ubuntu-latest'

        - bash: sudo apt update -y
          displayName: "instalando updates"
        - bash: sudo apt upgrade -y
          displayName: "instalando upgrades"
        - bash: sudo apt-get install curl apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common -y
          displayName: "instalando curl apt-transport-https ca-certificates software-properties-common"
        - bash: curl -fsSL | sudo apt-key add -
          displayName: "instalando dependencias de Docker para SAM"
        - bash: sudo add-apt-repository "deb [arch=amd64] bionic stable"
          displayName: "instalando repo docker para SAM"
        - bash: sudo apt update
          displayName: "Actualizando repo"
        - bash: sudo apt-cache policy docker-ce
          displayName: "Verificando repo docker"
        - bash: sudo apt install docker-ce
          displayName: "Instalando Docker "
        - bash: sudo systemctl status docker
          displayName: "Verificando servicio de docker"
        - bash: sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
          displayName: "Agregando permisos a docker"
        - bash: sudo apt install build-essential -y
          displayName: "Insyalando dependenciad de LinuxBrew"
        - bash: sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
          displayName: "Instalando LinuxBrew"
        - bash: echo 'eval $(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)' >> /home/vsts/.bash_profile
          displayName: "Instanado variable de LinuxBrew 1"
        - bash: eval $(/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/brew shellenv)
          displayName: "Instanado variable de LinuxBrew 2"
        - bash: brew --version
          displayName: "Verificando version de brew"
        - bash: brew tap aws/tap
          displayName: "Instalando tap AWS para brew"
        - bash: brew install aws-sam-cli
          displayName: "Instalando cli AWS para brew"
        - bash: aws configure set aws_access_key_id  $(accesskey)
          displayName: "Configurardo aws_access_key_id"
        - bash: aws configure set aws_secret_access_key $(secretacceskey)
          displayName: "Configurardo aws_secret_access_key"
        - bash: aws configure set region us-west-1
          displayName: "Configurardo Region de despligue de AWS"
        - bash: sam --version
          displayName: "Verificando version de SAM"
        - bash: sam validate -t template.yaml
          displayName: "Validacion CF"
        - bash: sam build --use-container
          displayName: "Versionamiento, verificacion de lambdas y construccion de CF para SAM"
        - bash: sam deploy --no-confirm-changeset
          displayName: "Deploy de SAM"

danf22 avatar Aug 29 '20 05:08 danf22

Two years and still no movement on this feature request !! Seems like Azure DevOps backing by MSFT is dwindling.

bbarman4u avatar Jul 11 '21 04:07 bbarman4u