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AWS typescript SDK for deno typescript runtime.

Open PaulThompson opened this issue 4 years ago • 22 comments

Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe. Typescript code generated to a file tree on github, in a manner that can be imported and used by deno. So that users of deno can use the AWS typescript SDK in future.

Describe the solution you'd like Typescript code generated to a file tree on github, in a manner that can be imported by deno. A simple copy of the generated typescript transformed with a find & replace to make imports use a ".ts" suffix on files eg: would read "import { S3Client } from "./S3Client.ts"; would be a start. Deno aims to be very browser compatible including http fetch API.

Describe alternatives you've considered An alternative process could be to create a separate repo that watches this repo and transforms the typescript sources as required. Another alternative is to address this request upstream to Smithy for typescript code-gen

Additional context

PaulThompson avatar Jun 23 '20 18:06 PaulThompson

Attempted the following:

According to operates a rewriting service that transforms NPM modules.

Therefore tried this deno typescript source:

import S3 from '';

async function test() {
    const s3 = new S3({region:'ap-southeast-2'});
    const buckets = await s3.listBuckets({});


Unfortunately jspm doesn't implement node's http2 library:

error: Import '' failed: 404 Not Found
Imported from "!cjs:8"

PaulThompson avatar Jun 23 '20 21:06 PaulThompson

Apparantly there is a tool to transform .ts sources.

PaulThompson avatar Jun 27 '20 22:06 PaulThompson

Working on this in

PaulThompson avatar Jun 28 '20 03:06 PaulThompson

Denoify was too generic for the task - particularly the fact that all the @aws-sdk/* dependencies are right here in the repo. Had an attempt at doing the various find/replaces to get this to work.


Latest error on that is:

error: TS1192 [ERROR]: Module '""' has no default export.
import S3 from '';
    at file:///tmp/test_deno_s3.ts:1:8

TS2552 [ERROR]: Cannot find name 'FileReader'. Did you mean 'fileReader'?
    const fileReader = new FileReader();

    'fileReader' is declared here.
        const fileReader = new FileReader();

Which is unfortunately a deno missing API.

PaulThompson avatar Jun 28 '20 05:06 PaulThompson

The fetch-http-handler should work with Deno:

I tried loading the EventBridge client via the service to no avail:

nl-brett-stime avatar Aug 03 '20 18:08 nl-brett-stime

Deno support would be awesome for scripts that are easy to pass around without having to pass a whole project directory and without requiring colleagues to have deep knowledge of e.g., pip (Python), bundler (Ruby), npm/yarn, etc.

nl-brett-stime avatar Aug 03 '20 18:08 nl-brett-stime

It's not pretty but, for anyone who comes looking, I was able to piece together a request that seems to mostly* work:

// To Run: deno run --allow-net /path/to/this/file.ts

import FetchHttpHandler from '';
import AwsTypes from ''
import SignatureV4 from '';
import Sha256 from "";
import moment from '';

const signer = new SignatureV4.SignatureV4({
    credentials: {
        accessKeyId: 'SomeAccessKey',
        secretAccessKey: 'SomeSecretKey',
        sessionToken: 'SomeSessionToken'
    region: "eu-west-2",
    service: "events",

    sha256: Sha256.Sha256

var request = {
    method: "POST",
    headers: {
        "X-Amz-Target": "AWSEvents.PutEvents",
        "Content-Type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1"
    body: JSON.stringify({
        "Entries": [
                "DetailType": "Scheduled Event",
                "Source": "",
                "Resources": [ "arn:aws:events:eu-west-2:SomeAccountId:rule/SomeRuleName" ],
                "Account": "SomeAccountId",
                "Time": moment().valueOf(),
                "Region": "eu-west-2",
                "Detail": "{}"

    protocol: "https:",
    hostname: "",
    port: 443,
    path: "/",
    query: null,

request = await signer.sign(request);

const fetcher = new FetchHttpHandler.FetchHttpHandler();
const response = await fetcher.handle(request);
const parsedResponse = await response.body.text();

console.log('response', parsedResponse);

* The Deno code above does seem to reach the right backend logic at AWS but the particular action I was trying to invoke is apparently not allowed by AWS. When I ran the code with expired credentials, I got the following response: {"__type":"ExpiredTokenException","message":"The security token included in the request is expired"}. After I fixed that and another minor issue about the format of the timestamp in the body of my request, I got the following response: {"Entries":[{"ErrorCode":"NotAuthorizedForSourceException","ErrorMessage":"Not authorized for the source."}],"FailedEntryCount":1} which means that my use-case of manually testing a Cron/Schedule rule won't work (even using a more mature client) because my user account, which did seem to authenticate, is not authorized to impersonate the EventBridge service itself.

nl-brett-stime avatar Aug 03 '20 22:08 nl-brett-stime

deno FileReader API has been merged to master: :champagne:

I forked the work from @PaulThompson and added a few more fixes. We can now make some basic API requests:

import { S3 } from ''

const s3 = new S3({
  region: Deno.env.get('AWS_REGION'),
  credentials: {
    accessKeyId: Deno.env.get('AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID')!,
    secretAccessKey: Deno.env.get('AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY')!,

const { Buckets = [] } = await s3.listBuckets({})
Buckets.forEach(bucket => console.log(bucket.Name))

christophgysin avatar Aug 11 '20 13:08 christophgysin

Thanks @christophgysin Yes and now deno 1.3.0 has the FileReader landed.

PaulThompson avatar Aug 14 '20 00:08 PaulThompson

someone has been working on DynamoDB client

hom-bahrani avatar Aug 26 '20 19:08 hom-bahrani

I noticed SecretsManager > listSecrets request params are missing 'Filter' param.

const listSecretsRequest: ListSecretsRequest = {
    // this errors out
    Filters: [{
        Key: 'name',
        Values: ['someSecretName],

const existingSecretsResponse: ListSecretsResponse = await secretsManager.listSecrets(

Technically, listSecrets() function wants ListSecretsCommandInput, but this is just a type that is set to ListSecretsRequest.

I'd love to help, but not sure where to start!

mrowles avatar Nov 20 '20 01:11 mrowles

@mrowles Could you open an issue on Please provide a full example to reproduce the problem.

christophgysin avatar Nov 20 '20 18:11 christophgysin

@christophgysin Done, cheers -

mrowles avatar Nov 22 '20 21:11 mrowles

Straight question as the outcome of this thread is not clear ..... does the AWS JavaScript SDK fully support Deno?

bootrino avatar Mar 01 '21 19:03 bootrino

@bootrino No, it does not support deno at all. I maintain a fork that I try to keep in sync which supports deno, and is published on

christophgysin avatar Mar 01 '21 20:03 christophgysin

That's a pity, anyone know if Amazon plans to officially support deno? Is posting in this thread making such a request, or does such a request need to be posted elsewhere?

bootrino avatar Mar 02 '21 20:03 bootrino

Is posting in this thread making such a request, or does such a request need to be posted elsewhere?

This is maintainer of AWS SDK for JavaScript.

Tagging recent commenters @bootrino @christophgysin @mrowles Do upvote on the first post on this issue, so that it appears in one of the most voted issues.

Some ways this request can get prioritized is:

  • Use existing community supported forks of AWS SDK for JavaScript to use Deno on AWS, like
  • Use Deno Runtime on AWS Lambda If Deno usage increases on AWS, Lambda team is likely to prioritize providing official support and SDK would likely follow.
  • Work with Deno community to request release schedule which is backward compatible. This would increase trust among Deno community. Deno currently releases new minor version every six weeks, and I couldn't find documentation on when v2.0 will release or what would happen to v1.0 when next major version is released.
  • Write tweets or blog posts about how support for Deno would be helpful for AWS SDK for JavaScript users. For example, a blog post about benefits of using Deno in the cloud vs other runtimes like Node.js.

trivikr avatar Mar 03 '21 02:03 trivikr

Thanks for the encouragement @trivikr and the work @christophgysin on

PaulThompson avatar Mar 03 '21 22:03 PaulThompson

Update: The private Deno company was just announced

Rest assured that Deno will remain MIT licensed. For Deno to grow and be maximally useful, it must remain permissively free. We don’t believe the “open core” business model is right for a programming platform like Deno. We do not want to find ourselves in the unfortunate position where we have to decide if certain features are for paid customers only. If you watch our conference talks, you will find we've been hinting at commercial applications of this infrastructure for years. We are bullish about the technology stack we've built and intend to pursue those commercial applications ourselves. Our business will build on the open source project, not attempt to monetize it directly.

trivikr avatar Mar 29 '21 19:03 trivikr

@trivikr As of time of writing, this issue has the highest number of 👍s by a fairly large margin:

Great work deno community! 🎉

I can't speak to how much progress has been made on the other points, but for my use case, Deno's number 1 advantage compared to node is its excellent support for HTTP2 out of the box with its native fetch for the client side and built-in http server APIs for the server side.

From my limited research so far, the HTTP2 client situation in node is especially dire:

  • node-fetch doesn't support http2 and has no plans to add it:
  • axios also doesn't support http2:
  • fetch-h2 is working for some people but still has bugs to iron out:
  • got has been the most usable of the bunch for me so far, but specifically doesn't support node 14 (latest version available for lambda) support due to its buggy http2 implementation:

Many of the most widely used AWS services (dynamo, s3, lambda, etc) would benefit greatly from a wider availability of high-quality HTTP2-capable clients (fewer tcp connections -> lower latency for clients and lower load on servers). In fact, this library itself can significantly reduce its maintenance burden in the long term by relying on a robust native fetch implementation in deno over maintaining its own http2 client built on top of the low-level APIs provided by node (and hope node eventually catches up with a native fetch implementation of its own).

lewisl9029 avatar Jan 24 '22 09:01 lewisl9029

Deno v1.25 now has experimental support for npm.

If you test AWS SDK for JavaScript (v3) with Deno v1.25, do post your summary in this issue. If any Node.js modules are not supported on Deno, report those problems on Deno issue tracker.

trivikr avatar Aug 25 '22 21:08 trivikr

Deno v1.25 now has experimental support for npm.

It's just not ready yet, their node polyfill in std didn't implement Hmac. Despite there is a Hmac module available 3rd party, the npm: resolution mechanism has no way to override that via import map.

Given the following script:

import { S3 } from "npm:@aws-sdk/client-s3";

await new S3().listBuckets({});

Deno will fetch and cache all the node dependencies, and then throw this error in runtime:

error: Uncaught Error: Not implemented: crypto.Hmac
  throw new Error(message);
    at notImplemented ([email protected]/node/_utils.ts:23:9)
    at new Hmac ([email protected]/node/internal/crypto/hash.ts:136:5)
    at createHmac ([email protected]/node/crypto.ts:264:10)
    at new Hash (file:///Users/vicary/Library/Caches/deno/npm/
    at hmac (file:///Users/vicary/Library/Caches/deno/npm/
    at getSigningKey (file:///Users/vicary/Library/Caches/deno/npm/
    at SignatureV4.getSigningKey (file:///Users/vicary/Library/Caches/deno/npm/
    at SignatureV4.signRequest (file:///Users/vicary/Library/Caches/deno/npm/
    at async file:///Users/vicary/Library/Caches/deno/npm/
    at async StandardRetryStrategy.retry (file:///Users/vicary/Library/Caches/deno/npm/

vicary avatar Sep 18 '22 21:09 vicary

After publishing this post, someone from Deno pointed me to, which turned out to provide the only DynamoDB client for Deno that worked for me right off the bat. Maybe worth considering as an alternative until we can use the official SDK.

mlafeldt avatar Oct 09 '22 11:10 mlafeldt

someone from Deno pointed me to, which turned out to provide the only DynamoDB client for Deno that worked for me right off the bat. Maybe worth considering as an alternative until we can use the official SDK.

Thanks for the shoutout! My project is intended to serve as a minimal Deno-first API client for all of the various AWS services. It certainly lacks various higher-level routines, notably DynamoDB document helpers (as shown in the linked tweet) and S3 pre-signing.

Anyway, should work for most API-invoking usecases, and I still use it extensively, but I hope to see it made irrelevant by first-class SDK support from AWS ❤️

danopia avatar Oct 18 '22 17:10 danopia