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Can't create a deadline render farm construct using RFDK constructs provided in Python SEP example
I have an existing non-deadline render farm stack. I am trying to integrate deadline using the RFDK.
I tried to move the example SEP stack code (Python) into a CDK construct and then pull that construct in to my existing render farm stack, but I'm running into issues like this: 'deadline/recipes/RemoteConnectionServer' should be created in the scope of a Stack, but no Stack found
for various constructs.
It's highly probable I'm doing something wrong as it seems very unCDK-like to force stack-level constructs? Do ya'll have any guidance on for doing this? For example, here is what I'm doing:
class ExistingRenderFarmStack(cdk.Stack):
def __init__(self, scope: Construct, id: str, *, props: Props, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs)
ExistingFargateRenderFleet(scope, 'fargate-render-fleet')
ExistingLambdaHeadlessRenderFleet(scope, 'lambda-render-fleet')
cinema4d_render_fleet = RenderFleet(
'us-east-1': 'ami-07bc6c154e92f72bf'
instance_type=InstanceType.of(InstanceClass.C5, InstanceSize.XLARGE4),
# The UBL licenses to use. See:
ubl_licenses = [
# Note: SingletonFunction at 'deadline/version/VersionProviderFunction' should be created in the scope of a Stack, but no Stack found
#version = VersionQuery(self, 'version', version=props.deadline_version)
props = DeadlineRenderFarmProps(
DeadlineRenderFarm(scope, 'deadline', props)` # Your SEP example code more or less, but as a construct, not a stack
I believe the issue is with the line:
DeadlineRenderFarm(scope, 'deadline', props)
The scope
of the stack is actually a cdk.App
instance, so you're attempting to attach a construct to an App. Instead it should be:
DeadlineRenderFarm(self, 'deadline', props)
Let me know if that works.
@mainframenzo - just circling back here. Did the suggestion fix your problem?