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Secrets Manager: raises a security issue when adding rotationLambda
Describe the bug
The following cloudformation guard rule fails
This is due to the fact that it is missing a SourceAccount in the service principal
A resource policy for rotation lambda is created here and this causes the cfn guard rule to fail.
Expected Behavior
I should be allowed to add or override the service principal created here, to address cfn guard rule failing
Current Behavior
I have no way to address the cloudformation guard rule, created due to this line
Reproduction Steps
add a rotation lambda to secrets manager, and run cdk cfn guard validator
Possible Solution
No response
Additional Information/Context
No response
CDK CLI Version
Framework Version
No response
Node.js Version
Language Version
No response
Other information
No response
OK I can see the violation messaegs now.
export class DemoStack extends MyStack {
constructor(scope: Construct, id: string, props: StackProps) {
super(scope, id, props);
// get a dummy func
const fn = getLambdaFunction(this);
const secret = new secrets.Secret(this, 'Secret');
secret.addRotationSchedule('Schedule', {
rotationLambda: fn,
And the violation report:
lambda_function_public_access_prohibited_check (1 occurrences)
- Construct Path: DemoStack2/Func/InvokeN0--a2GKfZP0JmDqDE--Vhhu6+A0TUv3NyNbk4YM+FKNc=
- Template Path: DemoStack2.template.json
- Creation Stack:
└── DemoStack2 (DemoStack2)
│ Construct: aws-cdk-lib.Stack
│ Library Version: 2.113.0
│ Location: Run with '--debug' to include location info
└── Func (DemoStack2/Func)
│ Construct: aws-cdk-lib.aws_lambda.Function
│ Library Version: 2.113.0
│ Location: Run with '--debug' to include location info
└── InvokeN0--a2GKfZP0JmDqDE--Vhhu6+A0TUv3NyNbk4YM+FKNc= (DemoStack2/Func/InvokeN0--a2GKfZP0JmDqDE--Vhhu6+A0TUv3NyNbk4YM+FKNc=)
│ Construct: aws-cdk-lib.aws_lambda.CfnPermission
│ Library Version: 2.113.0
│ Location: Run with '--debug' to include location info
- Resource ID: FuncInvokeN0a2GKfZP0JmDqDEVhhu6A0TUv3NyNbk4YMFKNcA632017C
- Template Locations:
> /Resources/FuncInvokeN0a2GKfZP0JmDqDEVhhu6A0TUv3NyNbk4YMFKNcA632017C/Properties
> /Resources/FuncInvokeN0a2GKfZP0JmDqDEVhhu6A0TUv3NyNbk4YMFKNcA632017C/Properties
> /Resources/FuncInvokeN0a2GKfZP0JmDqDEVhhu6A0TUv3NyNbk4YMFKNcA632017C/Properties
> /Resources/FuncInvokeN0a2GKfZP0JmDqDEVhhu6A0TUv3NyNbk4YMFKNcA632017C/Properties
Description: [CT.LAMBDA.PR.2]: Require AWS Lambda function policies to prohibit public access
How to fix: [FIX]: When setting 'Principal' to '*', provide one of 'SourceAccount', 'SourceArn', or 'PrincipalOrgID'. When setting 'Principal' to a service principal (for example,, provide one of 'SourceAccount' or 'SourceArn'.
Rule Metadata:
And the affected CFN resource
"FuncInvokeN0a2GKfZP0JmDqDEVhhu6A0TUv3NyNbk4YMFKNcA632017C": {
"Type": "AWS::Lambda::Permission",
"Properties": {
"Action": "lambda:InvokeFunction",
"FunctionName": {
"Fn::GetAtt": [
"Principal": ""
"Metadata": {
"aws:cdk:path": "DemoStack2/Func/InvokeN0--a2GKfZP0JmDqDE--Vhhu6+A0TUv3NyNbk4YM+FKNc="
And due to this message:
When setting 'Principal' to a service principal (for example,, provide one of 'SourceAccount' or 'SourceArn'
It will need the SourceAccount
or SourceArn
as the service principal.
And according to the document, the SourceAccount
condition is optional but recommended.
Yes I think we should include that as it's recommended.
Maybe we should fix this with a tiny PR like
const grantee = new iam.ServicePrincipal('', {
conditions: {
'SourceAccount': Aws.ACCOUNT_ID,
const grant = props.rotationLambda.grantInvoke(grantee);