amazon-ssm-agent copied to clipboard
No s3 log when ssh ubuntu@i-xxxxxxxxxx
when I start session via browser:
I get s3 output when session ends. The same way when I start session using aws ssm start-session --target i-xxxxxxxxx
But when I start session using ssh ubuntu@i-xxxxxxxxxx
session starts, but there is no audit log in s3.
Sessions stops with
[ubuntu@xxxxxxx ~]$ exit
Connection to i-xxxxxxx closed.
Command '['session-manager-plugin', '{"SessionId": "xxxxxxxx", "TokenValue": "token", "StreamUrl": "wss://", "ResponseMetadata": {"RequestId": "xxxxx", "HTTPStatusCode": 200, "HTTPHeaders": {"x-amzn-requestid": "xxxxxx", "content-type": "application/x-amz-json-1.1", "content-length": "690", "date": "Fri, 12 Jul 2019 10:05:40 GMT"}, "RetryAttempts": 0}}', 'eu-west-1', 'StartSession', '', '{"Target": "i-xxxxxx", "DocumentName": "AWS-StartSSHSession", "Parameters": {"portNumber": ["22"]}}', '']' died with <Signals.SIGPIPE: 13>.
Can you please advise?
Thanks for reaching out. Logging is not enabled for SSH/SCP over session manager as SSH encrypts all data and session manager merely acts as a tunnel, we will explore in the future.
Hi @sruthi-maddineni,
Thanks for acknowledging, can we expect this feature any time soon??? Any timeline associated with this issue?
@sruthi-maddineni Any update on this?
Also, Hey @MilanDasek from CM! :)
Any update when this request would be considered in future? This would really an important addition. Have anyone found any other alternative approach to get the audit log for port forwarding session or SSH session?
Do we have an update on this? This is really a showstopper when it comes to audit logs for SSM with portforwarding or SSH documents. Do you suggest any alternatives?
We ended up switching over to SSM sessions.
Here is my helper bash script that allow you to connect to a machine by specifying its name so its usage is closer to SSH.
if [ -z "$1" ]; then
echo "You need to specify instance name."
exit 1;
instance_id=$(aws ec2 describe-instances --filter "Name=tag:Name,Values=$1" "Name=instance-state-name,Values=running" --query "Reservations[*].Instances[*].{Instance:InstanceId}" --output=text | head -n1)
aws ssm start-session --target=$instance_id
Any updates on this or workarounds?