amazon-redshift-jdbc-driver copied to clipboard
Dbeaver error with Redshift driver "userSetServerless" is null
Driver version
Redshift version
PostgreSQL 8.0.2 on i686-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by GCC gcc (GCC) 3.4.2 20041017 (Red Hat 3.4.2-6.fc3), Redshift 1.0.63269
Client Operating System
Windows 10
JAVA/JVM version
java version "1.8.0"
Problem description
Expected behaviour: When connecting from Dbeaver using current jdbc driver redshift-jdbc42- I should be able to connect successfully using SAML. We currently using the driver redshift-jdbc42- and that can connect successfully.
Actual behaviour: When connecting from Dbeaver using updated jdbc driver 42- we get the error below.
Error message/stack trace: Cannot invoke "String.equalsIgnoreCase(String)" because "userSetServerless" is null
Any other details that can be helpful: DBeaver Version The Cluster type is a Redshift Provisioned cluster (dc2.large) ie not serverless and the error seems to be related to a serverless parameter which should not be applicable.
Hi @bkenny1 thanks for bringing this to out attention! Can you please provide DEBUG level 6 driver logs for this? Instructions on how to configure logging can be found at :
Hi @bhvkshah Thanks. I have the logs available, how do I provide them? As an attachment in the comments?
Yes, that works
Error log userSetServerless.txt Logs attached @bhvkshah, thanks for your help
Reporting similar - SAML authentication via browser fails to connect. Internal policy prevents me from publishing a log file, but I've reviewed @bkenny1's and can confirm that the error section is identical:
... redacted...
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.ui.navigator.database.load.TreeLoadService.evaluate(
at org.jkiss.dbeaver.ui.navigator.database.load.TreeLoadService.evaluate(
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "String.equalsIgnoreCase(String)" because "userSetServerless" is null
... redacted...
Thanks for the update. We'll have a fix for this in the next release.
Update (for support team and in case others see this)
Was able to temporarily resolve. DBeaver version: 23.3.5 Manually set DBeaver Maven Redshift driver version to Manually download, unzipped, and add files from redshift-jdbc42- to driver manager. Successfully configured and connected to our cluster via BrowserSAMLAuthentication with login_url parameter and SSL configured.
Unsure yet if rolling back the DBeaver version or manually setting up the driver (or both) is what fixed it, but its working now and I'm reluctant to play with it to find out 🤣
@eric-riggan thanks for letting us know! Likely Dbeaver update fixed it, because there aren't any changes pertaining to this part of the jdbc driver between and Glad your issue is resolved!
My team has been struggling with the same issue on Mac, but finally got it working today. Switching to DBeaver v23.3.5 did not help, but switching the redshift driver to v2.1.0.26 did work.
Resolved with release.
Seeing same issues with DBeaver Version and jdbc driver
downgraded to jdbc driver with DBeaver Version and its working, thank you.