amazon-ivs-react-native-player icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
amazon-ivs-react-native-player copied to clipboard

A React Native wrapper for the Amazon IVS iOS and Android player SDKs.

Amazon IVS React Native Player

This package implements native binding for Amazon IVS Player for iOS and Android.


  • install amazon-ivs-react-native-player dependency using yarn or npm
npm install amazon-ivs-react-native-player
  • install pods for your ios project. Go to ios directory and run
pod install


import IVSPlayer from 'amazon-ivs-react-native-player';

const URL =

function App() {
  return <IVSPlayer streamUrl={URL} />;

A more detailed guide about usage can be found here

IVSPlayer component

IVSPlayer is a component that can render a video stream based on the passed URL.

  • Props documentation
  • Ref methods documentation


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.


To hide Home Indicator on iOS when video is in full screen, use this library:


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.