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Audio Session drops with unknown status (82)
Development background: Development of padOS app including Chime has been underway for a few months. No problem until this last week or so.
The issue: After starting a meeting session about 30s into the audio drops and the other meeting participants observe the padOS participant drop out of the meeting. It becomes impossible to mute/unmute the audio although video and messaging continue to work.
AudioVideoObserver audioSessionDidStopWithStatus is called with am unknown
status (raw value of 82). These messages are also reported
2022-08-05 14:25:17.307384+1200 Moxion[403:11277] [ERROR] Session - mic signal_buf_read timed out after 30 seconds
2022-08-05 14:25:17.307639+1200 Moxion[403:11277] [ERROR] Session - media stream: mic tick failed; err=8 res=2
2022-08-05 14:25:17.309165+1200 Moxion[403:10268] [INFO] Session - AudioClient State rawValue: 7 Unknown Status rawValue: 82
2022-08-05 14:25:17.814686+1200 Moxion[403:10902] [ERROR] Session - xal_apple: timed out waiting for spk shutdown
2022-08-05 14:25:18.320098+1200 Moxion[403:10902] [ERROR] Session - xal_apple: timed out waiting for mic shutdown
A clear and concise description of what the bug is.
To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior:
- Join meeting session with other participant2.
- Wait ~30s
- Audio stops.
Expected behavior
- Audio should not drop
- Mute and unmute continue to work
- audioSessionDidStopWithStatus should not be called
2022-08-05 14:25:17.307384+1200 Moxion[403:11277] [ERROR] Session - mic signal_buf_read timed out after 30 seconds 2022-08-05 14:25:17.307639+1200 Moxion[403:11277] [ERROR] Session - media stream: mic tick failed; err=8 res=2 2022-08-05 14:25:17.309165+1200 Moxion[403:10268] [INFO] Session - AudioClient State rawValue: 7 Unknown Status rawValue: 82 2022-08-05 14:25:17.814686+1200 Moxion[403:10902] [ERROR] Session - xal_apple: timed out waiting for spk shutdown 2022-08-05 14:25:18.320098+1200 Moxion[403:10902] [ERROR] Session - xal_apple: timed out waiting for mic shutdown
Screenshots N/A
Test environment Info (please complete the following information):
- iPad Air 5th Gen
- OS: iOS 15.6
- Version AmazonChimeSDK: 0.21.2
- Version AmazonChimeSDKMedia: 0.17.2
- Can you reproduce this in the demo app? Not yet tried - will update. If you are reporting a crash:
- Are you using bitcode supported binaries? N/A
Additional context
This has been working solidly for some time now; browser and backend has been in place for many months so only the iPad development is more recent.
Around about the same time as noticing this I have updated iPad to 15.6 CallKit not being used. No alarms or other events received.
Hi @notapplicableio,
I've tried the demo app with iPad Air 5th Gen(iOS 15.6) with all audio mode options, could not reproduce the issue.
Could you verify if you can reproduce it with demo app? Also please verify if you can reproduce this issue with a different iPad.
The latest iOS SDK version is v0.22.1, please also try if the latest version solves the issue.
I haven't been able to get the demo app to run.
But I have discovered more information:
- I'm starting separate video playback which might be confusing the audio sessions. It doesn't seem to register as an interruption.
- Class RTCNetworkMonitor is implemented in both AmazonChimeMedia and WebRTC. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
Potentially one or both of these could be causing a problem.
For the former case, do you have any guidance on video playback during the meeting?
I've worked this out. Because the rest of the app makes use of AVAudioSession and because that was configured differently (placyback vs playAndRecord) to that of Chime, it triggered the audio to be dropped.
Solved by setting the app's AVAudioSession to be the same as Chime's and then the audio doesn't drop. I reverse this when Chime is no longer needed.
Thanks for sharing the result. Let us know if there's anything further needed.