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Seamlessly invoke Amazon Bedrock or your custom models, enabling a smooth experience with AWS GenAI services.

Sample Connector for Bedrock

This is a bedrock API forwarding tool that can issue virtual keys, log chats, and manage costs.

It is compatible with any OPENAI client that can define Host and API Key.

Key Features

Models/Platform Support

  • Bedrock SDXL [Since Docker image version 0.0.9]. See Screenshots.

  • Sagemaker LMI [Since Docker image version 0.0.8]

  • Amazon Bedrock Converse API [Since Docker image version 0.0.6]

  • Ollama [Since Docker image version 0.0.6]

  • Bedrock Knowledge base. See Instruction. [Since Docker image version 0.0.4]

  • Mistral, model name options: [Since Docker image version 0.0.2]

    • mistral-7b
    • mistral-large
    • mistral-8x7b
    • mistral-small (region: us-east-1)
  • Claude 3, model name options: [Since Docker image version 0.0.1]

    • claude-3-sonnet (this is the default model)
    • claude-3-haiku
    • claude-3-opus
  • LLama 3, model name options: [Since Docker image version 0.0.1]

    • llama3-8b
    • llama3-70b

API Key and Cost Management

  • Create API Keys. Can be created for regular users and administrators. Regular users can chat, while administrators can manage API Keys and costs.
  • Record the cost of each call and use it as the basis for cost control.
  • Cost Control. You can set a monthly quota and account balance for each API Key. When the monthly quota or account balance is insufficient, it cannot be used.
  • Calculate the overall cost.

You can customize the pricing for your model. Please refer to the official website for the Bedrock pricing.

The cost calculation of this project cannot serve as the billing basis for AWS. Please refer to the AWS bill for actual charges.

api key

Model management

Models and their parameters can be defined from the backend.

Model Access Control [Since Docker image version 0.0.6]

  • Models can be bound to Groups.

  • Models can be bound to API keys.

models bind


This connector provides a series of providers for model support, and you can configure them by writing JSON from the backend.

Model config


Since Docker image version 0.0.9

Draw using the conversation mode.

Key Type Required Default value Description
llmModelId string N "anthropic.claude-3-sonnet-20240229-v1:0" You should choose a bedrock model for function calling
sdModelId string N "stability.stable-diffusion-xl-v1" Bedrock SDXL model id. This provider is only compatible with sdxl now.
s3Bucket string Y S3 is for storing the generated images, please set the IAM permissions to meet access requirements.
s3Prefix string N "" The S3 prefix combined with the date will ultimately form the S3 key.
s3Region string Y S3 bucket region
regions string N ["us-east-1"] If you have applied and specified multiple regions, then a region will be randomly selected for the call. This feature can effectively alleviate performance bottlenecks.


Since Docker image version 0.0.8

Please see Deploy models on SageMaker.

Key Type Required Default value Description
endpointName string Y Sagemaker endpoint name
regions string[] or string N ["us-east-1"] If you have applied and specified multiple regions, then a region will be randomly selected for the call. This feature can effectively alleviate performance bottlenecks.


Since Docker image version 0.0.6

Invoke model via Amazon Bedrock Converse API. You can config all supported models with this provider.

This page explains how to use Bedrock Converse API, and what features it supports.

It is recommended to use this provider, which can uniformly configure Bedrock models and support function calling.

Key Type Required Default value Description
modelId string Y Model id, See Bedrock doc
regions string[] or string N ["us-east-1"] If you have applied and specified multiple regions, then a region will be randomly selected for the call. This feature can effectively alleviate performance bottlenecks.


You can deploy native model with Ollama, This provider can adapt to the API of Ollama.

Key Type Required Default value Description
host string Y Ollama's host address
model string Y Model id. See Ollama doc


Key Type Required Default value Description
knowledgeBaseId string Y The Bedrock knowledge base id
summaryModel string Y choices: claude-3-sonnet, claude-3-haiku, claude-3-opus
region string Y The region of you Bedrock kb instance.


Key Type Required Default value Description
modelId string Y Model id, See Bedrock doc
anthropic_version string N bedrock-2023-05-31 Version, must be "bedrock-2023-05-31"
regions string[] or string N ["us-east-1"]


Key Type Required Default value Description
modelId string Y Model id, See Bedrock doc
regions string[] or string N ["us-east-1"]


Key Type Required Default value Description
modelId string Y Model id, See Bedrock doc
regions string[] or string N ["us-east-1"]


Although this project is in rapic iterating, we still provide a relative easy way to deploy.

Using Cloudformation template to deploy or follow these steps to deploy:

1. Prepare a server to host the connector

Launch an EC2 on AWS or any other server with docker support.

2. Run Postgres with docker

Launch a docker container to host postgres with the following shell command:

docker run --name postgres \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
  -p 5432:5432 \
  -d postgres

Then create a database named brconnector_db with the following command.

At first, attach to the prostgress container:

docker exec -it postgres psql -U postgres

Then, in the SQL command line of postgres, run the following command to create the database:

CREATE DATABASE brconnector_db;

The database name is not necessary to be brconnector_db, you can use what ever valid database name you want.

If you use your own database name, make sure that you remember the database name and replace brconnector_db with your database name.

3. Start the connector server with docker

Run the following docker command directly to start the connector container.

Make sure to replace the value of access key, secret key, region to be right ones.

And, important! replace the value of ADMIN_API_KEY to be a complex key instead of using the simple one in the sample.

docker run --name brconnector \
 --restart always --pull always \
 -p 8866:8866 \
 -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=xxxx \
 -e AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=us-east-1 \
 -e PGSQL_DATABASE=brconnector_db \
 -e PGSQL_USER=postgres \
 -e PGSQL_PASSWORD=mysecretpassword \
 -e ADMIN_API_KEY=br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
 -d cloudbeer/sample-connector-for-bedrock

4. Test the connector server

Now, you have the first admin user with the API_KEY "br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx".

And the server export port 8866 to the hosting EC2.

Test the server with the API_Key using curl command:

curl "http://localhost:8866/admin/api-key/list" \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" 

You will get something like the following if every things go well:


5. Creat the first admin user

The API_KEY configed above is only used for booting the server and create first admin user.

This API_KEY is not designed to be used as admin user or normal user.

Create the first admin user with the following command:

curl -X POST "http://localhost:8866/admin/api-key/apply" \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -H "Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" \
     -d '{"name": "adminuser","group_id": 1,"role": "admin","email": "", "month_quota":"20"}'

You will get some response like the following:


Record the new api_key for the new user, this api_key can be used to config your client to chat. and this api_key can be used to login the connector's manager WebUI to manage other api_key.

6. Config client to connect to the connector server

You should expose the connector server with HTTPS.

One simple way to do it on AWS is creating a CloudFront CDN to provide SSL support.

For more information about setting up CloudFront on AWS, please refer to official document of AWS.

Open a client that can define Host and API Key for OpenAI.

In Host field enter the CloudFront url.

In the "APK Key" field, enter the API_Key of your first admin user, which is the one you created in step 5.

Then, open a new chat to test.

If every thing goes well, you can start to chat.


You can use the sample client provided by to test this project.

Since 0.0.8, this client has been built into the docker image. The access address is: https://your-endpoint/brclient/

7. The connector's WebUI

If you have not set the environment variable DISABLE_UI, you can now access the BRConnector WebUI via https://your-endpoint/manager.

You can log in and manage it using the API key you just generated. Enter https://your-endpoint as the Host.

Dev Mode

Install dependencies:

npm install
# or


the .env file

Place it in the root directory of the project.


The connector supports the following environment variables:

Key Required Default value Description
ADMIN_API_KEY yes You need to set this value to generate the first API key.
PGSQL_HOST no The address of the PostgreSQL. If the database is not configured, then the connector is just a pure proxy.
PGSQL_PORT no 5432 The port of the PostgreSQL.
PGSQL_DATABASE no The name of the PostgreSQL database.
PGSQL_USER no The login user for the PostgreSQL.
PGSQL_PASSWORD no The password user for the PostgreSQL.
PGSQL_MAX no 80 The maximum connection pool size for PostgreSQL.
PGSQL_DEBUG_MODE no false If you set this parameter, it will print out the SQL statements and parameters in the console.
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID no If your application has been authorized through an IAM policy, you don't need to set this variable.
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY no If your application has been authorized through an IAM policy, you don't need to set this variable.
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION no 'us-east-1'
DEBUG_MODE no false If you set this parameter, it will print out a lot of debugging information in the console.
DISABLE_UI no false Setting this value will not publish the front-end UI.
SMTP_HOST no SMTP server host address. Setting up an SMTP Server allows you to send your API key directly to the user's email inbox.
SMTP_PORT no 465 SMTP server port number
SMTP_USER no SMTP server username
SMTP_PASS no SMTP server password
SMPT_FROM no SMTP sender email address, your SMTP server maybe verify this

Run backend

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

If you have configured postgres, the tables will be created automatically.

Run fontend

npm run dev-ui
# or
yarn dev-ui


Build the backend and frontend together

npm run build
# or
yarn build

The above command will compile the frontend and backend applications into the dist/public and dist/server directories, respectively.

After a successful compilation, navigate to the dist directory and execute node server/index.js.

If you have not disabled the WebUI, http://localhost:8866/manager will be bound to the WebUI.

Build back-end (Option)

npm run build-server
# or
yarn build-server

Build front-end (Option)

npm run build-ui
# or
yarn build-ui

Build docker image

The content of the Dockerfile:

FROM node:20

COPY ./dist /app
COPY ./src/scripts/* ./src/scripts/
COPY ./package.json .

RUN npm install --omit=dev

HEALTHCHECK --interval=5s --timeout=3s \
  CMD curl -fs http://localhost:8866/ || exit 1


CMD ["node", "server/index.js"]

Please note: The above code is not included in this project. Please save the above content in the project's root directory ./Dockerfile.

Then execute the following command:

docker build -t <registry-repo-tag> .

API Specification



POST /v1/chat/completions
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  "model": "claude-3-sonnet",
  "messages": [
      "role": "user",
      "content": "ping"
  "stream": true,
  "temperature": 1,
  "max_tokens": 4096

List supported models

GET /v1/models
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Admin API

Create an api key

POST /admin/api-key/apply
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  "name": "jack",
  "group_id": 1,
  "role": "user",
  "email": "",
  "month_quota": 1.00

Create an api key with admin role

POST /admin/api-key/apply
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  "name": "rob",
  "group_id": 1,
  "role": "admin",
  "email": ""

Update and api key's info

POST /admin/api-key/update
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  "id": 2,
  "name": "jack",
  "month_quota": 10.00

Recharge up an API key

POST /admin/api-key/recharge
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  "api_key": "br-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "balance": 0.23

recharge history

GET /admin/payment/list?key_id=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

List api keys

GET /admin/api-key/list?q=&limit=10&offset=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

List sessions

GET /admin/session/list?q=&limit=10&offset=&key_id=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

List threads / histories

GET /admin/thread/list?q=&limit=10&offset=&key_id=&session_id=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Update Config Region

POST /admin/config/region
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


List Config Region

GET /admin/config/region
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

User API

My sessions

GET /user/session/list?q=&limit=10&offset=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My session detail

GET /user/session/detail/1
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My threads / histories

GET /user/thread/list?q=&limit=10&offset=&session_id=
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

My thread detail

GET /user/thread/detail/1
Authorization: Bearer br_xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


This connector is an open-source software aimed at providing proxy services for using Bedrock services. We make our best efforts to ensure the security and legality of the software, but we are not responsible for the users' behavior.

The connector is intended solely for personal learning and research purposes. Users shall not use it for any illegal activities, including but not limited to hacking, spreading illegal information, etc. Otherwise, users shall bear the corresponding legal responsibilities themselves. Users are responsible for complying with the laws and regulations in their respective jurisdictions and shall not use the connector for any illegal or non-compliant purposes. The developers and maintainers of this software shall not be liable for any disputes, losses, or legal liabilities arising from the use of this connector.

We reserve the right to modify or terminate the connector's code at any time without further notice. Users are expected to understand and comply with the relevant local laws and regulations.

If you have any questions regarding this disclaimer, please feel free to contact us through the open-source channels.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.