aws-system-manager-automation-unencrypted-to-encrypted-resources copied to clipboard
Remediation TASK fail for missing Autorization
I had some problem during the remediation phase 👍
Resource handler returned message: "User: arn:aws:sts::8422xxxxxx:assumed-role/EBS-ENCRYPTION-STACK1-EncryptionRemediationRol-F56KAP7MJXHG/Automation-025ab52d-d1b8-4c65-8abf-f570c20e6791 is not authorized to perform: lambda:GetFunction on resource: arn:aws:lambda:eu-west-1:842270965037:function:DetachVolumeLambda-76145994-2407-4011-aa59-258d20090330 because no identity-based policy allows the lambda:GetFunction action (Service: Lambda, Status Code: 403, Request ID: 4f73ad97-916d-4f36-ae73-b1e62bd510b8)" (RequestToken: ca1bd206-929d-1b07-672f-a44995ae4f6e, HandlerErrorCode: AccessDenied)
Seems that the LAMBDA function autorization assigned into the ROLE (STACK1) is not correct. WORKAROUND I solved Editing te role and assign the action: "lambda:GetFunction", "lambda:DeleteFunction", "lambda:CreateFunction", "lambda:InvokeFunction"
Maybe there is some issue with the role created with TASK1 CF template.
After changed the ROLE, I can finish all the remediation TASK... And the Overall status of the remediation task is OK.. But the latest 3 step of the remediation remain in "Pending state".
Is this correct\normal ?