aws-service-catalog-reference-architectures copied to clipboard
Sample CloudFormation templates and architecture for AWS Service Catalog
Issue: After updating to Landing Zone 3.0 Lambda function `security/guardduty/` fails to run when delegated account was set because describe_trails in `create_s3_destination` request returns `[]` Reason: CloudTrail trails were migrated...
BulkLambdas fails to create, gives error. The following resource(s) failed to create: [LambdaUploadCSV, LambdaCleanup, StartStateMachine, LambdaMonitor, LambdaReport, LambdaProvision, LambdaHandleFailed, LambdaTerminate].
While deploying the solution with codepipeline/ , the stack SC-RA-IACPipeline fails to create with the following error : DeployedTemplatesBucketPolicy: Invalid principal in policy (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error...
While building aws-service-catalog-reference-architectures/iam/sc-ec2vpc-launchrole.yml, CodeBuild fails the build: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ | FAIL F38 | | Resources: ["SCLaunchConstraintRole"] | Line Numbers: [35] | | IAM role should not allow * resource with PassRole...
Hello, after testing product " Demo Apache Webserver" I received an error in cloudformation: ``` Instance i-002063fcc56a1fa19 failed to stabilize. Current state: shutting-down. Reason: Client.InternalError: Client error on launch ```...
Hello, I ran into an issue. I saw in the pipeline this: ``` [Container] 2022/04/09 10:03:43 Running command aws cloudformation update-stack-set --stack-set-name SC-IAC-automated-IAMroles --parameters "[{\"ParameterKey\":\"RepoRootURL\",\"ParameterValue\":\"https://$\"}]" --template-url "[https://$](" --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM...
During recent issue with launching a Service catalog product, I ran into "Error: Null". Later discovered that product I was trying to create already exist, error message was misleading. Opened...
Re: AWS Service Catalog RDS Reference architecture In the portfolio [CloudFormation template]( there is a typo in line 196 that triggers an S3 access denied error when creating the stack...
*Issue #109* *Description of changes:* Control Tower 3.0 migrated to Organization CloudTrail. Changed code to retrieve CloudTrail from management account instead of delegated admin account. By submitting this pull request,...
We are unable to remove tags from Service Catalog provisioned product. Even though, it is included in the Cloudtrail call that tag is removed but still exist within the pp....