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Implements OPA-based preventive security controls for AWS Infrastructure using Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC), that can establish a security baseline and safeguard resources before deployment...

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This repo contains Open Policy Agent (OPA) policies to test AWS infrastructure against terraform plan.

Why OPA?

OPA provides a powerful policy engine that helps organizations enforce fine-grained policies across their applications and infrastructure, improving security, compliance, and policy management capabilities.

Benefits of using this repo policies:

Implementing OPA-based preventive security controls for Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC) can establish a security baseline and safeguard resources before deployment into the AWS Accounts and reduce security risks.


What is OPA?

The OPA is an open source, general-purpose policy engine that unifies policy enforcement across the stack. OPA provides a high-level declarative language that lets you specify policy as code and simple APIs to offload policy decision-making from your software.

To learn more, refer

Folder structure

  • policy-as-code/OPA/policy/aws/<service_name> - contains the actual policy files written in rego language for each AWS service.
  • policy-as-code/OPA/policy/template - contains the sample files for each OPA rule for AWS service.
  • policy-as-code/OPA/policy/common.utils.rego - utils package for common code/functions used in actual rule rego files.

Template folder files

  1. aws-service_name-policy_id.mock.json: Terraform mock policy file, that will be used for checking rego code. i.e. ./policy/aws/efs/aws-efs-m-2.mock.json

  2. aws-service_name-policy_id.rego: Rego policy file i.e. ./policy/aws/efs/aws-efs-m-2.rego

  3. aws-service_name-policy_id.test.rego Rego tests file. Valid cases & invalid cases i.e. ./policy/aws/efs/aws-efs-m-2.test.rego

File naming convention:


  • service_name - any of the AWS services E.g., s3, efs, dynamodb, etc. - aws-s3-<type_of_control>-<policy_id>
  • type_of_control - can be any one of (m, r) - m refers to mandatory control, r for recommended control - aws-s3-m-<policy_id>
  • policy_id - can be a number E.g., 1, 2, 3 - aws-s3-m-1 or aws-s3-r-1



  1. Install terraform
  2. Install opa
  3. Install conftest

Download the repo and do the following:

  1. Write your own terraform code and generate plan using below commands:

    terraform init 
    terraform plan -input=false -refresh -no-color -out=/tmp/planfile 
    terraform show -json /tmp/planfile > /tmp/plan.json
  2. Run specific OPA rule against the generated terraform plan use:

    Go to the directory of the repo - ~/policy-as-code/OPA/policy (Note: check the path correctly)

    opa eval -i <terraform_plan_json_file_path> -d <OPA_rule_rego_file_path> -d <common_utils_file_path> "<service_name>.<policy_id>.deny"


    cd ~/policy-as-code/OPA/policy
    opa eval -i /tmp/plan.json -d aws/efs/aws-efs-m-1.rego -d common.utils.rego ""
  3. Run all OPA rules in this repository against the generated terraform plan use:

    Go to the directory of the repo - ~/policy-as-code/OPA/ (Note: check the path correctly)

    conftest test  <terraform_plan_json_file_path> -o table --all-namespaces -p <OPA_rule_policy_dir_file_path>


    cd ~/policy-as-code/OPA/
    conftest test /tmp/tfplan.json -o table --all-namespaces -p policy/
  4. If opa evaluations are done successfully against the generated plan, you can safely deploy the infrastructure. If not, modify terraform code to comply with the policies defined.


See CONTRIBUTING for more information.


This project is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License.