aws-cudos-framework-deployment copied to clipboard
Can't deploy graviton dashboard
When deploying the graviton dashboard via command line, this is what I'm seeing:
[cloudshell-user@ip-redacted ~]$ cid-cmd deploy
Loading plugins...
Core loaded
Checking AWS environment...
profile name: default
accountId: accountidnumbers
AWS userId: AWSReservedSSO_Admin_redacted/[email protected]
Region: us-east-1
Discovering AWS News F: 0%| | 0/9 [00:00<?, ?it/s]
? [dashboard-id] Please select a dashboard to deploy: [graviton-opportunities] Graviton Opportunities Dashboard
Required datasets:
- graviton_elasticache_view
- graviton_opensearch_view
- graviton_ec2_view
- graviton_rds_view
Looking by DataSetId defined in template...complete
There are still 4 datasets missing: graviton_ec2_view, graviton_elasticache_view, graviton_opensearch_view, graviton_rds_view
Creating dataset: graviton_ec2_view
{'account_id': 'accountidnumbers'}
? [data-collection-database-name] Required parameter: data_collection_database_name (Enter the name of the data collection database): optimization_data
? [athena-workgroup] Select Amazon Athena workgroup to use: CID
? [quicksight-datasource-id] Please choose DataSource (Select the first one if not sure): CID-CMD-Athena CID-CMD-Athena (workgroup=CID)
? [athena-database] Select AWS Athena database to use: customer_cur_data
Detected views: account_map, modernization_mapping
Missing views: graviton_ec2_view
Checking if CUR is enabled and available...
? [cur-table-name] Please select CUR: cur
Athena table: cur
Resource IDs: yes
SavingsPlans: yes
Reserved Instances: yes
CRITICAL - Athena query failed: line 13:6: Column 'product_location' cannot be resolved