aws-cloud9-bootstrapping-example copied to clipboard
This example Cloudformation Code Project shows how to bootstrap AWS Cloud9 environments using Cloudformation, AWS Lambda and AWS Systems Manager
Cloud9 Bootstrapping
AWS Cloud9 might not be available to new customers, please read:"
Only or testing purpose, do not use in production. - Enables Admin access via AWS Cloud9 within your AWS Account! -
This example Cloudformation Deployment shows how to deploy an AWS Cloud9 Environment for yourself or team members and run an automated bootstrap so you can install software components needed on the fly. This is usefull for workshops, unified deployments, etc.
you may use the template directly or leverage the bash shell script for deployment
There are a few parameters you might want to adjust.
Parameter Name | Description |
ExampleC9InstanceType | Example Cloud9 EC2 instance type |
ExampleC9EnvType | Environment Type. For yourself or to be deployed to a team member 3rd person by you? |
ExampleOwnerArn | if you selected "3rd person" when choosing ExampleC9EnvType please add the OwnerARN of the User or Role |
ExampleC9InstanceVolumeSize | The size of the System Volume for the Cloud9 instance |
Some tech Details
This deployment uses Cloudformation to deploy Cloud9 It does include a Custom:Resource to pull the EC2 InstanceID from the Cloud9 Instance and applies an InstanceRole and Profile to the Cloud9 Instance. Also it creates a AWS Systems Manager Automation Document and Job which does the bootstrapping once the instance booted up. After the bootstrap process the instance gets a one-time reboot.
Please plan around 15min to a finished, ready to use Cloud9 Instance/Environment
See CONTRIBUTING for more information.
This library is licensed under the MIT-0 License. See the LICENSE file.