amazon-ecs-and-aws-step-functions-design-patterns-starter-kit copied to clipboard
Amazon ECS and AWS Step Functions Design Patterns Starter kit
This starter kit demonstrates how to run Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) tasks using AWS Step Functions. We will implement the following design patterns:
- Running ECS tasks using AWS Lambda
- Running ECS tasks using Step Functions native integration
We use AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) to deploy application resources.
- Prerequisites
- ECS Task Business Logic
- Amazon DynamoDB Tables
- Workflow Specification
- AWS CDK Stacks
- Pattern 1: Running ECS tasks using AWS Lambda
- Pattern 2: Running ECS tasks using Step Functions native integration
- Build
- Deploy
- Pattern 1: Testing ECS tasks using AWS Lambda
- Pattern 2: Testing ECS tasks using Step Functions native integration
- Cleanup
- Contributors
- Docker software is installed on your MacBook / Laptop
- Docker daemon is running
- You have AWS account credentials
ECS Task Business Logic
We run a simple business logic within an ECS task. It creates a copy of the input file in S3 bucket. We will run multiple instances of the task simultaneously.
Amazon DynamoDB Tables
Each pattern requires 2 DynamoDB tables. They are workflow_summary and workflow_details. workflow_summary is used to audit the status of overall workflow execution status. workflow_details is used to audit the status of individual ECS tasks. The schema of the DynamoDB tables is described in the below table.
Table | Schema | Capacity |
workflow_summary_pattern_x | Partition key = workflow_name (String), Sort key = workflow_run_id (Number) | Provisioned read capacity units = 5, Provisioned write capacity units = 5 |
workflow_details_pattern_y | Partition key = workflow_run_id (Number), Sort key = ecs_task_id (String) | Provisioned read capacity units = 5, Provisioned write capacity units = 5 |
Note: here, x and y represent either 1 or 2.
Workflow Specification
We create 2 Step Functions State machines to demonstrate the design patterns. State machine is executed with a JSON specs as an input. The specs have two parts - 1) values for ECS cluster, DynamoDB tables, subnets, security groups, S3 bucket etc. 2) list of ECS tasks to run. Table below describes the specs.
JSON Attribute | Description |
region | AWS region used |
s3BucketName | Amazon S3 bucket used demonstrate ECS Task Business Logic |
subnetIdLiteral | List of Subnet Ids separated by a separator |
separator | The separator used in subnetIdLiteral |
workflowName | Name of the workflow name for e.g. amazon_ecs_starter_kit-pattern-1 |
securityGroupId | The security group id used to run ECS tasks |
ddbTableNameWFSummary | Name of the DynamoDB table for workflow summary |
hashKeyWFSummary | The hash key of workflow summary table |
rangeKeyWFSummary | The sort key of workflow summary table |
ddbTableNameWFDetails | Name of the DynamoDB table for workflow details |
hashKeyWFDetails | The hash key of workflow details table |
rangeKeyWFDetails | The sort key of workflow details table |
clusterName | Name of the ECS cluster |
containerName | Name of the container |
taskDefinition | Name of the ECS task definition name |
taskList | It has specs for one more ECS tasks. These specs drive the business logic of a task. Each task has three attributes - 1) taskName (Name of the ECS task) 2) s3BucketName (S3 bucket name) 3) objectKey (Object key) |
AWS CDK Stacks
CdkApp runs the following stacks
Stack Name | Purpose |
ECSTaskSubmissionFromLambdaPattern | This stack provisions resources needed to demonstrate Pattern 1 |
ECSTaskSubmissionFromStepFunctionsPattern | This stack provisions resources needed to demonstrate Pattern 2 |
Running ECS tasks using AWS Lambda
As show in the below figure, this pattern (Pattern 1) uses AWS Lambda function to run ECS tasks. We call the Lambda function as ECS Task Launcher. It parses workflow specs, submits ECS tasks to ECS Cluster and invokes second AWS Lambda function called ECS Task Monitor.
ECS Task Monitor tracks the completion status of running ECS tasks. Each time it runs, it checks the number of completed tasks versus the total number of tasks submitted and updates the DynamoDB table workflow_summary.
The task executed on ECS cluster is called ECS Task. It takes the following actions - 1) reads input parameters 2) inserts a record in DynamoDB table for auditing 3) copies the input file to a target folder 4) marks the status of its job to Complete in the the DynamoDB table workflow_detail.
Running ECS tasks using Step Functions native integration
As shown in the below figure, this pattern (Pattern 2) uses AWS Step Functions' native integration with Amazon ECS. Unlike the usage of a Lambda function in Pattern 1, we use Parallel state to run ECS tasks. The number of tasks run depends on the size of "taskList":[]
in workflow_specs_pattern_2.json. The role of ECS Task Monitor and the way ECS Task executes are similar to Pattern 1.
Clone this repository to your Mac/Laptop
Open your IDE for e.g. Eclipse or Spring Tools or Intellij IDEA
Import the project as a Maven project by pointing to
| This imports 4 module projects. -
Select parent project Amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit and build it using the below instructions
- Using standalone Maven, go to project home directory and run command
mvn -X clean install
- From Eclipse or STS, run command
-X clean install
. Navigation: Project right click --> Run As --> Maven Build (Option 4)
- Using standalone Maven, go to project home directory and run command
Expected output 1: In your IDE, you will see the following output
[INFO] Reactor Summary for amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit 1.0: [INFO] [INFO] amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit ........................ [SUCCESS [ 0.717 s] [INFO] amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-cdk .................... [SUCCESS [ 14.230 s] [INFO] amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-tasklauncher ........... [SUCCESS [ 8.418 s] [INFO] amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-task ................... [SUCCESS [ 21.857 s] [INFO] amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-taskmonitor ............ [SUCCESS [ 4.587 s] [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] BUILD SUCCESS [INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------ [INFO] Total time: 49.979 s [INFO] Finished at: 2020-12-21T13:03:30-06:00
Expected output 2: Build process generates the following jar file in their respective directories
Module artifact name Approximate Size amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-cdk-1.0.jar
32 KB amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-tasklauncher-1.0.jar
21 MB amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-task-1.0.jar
19 MB amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-taskmonitor-1.0.jar
21 MB
In the terminal, go to path
. Now, you are in the CDK module of this project. -
Replace 1234567890 with your AWS Account Id wherever applicable in the following steps.
Set these to your account and region
export AWS_ACCOUNT_ID=1234567890 export AWS_REGION=us-east-2
Bootstrap CDK
cdk bootstrap aws://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}/$AWS_REGION
Output 1: In the command line, you will get the following output
(node:63268) ExperimentalWarning: The fs.promises API is experimental ⏳ Bootstrapping environment aws://AWS_ACCOUNT_ID/us-west-2... ✅ Environment aws://AWS_ACCOUNT_ID/us-west-2 bootstrapped (no changes).
Output 2: In the AWS console under CloudFormation, you will see a Stack created as follows
Output 3: In the AWS console under S3, you will see a bucket created with name
Deploy both stacks
cdk deploy --require-approval never --all --outputs-file outputs.json
Expected output 1: Stack for amazon-ecs-java-starter-pattern-1 created with the following resources:
Resource Type Resource Details VPC 1 VPC to launch resources needed by the starter kit Subnet 2 public subnets and 2 private subnets Route Table 1 route table per public, and private subnet Security Group 1 security group per ECR, ECS, and ECS Agent endpoints Security Group 1 security group per ECS Task Launcher and ECS Task Monitor VPC Endpoint 1 VPC endpoint per Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, Amazon ECS, Amazon ECS Agent, and Amazon ECR API. ECS Cluster 1 ECS cluster to run ECS tasks ECR Repository 1 ECR repository to store Docker image for ECS Task binary ECS Task Definition 1 ECS task definition for ECS Task Amazon DynamoDB 2 tables. Refer to Amazon DynamoDB Tables for more details Step Functions state machine 1 State machine for orchestration AWS Lambda Lambda Function to submit ECS tasks AWS Lambda Lambda Function to monitor the progress of ECS tasks Amazon IAM Role 1 IAM role per Step Functions State machine, ECS Task Launcher, ECS Task Monitor. 2 IAM roles for ECS Task Definition - 1) ECS Task Role 2) ECS Task Execution Role -
Expected output 2: Stack for amazon-ecs-java-starter-pattern-2 created with the following resources:
Resource Type Resource Details VPC 1 VPC to launch resources needed by the starter kit Subnet 2 public subnets and 2 private subnets Route Table 1 route table per public, and private subnet Security Group 1 security group per ECR, ECS, and ECS Agent endpoints Security Group 1 security group per ECS Task Launcher and ECS Task Monitor VPC Endpoint 1 VPC endpoint per Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon S3, Amazon ECS, Amazon ECS Agent, and Amazon ECR API. ECS Cluster 1 ECS cluster to run ECS tasks ECR Repository 1 ECR repository to store Docker image for ECS Task binary ECS Task Definition 1 ECS task definition for ECS Task Amazon DynamoDB 2 tables. Refer to Amazon DynamoDB Tables for more details Step Functions state machine 1 State machine for orchestration AWS Lambda Lambda Function to monitor the progress of ECS tasks Amazon IAM Role 1 IAM role per Step Functions State machine, and ECS Task Launcher. 2 IAM roles for ECS Task Definition - 1) ECS Task Role 2) ECS Task Execution Role -
Expected output 3: A file outputs.json is created with a list of AWS resource values provisioned by the CDK.
Testing ECS tasks using AWS Lambda
Open file workflow_specs_pattern_1.json in your IDE and update JSON attributes based on the values for
. -
Open your command prompt / Mac terminal
Go to path
Copy jar file to S3 bucket. Use the following command
aws s3 cp ../amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-tasklauncher/target/amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-tasklauncher-1.0.jar s3://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-1-bucket/amazon_ecs_java_starter_kit_jar/
Go to path
Start Step Functions execution. Use the following command
aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn "arn:aws:states:${AWS_REGION}:${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:stateMachine:amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-1" --input "$(cat workflow_specs_pattern_1.json)"
Expected output 1: You will get a response as follows
{ "executionArn": "arn:aws:states:us-east-2:1234567890:execution:amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-1:4ea1f256-a0bb-4692-b63a-6b80edc02cb7", "startDate": "2020-12-21T09:54:29.385000-06:00" }
Expected output 2: In Step Functions console, state machine
changes to Running state -
Expected output 3: After a minute or two, your State machine execution status will be successful as follows.
Expected output 4: In S3 bucket, you will see 10 extra jar files which are copied by ECS task instances.
Expected output 5: In DynamoDB tables, you will find new items as follows:
Table Number of items Sample column values workflow_summary_pattern_1 1 number_of_tasks = 10, completed_tasks = 10 workflow_details_pattern_1 10 status = Completed
Testing ECS tasks using Step Functions native integration
Open file workflow_specs_pattern_2.json in your IDE and update JSON attributes based on the values for
. -
Open your command prompt or Mac terminal
Go to path
Copy jar file to S3 bucket. Use the following command
aws s3 cp ../amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-tasklauncher/target/amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-tasklauncher-1.0.jar s3://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-2-bucket/amazon_ecs_java_starter_kit_jar/
Go to path
Start Step Functions execution. Use the following command
aws stepfunctions start-execution --state-machine-arn "arn:aws:states:${AWS_REGION}:${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}:stateMachine:amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-1" --input "$(cat workflow_specs_pattern_2.json)"
Expected outputs are similar to Pattern 1
Go to
Delete DynamoDB tables
./ workflow_details_pattern_1 workflow_summary_pattern_1
./ workflow_details_pattern_2 workflow_summary_pattern_2
Empty S3 buckets
aws s3 ls s3://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID}-amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-1-bucket/amazon_ecs_java_starter_kit_jar/ | grep _ | awk '{print $NF}' | while read OBJ; do aws s3 rm s3://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID-}amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-2-bucket/amazon_ecs_java_starter_kit_jar/$OBJ;done
aws s3 ls s3://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID-}-amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-2-bucket/amazon_ecs_java_starter_kit_jar/ | grep _ | awk '{print $NF}' | while read OBJ; do aws s3 rm s3://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID-}amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-2-bucket/amazon_ecs_java_starter_kit_jar/$OBJ;done
Delete S3 buckets
aws s3 rm s3://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID-}amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-1-bucket/amazon_ecs_java_starter_kit_jar/amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-tasklauncher-1.0.jar
aws s3 rm s3://${AWS_ACCOUNT_ID-}amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-2-bucket/amazon_ecs_java_starter_kit_jar/amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-tasklauncher-1.0.jar
Delete ECR Repositories
aws ecr delete-repository --force --repository-name amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-1
aws ecr delete-repository --force --repository-name amazon-ecs-java-starter-kit-pattern-2
Cleanup stacks
cdk destroy --force --all
- Sarma Palli, Senior DevOps Cloud Architect, Amazon Web Services
- Ravi Itha, Senior Big Data Consultant, Amazon Web Services
License Summary
This sample code is made available under the MIT-0 license. See the LICENSE file.