kinesisvideo-ros1 copied to clipboard
Skipping stream id 0 due to failure initializing stream. Error code: 4100
hi, everyone: i have a error, when i run this node,the error log is below. kinesis_video_streamer-1-stdout.log.
started roslaunch server http://localhost:33392/
- /h264_video_encoder/bitrate: 2048000
- /h264_video_encoder/fps_denominator: 1
- /h264_video_encoder/fps_numerator: 30
- /h264_video_encoder/image_transport: compressed
- /h264_video_encoder/publication_topic: /video/encoded
- /h264_video_encoder/subscription_topic: /raspicam_node/image
- /kinesis_video_streamer/aws_client_configuration/connect_timeout_ms: 9000
- /kinesis_video_streamer/aws_client_configuration/max_retries: 10
- /kinesis_video_streamer/aws_client_configuration/region: us-west-2
- /kinesis_video_streamer/aws_client_configuration/request_timeout_ms: 9000
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/log4cplus_config: /home/pi/ros-work...
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/frame_rate: 30
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/frame_timecodes: False
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/stream_name: testStream
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/subscription_topic: /video/encoded
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/topic_type: 1
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream_count: 1
- /rosdistro: kinetic
- /rosversion: 1.12.14
NODES / h264_video_encoder (h264_video_encoder/h264_video_encoder) kinesis_video_streamer (kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video_streamer)
process[kinesis_video_streamer-1]: started with pid [3687] process[h264_video_encoder-2]: started with pid [3688] [ERROR] [1585911107.111199231]: [streamErrorReportHandler] Reporting stream error. Errored timecode: 0 Status: 1375731728 [ERROR] [1585912749.676723022]: [KinesisVideoStreamSetup] Skipping stream id 0 due to failure initializing stream. Error code: 4100 Failed to setup the kinesis video streamer[ERROR] [1585912749.677102814]: [InitializeStreamSubscriptions] KinesisVideoStreamerSetup failed with error code : 4096. Exiting [kinesis_video_streamer-1] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/pi/.ros/log/a46e768e-7595-11ea-a04f-b827eb1d09dd/kinesis_video_streamer-1*.log ^C[h264_video_encoder-2] killing on exit shutting down processing monitor... ... shutting down processing monitor complete
the error code is 0x52000010, STATUS_SERVICE_CALL_NOT_AUTHORIZED_ERROR
i fix this problem,my region is not right. but i run this nod , i rarely run success. i remember only one. when it is unsuccess, the print mesage : SUMMARY
- /h264_video_encoder/bitrate: 2048000
- /h264_video_encoder/fps_denominator: 1
- /h264_video_encoder/fps_numerator: 30
- /h264_video_encoder/image_transport: compressed
- /h264_video_encoder/publication_topic: /video/encoded
- /h264_video_encoder/subscription_topic: /raspicam_node/image
- /kinesis_video_streamer/aws_client_configuration/connect_timeout_ms: 9000
- /kinesis_video_streamer/aws_client_configuration/max_retries: 10
- /kinesis_video_streamer/aws_client_configuration/region: ap-northeast-1
- /kinesis_video_streamer/aws_client_configuration/request_timeout_ms: 9000
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/log4cplus_config: /home/pi/ros-work...
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/frame_rate: 30
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/frame_timecodes: False
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/stream_name: testStream
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/subscription_topic: /video/encoded
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream0/topic_type: 1
- /kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video/stream_count: 1
- /rosdistro: kinetic
- /rosversion: 1.12.14
NODES / h264_video_encoder (h264_video_encoder/h264_video_encoder) kinesis_video_streamer (kinesis_video_streamer/kinesis_video_streamer)
process[kinesis_video_streamer-1]: started with pid [2458] process[h264_video_encoder-2]: started with pid [2459] [ERROR] [1585919141.659915748]: [streamErrorReportHandler] Reporting stream error. Errored timecode: 0 Status: 1375731729 [ERROR] [1585919165.425936104]: [KinesisVideoStreamSetup] Skipping stream id 0 due to failure initializing stream. Error code: 4100 Failed to setup the kinesis video streamer[ERROR] [1585919165.426323916]: [InitializeStreamSubscriptions] KinesisVideoStreamerSetup failed with error code : 4096. Exiting [kinesis_video_streamer-1] process has finished cleanly log file: /home/pi/.ros/log/9b0f9a1c-75ab-11ea-b44c-b827eb1d09dd/kinesis_video_streamer-1*.log
the error hex code is 0x52000011 | STATUS_DESCRIBE_STREAM_CALL_FAILED
Hi @java-Xs ,
The error code in this line:
[ERROR] [1585919165.425936104]: [KinesisVideoStreamSetup] Skipping stream id 0 due to failure initializing stream. Error code: 4100
Is referencing a KinesisVideoManagerStatus as defined here:
This error code is saying that the KinesisVideoStreamer node failed to create the stream.
After running the node can you use the aws cli to see if the stream was successfully created?
The command is aws kinesisvideo list-streams
You may want to test if you can create a kinesis video stream in the same environment as you're running the node using the cli. You can do this with aws kinesisvideo create-stream --stream-name <your_stream_name>
If you try this again and see the failure could you also note the time of the failure? This could help us in debugging if there is a service error.
I have also encountered this problem? How could you fix it? Thanks
Hi @java-Xs and @ngthanhtin, do you mean that you're usually encountering the 0x52000011
error but it is successful once in a while? Can you describe approximately what percentage of the time do you experience the 0x52000011
error versus success?
Always have 0x52000011
error. Both with topic_type
1 and 2. With WebRTC C SDK streaming is ok.
Log is:
[ERROR] [1611671072.471897391]: [streamErrorReportHandler] Reporting stream error. Errored timecode: 0 Status: 1375731729
[ERROR] [1611671096.245044286]: [KinesisVideoStreamSetup] Skipping stream id 0 due to failure initializing stream. Error code: 4100
Failed to setup the kinesis video streamer[ERROR] [1611671096.245163095]: [InitializeStreamSubscriptions] KinesisVideoStreamerSetup failed with error code : 4096. Exiting
What's the point in this package if it doesn't support h264 streaming to WebRTC?