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NodeGroup stack failed: EKSPrivateAccessEndpoint only with HttpProxy enabled
eks-stack-NodeGroupStack is failing when creating ConfigureProxy resource with error: "Failed to create the resource. Unable to connect to the server: net/http: TLS handshake timeout"
Parameters used
HttpProxy is defined with our corporate proxy URL
EKSPrivateAccessEndpoint Enabled
EKSPublicAccessEndpoint Disabled
When using private endpoint with the HTTP proxy :
- kubectl CLI does not require the HTTP proxy variables as the connection is being done directly from the kubectl client on bastion to the control plane
- AWS CLI requires the HTTP proxy
Proper HTTP proxy parameters should be sent to the function below : https://github.com/aws-quickstart/quickstart-amazon-eks/blob/master/functions/source/KubeManifest/lambda_function.py#L68
Possible solution
- Add eks.amazonaws.com and local link addresses to the no proxy in amazon-eks-functions.template.yaml : FunctionName: !Sub "EKS-QuickStart-KubeManifest-${EKSClusterName}" Should have new environment variable :
NO_PROXY: !If [NoProxy, !Ref 'AWS::NoValue', ',eks.amazonaws.com']
- Add Inbound rule "HTTPS TCP 443 eks-stack-BastionStack " to eks-stack-ControlPlaneSecurityGroup in order to enable kubectl access to control plan
Manual validation
Login to bastion and run the following commands :
export https_proxy=<proxy>
export http_proxy=<proxy>
export no_proxy=,eks.amazonaws.com
aws eks update-kubeconfig --name <cluster-name> --region <region>
kubectl config use-context <arn of cluster>
kubectl api-versions
PR will be opened based on the approved solution challenge: how to update the bastion sg to the control plane sg, as the control plane is created before the Bastion