aws-otel-lambda icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
aws-otel-lambda copied to clipboard

[Nodejs] AWS auto-instrumentation doesn't propagate parent and properly

Open michaelhyatt opened this issue 3 years ago • 8 comments

Using nodejs lambdas.

I am trying to get my consumer lambda to call the producer lambda and propagate the trace context between them using traceparent HTTP header.

So, I have the env variable set:

OTEL_PROPAGATORS: tracecontext

I am also seeing the code performing the header injection properly and passing it from the consumer lambda. It is received by the producer lambda, as per the logs.

Consumer logs show the span with the correct to be propagated:

InstrumentationLibrary @opentelemetry/instrumentation-http 0.19.0
Span #0
Trace ID       : 60e6a7a924cc736a604af2a602d84600 <==== TRACE ID
Parent ID      : 2430b46dd43fac16
ID             : 81eb76e307cb48a4 <==== SPAN ID
Name           : HTTPS GET
Kind           : SPAN_KIND_CLIENT
Start time     : 2021-07-08 07:22:19.353159168 +0000 UTC
End time       : 2021-07-08 07:22:20.792924928 +0000 UTC
Status code    : STATUS_CODE_OK
Status message :
-> http.url: STRING(
-> http.method: STRING(GET)
-> STRING(/dev/ping)
-> net.peer.ip: STRING(
-> net.peer.port: INT(443)
-> http.response_content_length_uncompressed: INT(88)
-> http.status_code: INT(200)
-> http.status_text: STRING(OK)
-> http.flavor: STRING(1.1)
-> net.transport: STRING(IP.TCP)

Producer logs receiving the traceparent header with correct propagation data:

        "traceparent": "00-60e6a7a924cc736a604af2a602d84600-81eb76e307cb48a4-01",

However, the span that the producer lambda generates has a totally different parent from the one that is sent in the traceparent header:

2021-07-08T07:22:20.781Z	DEBUG	loggingexporter/logging_exporter.go:48	ResourceSpans #0
Resource labels:
-> STRING(aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer)
-> telemetry.sdk.language: STRING(nodejs)
-> STRING(opentelemetry)
-> telemetry.sdk.version: STRING(0.19.0)
-> cloud.provider: STRING(aws)
-> cloud.region: STRING(ap-southeast-2)
-> STRING(aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer)
-> faas.version: STRING($LATEST)
-> INT(18)
-> STRING(/var/lang/bin/node)
-> process.command: STRING(/var/runtime/index.js)
-> process.command_line: STRING(/var/lang/bin/node /var/runtime/index.js)
InstrumentationLibrarySpans #0
InstrumentationLibrary @opentelemetry/instrumentation-aws-lambda 0.16.0
Span #0
Trace ID       : 60e6a7ab0e1a895f1930b0f93004a373 <=== Different TRACE ID
Parent ID      : 05eb499bf8d606d3 <=== Different Parent ID
ID             : 906c6487661e9ec0
Name           : aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer
Kind           : SPAN_KIND_SERVER
Start time     : 2021-07-08 07:22:20.718549504 +0000 UTC
End time       : 2021-07-08 07:22:20.722462208 +0000 UTC
Status code    : STATUS_CODE_UNSET
Status message :
-> faas.execution: STRING(85b62062-31fb-49ab-a5b0-8cba44a1315c)
-> STRING(arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:401722391821:function:aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer)
-> STRING(401722391821)
Consumer lambda log

START RequestId: 327318f1-18d3-4288-8caa-bb3dcbce0f69 Version: $LATEST
2021/07/08 07:22:18 [collector] Launching OpenTelemetry Lambda extension, version:  v0.1.0
2021-07-08T07:22:18.343Z	info	service/application.go:277	Starting otelcol...	{     "Version": "v0.1.0",     "NumCPU": 2 }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.343Z	info	service/application.go:185	Setting up own telemetry...
2021-07-08T07:22:18.343Z	info	service/application.go:220	Loading configuration...
2021-07-08T07:22:18.345Z	info	service/application.go:236	Applying configuration...
2021-07-08T07:22:18.345Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:274	Exporter was built.	{     "kind": "exporter",     "exporter": "logging" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.346Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:274	Exporter was built.	{     "kind": "exporter",     "exporter": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.346Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:204	Pipeline was built.	{     "pipeline_name": "traces",     "pipeline_datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.346Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:204	Pipeline was built.	{     "pipeline_name": "metrics",     "pipeline_datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.346Z	info	builder/receivers_builder.go:230	Receiver was built.	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp",     "datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/receivers_builder.go:230	Receiver was built.	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp",     "datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	service/service.go:155	Starting extensions...
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	service/service.go:200	Starting exporters...
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:92	Exporter is starting...	{     "kind": "exporter",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:97	Exporter started.	{     "kind": "exporter",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:92	Exporter is starting...	{     "kind": "exporter",     "name": "logging" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:97	Exporter started.	{     "kind": "exporter",     "name": "logging" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	service/service.go:205	Starting processors...
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:51	Pipeline is starting...	{     "pipeline_name": "traces",     "pipeline_datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:62	Pipeline is started.	{     "pipeline_name": "traces",     "pipeline_datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:51	Pipeline is starting...	{     "pipeline_name": "metrics",     "pipeline_datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:62	Pipeline is started.	{     "pipeline_name": "metrics",     "pipeline_datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	service/service.go:210	Starting receivers...
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/receivers_builder.go:70	Receiver is starting...	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	otlpreceiver/otlp.go:83	Starting GRPC server on endpoint	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	otlpreceiver/otlp.go:145	Setting up a second GRPC listener on legacy endpoint	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	otlpreceiver/otlp.go:83	Starting GRPC server on endpoint	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	otlpreceiver/otlp.go:101	Starting HTTP server on endpoint	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	builder/receivers_builder.go:75	Receiver started.	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:18.347Z	info	service/application.go:197	Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.
2021/07/08 07:22:18 Registered extension ID: "f13fddea-3af0-454b-8d3c-739edf925beb"
2021/07/08 07:22:18 [collector] Register response: {
"functionName": "aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-producer",
"functionVersion": "$LATEST",
"handler": "handler.consumer"
2021/07/08 07:22:18 [collector] Waiting for event...
Registering OpenTelemetry
EXTENSION	Name: collector	State: Ready	Events: [INVOKE,SHUTDOWN]
2021/07/08 07:22:19 [collector] Received event: {
"eventType": "INVOKE",
"deadlineMs": 1625728945219,
"requestId": "327318f1-18d3-4288-8caa-bb3dcbce0f69",
"invokedFunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:401722391821:function:aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-producer",
"tracing": {
"type": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id",
"value": "Root=1-60e6a7a9-24cc736a604af2a602d84600;Parent=3d3d3a7622e60477;Sampled=1"
2021/07/08 07:22:19 [collector] Waiting for event...
2021-07-08T07:22:20.793Z	327318f1-18d3-4288-8caa-bb3dcbce0f69	INFO	Status: 200
2021-07-08T07:22:20.793Z	327318f1-18d3-4288-8caa-bb3dcbce0f69	INFO	{     "message": "Hello, the current time is 07:22:20 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)." }
2021-07-08T07:22:20.831Z	INFO	loggingexporter/logging_exporter.go:42	TracesExporter	{     "#spans": 3 }
2021-07-08T07:22:20.831Z	DEBUG	loggingexporter/logging_exporter.go:48	ResourceSpans #0
Resource labels:
-> STRING(aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-producer)
-> telemetry.sdk.language: STRING(nodejs)
-> STRING(opentelemetry)
-> telemetry.sdk.version: STRING(0.19.0)
-> cloud.provider: STRING(aws)
-> cloud.region: STRING(ap-southeast-2)
-> STRING(aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-producer)
-> faas.version: STRING($LATEST)
-> INT(17)
-> STRING(/var/lang/bin/node)
-> process.command: STRING(/var/runtime/index.js)
-> process.command_line: STRING(/var/lang/bin/node /var/runtime/index.js)
InstrumentationLibrarySpans #0
InstrumentationLibrary @opentelemetry/instrumentation-net 0.16.0
Span #0
Trace ID       : 60e6a7a924cc736a604af2a602d84600
Parent ID      : 81eb76e307cb48a4
ID             : 78b32ffd863269f2
Name           : tcp.connect
Kind           : SPAN_KIND_INTERNAL
Start time     : 2021-07-08 07:22:19.377481728 +0000 UTC
End time       : 2021-07-08 07:22:19.39574656 +0000 UTC
Status code    : STATUS_CODE_UNSET
Status message :
-> net.transport: STRING(IP.TCP)
-> net.peer.port: INT(443)
-> net.peer.ip: STRING(
-> INT(49788)
InstrumentationLibrarySpans #1
InstrumentationLibrary @opentelemetry/instrumentation-http 0.19.0
Span #0
Trace ID       : 60e6a7a924cc736a604af2a602d84600
Parent ID      : 2430b46dd43fac16
ID             : 81eb76e307cb48a4
Name           : HTTPS GET
Kind           : SPAN_KIND_CLIENT
Start time     : 2021-07-08 07:22:19.353159168 +0000 UTC
End time       : 2021-07-08 07:22:20.792924928 +0000 UTC
Status code    : STATUS_CODE_OK
Status message :
-> http.url: STRING(
-> http.method: STRING(GET)
-> STRING(/dev/ping)
-> net.peer.ip: STRING(
-> net.peer.port: INT(443)
-> http.response_content_length_uncompressed: INT(88)
-> http.status_code: INT(200)
-> http.status_text: STRING(OK)
-> http.flavor: STRING(1.1)
-> net.transport: STRING(IP.TCP)
InstrumentationLibrarySpans #2
InstrumentationLibrary @opentelemetry/instrumentation-aws-lambda 0.16.0
Span #0
Trace ID       : 60e6a7a924cc736a604af2a602d84600
Parent ID      : 7818715d2bd817ba
ID             : 2430b46dd43fac16
Name           : aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-producer
Kind           : SPAN_KIND_SERVER
Start time     : 2021-07-08 07:22:19.318216704 +0000 UTC
End time       : 2021-07-08 07:22:20.794181376 +0000 UTC
Status code    : STATUS_CODE_UNSET
Status message :
-> faas.execution: STRING(327318f1-18d3-4288-8caa-bb3dcbce0f69)
-> STRING(arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:401722391821:function:aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-producer)
-> STRING(401722391821)
END RequestId: 327318f1-18d3-4288-8caa-bb3dcbce0f69
REPORT RequestId: 327318f1-18d3-4288-8caa-bb3dcbce0f69	Duration: 1615.37 ms	Billed Duration: 1616 ms	Memory Size: 1024 MB	Max Memory Used: 160 MB	Init Duration: 1104.55 ms	XRAY TraceId: 1-60e6a7a9-24cc736a604af2a602d84600	SegmentId: 3d3d3a7622e60477	Sampled: true
2021-07-08T07:28:18.094Z	error	exporterhelper/queued_retry.go:295	Exporting failed. No more retries left. Dropping data.	{     "kind": "exporter",     "name": "otlp",     "error": "max elapsed time expired failed to push trace data via OTLP exporter: rpc error: code = DeadlineExceeded desc = context deadline exceeded",     "dropped_items": 3 }*retrySender).send[email protected]/exporter/exporterhelper/queued_retry.go:295*tracesExporterWithObservability).send[email protected]/exporter/exporterhelper/traces.go:118*queuedRetrySender).start.func1[email protected]/exporter/exporterhelper/queued_retry.go:152[email protected]/pkg/queue/bounded_queue.go:104*BoundedQueue).StartConsumersWithFactory.func1[email protected]/pkg/queue/bounded_queue.go:83
2021/07/08 07:28:18 [collector] Received event: {
"eventType": "SHUTDOWN",
"deadlineMs": 1625729300093,
"requestId": "",
"invokedFunctionArn": "",
"tracing": {
"type": "",
"value": ""
2021-07-08T07:28:18.099Z	info	service/application.go:212	Received stop test request
2021-07-08T07:28:18.099Z	info	service/application.go:307	Starting shutdown...
2021-07-08T07:28:18.099Z	info	service/service.go:225	Stopping receivers...
2021-07-08T07:28:18.101Z	info	service/service.go:231	Stopping processors...
2021-07-08T07:28:18.101Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:70	Pipeline is shutting down...	{     "pipeline_name": "traces",     "pipeline_datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:28:18.101Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:76	Pipeline is shutdown.	{     "pipeline_name": "traces",     "pipeline_datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:28:18.101Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:70	Pipeline is shutting down...	{     "pipeline_name": "metrics",     "pipeline_datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:28:18.101Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:76	Pipeline is shutdown.	{     "pipeline_name": "metrics",     "pipeline_datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:28:18.101Z	info	service/service.go:237	Stopping exporters...
2021-07-08T07:28:18.101Z	info	service/service.go:164	Stopping extensions...
2021-07-08T07:28:18.101Z	info	service/application.go:325	Shutdown complete.
2021/07/08 07:28:18 [collector] Received SHUTDOWN event
2021/07/08 07:28:18 [collector] Exiting

Producer lambda logs

START RequestId: 85b62062-31fb-49ab-a5b0-8cba44a1315c Version: $LATEST
2021/07/08 07:22:19 [collector] Launching OpenTelemetry Lambda extension, version:  v0.1.0
2021-07-08T07:22:19.771Z	info	service/application.go:277	Starting otelcol...	{     "Version": "v0.1.0",     "NumCPU": 2 }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.771Z	info	service/application.go:185	Setting up own telemetry...
2021-07-08T07:22:19.771Z	info	service/application.go:220	Loading configuration...
2021-07-08T07:22:19.773Z	info	service/application.go:236	Applying configuration...
2021-07-08T07:22:19.774Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:274	Exporter was built.	{     "kind": "exporter",     "exporter": "logging" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.775Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:274	Exporter was built.	{     "kind": "exporter",     "exporter": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.775Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:204	Pipeline was built.	{     "pipeline_name": "metrics",     "pipeline_datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:204	Pipeline was built.	{     "pipeline_name": "traces",     "pipeline_datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/receivers_builder.go:230	Receiver was built.	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp",     "datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/receivers_builder.go:230	Receiver was built.	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp",     "datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	service/service.go:155	Starting extensions...
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	service/service.go:200	Starting exporters...
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:92	Exporter is starting...	{     "kind": "exporter",     "name": "logging" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:97	Exporter started.	{     "kind": "exporter",     "name": "logging" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:92	Exporter is starting...	{     "kind": "exporter",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/exporters_builder.go:97	Exporter started.	{     "kind": "exporter",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	service/service.go:205	Starting processors...
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:51	Pipeline is starting...	{     "pipeline_name": "metrics",     "pipeline_datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:62	Pipeline is started.	{     "pipeline_name": "metrics",     "pipeline_datatype": "metrics" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:51	Pipeline is starting...	{     "pipeline_name": "traces",     "pipeline_datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/pipelines_builder.go:62	Pipeline is started.	{     "pipeline_name": "traces",     "pipeline_datatype": "traces" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	service/service.go:210	Starting receivers...
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	builder/receivers_builder.go:70	Receiver is starting...	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	otlpreceiver/otlp.go:83	Starting GRPC server on endpoint	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	otlpreceiver/otlp.go:145	Setting up a second GRPC listener on legacy endpoint	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	otlpreceiver/otlp.go:83	Starting GRPC server on endpoint	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.776Z	info	otlpreceiver/otlp.go:101	Starting HTTP server on endpoint	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.778Z	info	builder/receivers_builder.go:75	Receiver started.	{     "kind": "receiver",     "name": "otlp" }
2021-07-08T07:22:19.778Z	info	service/application.go:197	Everything is ready. Begin running and processing data.
2021/07/08 07:22:19 Registered extension ID: "5e1aec70-1611-4aef-9369-7b18e2dd725f"
2021/07/08 07:22:19 [collector] Register response: {
"functionName": "aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer",
"functionVersion": "$LATEST",
"handler": "handler.producer"
2021/07/08 07:22:19 [collector] Waiting for event...
Registering OpenTelemetry
EXTENSION	Name: collector	State: Ready	Events: [INVOKE,SHUTDOWN]
2021/07/08 07:22:20 [collector] Received event: {
"eventType": "INVOKE",
"deadlineMs": 1625728946604,
"requestId": "85b62062-31fb-49ab-a5b0-8cba44a1315c",
"invokedFunctionArn": "arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:401722391821:function:aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer",
"tracing": {
"type": "X-Amzn-Trace-Id",
"value": "Root=1-60e6a7ab-0e1a895f1930b0f93004a373;Parent=6d5d52cd6c5c8110;Sampled=1"
2021/07/08 07:22:20 [collector] Waiting for event...
2021-07-08T07:22:20.719Z	85b62062-31fb-49ab-a5b0-8cba44a1315c	INFO	Event: {     "resource": "/ping",     "path": "/ping",     "httpMethod": "GET",     "headers": {         "CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto": "https",         "CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer": "true",         "CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer": "false",         "CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer": "false",         "CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer": "false",         "CloudFront-Viewer-Country": "AU",         "Host": "",         "traceparent": "00-60e6a7a924cc736a604af2a602d84600-81eb76e307cb48a4-01",         "User-Agent": "Amazon CloudFront",         "Via": "1.1 (CloudFront)",         "X-Amz-Cf-Id": "_kKJ5a_w11lV-6dzkHkD4h_tRWvkMMkyz2xLC1euTguJj4L0AmmNgQ==",         "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-60e6a7ab-0e1a895f1930b0f93004a373",         "X-Forwarded-For": ",",         "X-Forwarded-Port": "443",         "X-Forwarded-Proto": "https"     },     "multiValueHeaders": {         "CloudFront-Forwarded-Proto": [             "https"         ],         "CloudFront-Is-Desktop-Viewer": [             "true"         ],         "CloudFront-Is-Mobile-Viewer": [             "false"         ],         "CloudFront-Is-SmartTV-Viewer": [             "false"         ],         "CloudFront-Is-Tablet-Viewer": [             "false"         ],         "CloudFront-Viewer-Country": [             "AU"         ],         "Host": [             ""         ],         "traceparent": [             "00-60e6a7a924cc736a604af2a602d84600-81eb76e307cb48a4-01"         ],         "User-Agent": [             "Amazon CloudFront"         ],         "Via": [             "1.1 (CloudFront)"         ],         "X-Amz-Cf-Id": [             "_kKJ5a_w11lV-6dzkHkD4h_tRWvkMMkyz2xLC1euTguJj4L0AmmNgQ=="         ],         "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": [             "Root=1-60e6a7ab-0e1a895f1930b0f93004a373"         ],         "X-Forwarded-For": [             ","         ],         "X-Forwarded-Port": [             "443"         ],         "X-Forwarded-Proto": [             "https"         ]     },     "queryStringParameters": null,     "multiValueQueryStringParameters": null,     "pathParameters": null,     "stageVariables": null,     "requestContext": {         "resourceId": "6t8m7d",         "resourcePath": "/ping",         "httpMethod": "GET",         "extendedRequestId": "CI8i0FLnSwMF9TA=",         "requestTime": "08/Jul/2021:07:22:19 +0000",         "path": "/dev/ping",         "accountId": "401722391821",         "protocol": "HTTP/1.1",         "stage": "dev",         "domainPrefix": "pgzr057had",         "requestTimeEpoch": 1625728939406,         "requestId": "8d9cf442-ffd7-4bb4-8a4e-696097961e8f",         "identity": {             "cognitoIdentityPoolId": null,             "accountId": null,             "cognitoIdentityId": null,             "caller": null,             "sourceIp": "",             "principalOrgId": null,             "accessKey": null,             "cognitoAuthenticationType": null,             "cognitoAuthenticationProvider": null,             "userArn": null,             "userAgent": "Amazon CloudFront",             "user": null         },         "domainName": "",         "apiId": "pgzr057had"     },     "body": null,     "isBase64Encoded": false }
2021-07-08T07:22:20.781Z	INFO	loggingexporter/logging_exporter.go:42	TracesExporter	{     "#spans": 1 }
2021-07-08T07:22:20.781Z	DEBUG	loggingexporter/logging_exporter.go:48	ResourceSpans #0
Resource labels:
-> STRING(aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer)
-> telemetry.sdk.language: STRING(nodejs)
-> STRING(opentelemetry)
-> telemetry.sdk.version: STRING(0.19.0)
-> cloud.provider: STRING(aws)
-> cloud.region: STRING(ap-southeast-2)
-> STRING(aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer)
-> faas.version: STRING($LATEST)
-> INT(18)
-> STRING(/var/lang/bin/node)
-> process.command: STRING(/var/runtime/index.js)
-> process.command_line: STRING(/var/lang/bin/node /var/runtime/index.js)
InstrumentationLibrarySpans #0
InstrumentationLibrary @opentelemetry/instrumentation-aws-lambda 0.16.0
Span #0
Trace ID       : 60e6a7ab0e1a895f1930b0f93004a373
Parent ID      : 05eb499bf8d606d3
ID             : 906c6487661e9ec0
Name           : aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer
Kind           : SPAN_KIND_SERVER
Start time     : 2021-07-08 07:22:20.718549504 +0000 UTC
End time       : 2021-07-08 07:22:20.722462208 +0000 UTC
Status code    : STATUS_CODE_UNSET
Status message :
-> faas.execution: STRING(85b62062-31fb-49ab-a5b0-8cba44a1315c)
-> STRING(arn:aws:lambda:ap-southeast-2:401722391821:function:aws-node-simple-http-endpoint-dev-consumer)
-> STRING(401722391821)
END RequestId: 85b62062-31fb-49ab-a5b0-8cba44a1315c
REPORT RequestId: 85b62062-31fb-49ab-a5b0-8cba44a1315c	Duration: 181.99 ms	Billed Duration: 182 ms	Memory Size: 1024 MB	Max Memory Used: 155 MB	Init Duration: 1035.04 ms	XRAY TraceId: 1-60e6a7ab-0e1a895f1930b0f93004a373	SegmentId: 6d5d52cd6c5c8110	Sampled: true

Source code

'use strict';

const request = require('request');

module.exports.producer = (event, context, callback) => {

  console.log(`Event: ${JSON.stringify(event)}`)

  const response = {
    statusCode: 200,
    body: JSON.stringify({
      message: `Hello, the current time is ${new Date().toTimeString()}.`,

  callback(null, response);


module.exports.consumer = (event, context, callback) => {

  let options = {
    url: process.env.CONSUMER_API,
    headers: {}

  request.get( options, (err, res, body) => {

    if (err) {
      return console.log(err);
    console.log(`Status: ${res.statusCode}`);

    const response_final = {
      statusCode: 200,
      body: JSON.stringify({
        message: `The response from the producer is ${body}.`,

    callback(null, response_final);



michaelhyatt avatar Jul 08 '21 07:07 michaelhyatt

@michaelhyatt Are you using AWS X-Ray as the backend for tracing? If not, then can you make sure active tracing is disabled for your Lambdas? The lambda instrumentation will extract the parent from the traceparent header only if active tracing is disabled. If you're not using X-Ray, then you should have no need to enable active tracing on Lambda functions.

If you are using AWS X-Ray, then because currently AWS does not support traceparent header for propagation (we are working on support for this now), you cannot use it and should use the default xray propagator setup by the aws-otel-lambda layer.

anuraaga avatar Jul 08 '21 07:07 anuraaga

@anuraaga I am not using X-Ray, but when I am switching it off, all the traces appear as non-sampled and I am not seeing any traces generated:

Traceparent header that is received by the producer lambda with 00 indicating no sampling.

        "traceparent": "00-60e6ac5a4a2a3d036d789ca833fc13aa-54a6f39fe0a24cbc-00",

What am I missing to get the sampling turned on?

michaelhyatt avatar Jul 08 '21 07:07 michaelhyatt

Thanks @michaelhyatt - it seems to be a bug in the instrumentation that prevents a lambda from starting a trace, I have filed to fix it.

However, I noticed that in the logs you showed the span in consumer seems to have a Parent ID - does it mean requests to consumer include a traceparent? If so, then even now as long as X-Ray is disabled, the sampling decision of that header should be respected.

anuraaga avatar Jul 08 '21 08:07 anuraaga

@anuraaga I am not sending a traceparent header myself, this is most likely inserted by X-Ray since my first example had Active tracing turned on.

michaelhyatt avatar Jul 08 '21 08:07 michaelhyatt

@anuraaga forgot to answer your original question. No, I am not injecting any external traceparent headers, I was asking about forcing sampling on in the code itself. Will have to dig around for examples, but if you have one, please post it here.

michaelhyatt avatar Jul 08 '21 08:07 michaelhyatt

@michaelhyatt Ah yeah that would explain it. So once the bug is fixed it should be ok without any special configuration. Unfortunately I'm not aware of a good workaround in the meantime unless you create your own span without a parent.

anuraaga avatar Jul 08 '21 08:07 anuraaga

@anuraaga can confirm that injecting my own traceparent sampled: true and Active tracing switched off produces an end to end span with correctly populated parents.

michaelhyatt avatar Jul 08 '21 11:07 michaelhyatt

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