cloudformation-coverage-roadmap copied to clipboard
Import Operation Resource Type Coverage
Tracking expansion of resource type coverage for import operations:
Stateful resource types should be prioritized for import operations:
Import is such a hugely amazing feature for evolving Stacks: definitely want to see more of it. We would really love to see AWS::EKS::Cluster specifically.
Resource Import now supports CloudFormation Registry types
Resource type migrations to the newer Registry framework should pick this up automatically
@PatMyron which process is being used to determine which resources should be migrated, and in which order? Closing the other issues keeps the discussion in one place, but how are customers supposed to indicate which resources they need import on most?
(the stateful comment above is a good first indicator, but there might be more customers impacted by eg. EFS than by ElastiCache - and even stateless resources might have a performance impact on an application when migrating)
Any indication when AWS::Elasticsearch::Domain will support Import Operations? We have been wanting to get our ES cluster under CFT support for a year now, but appears it's still not supported.
@benbridts always thought we could support importing all resource types at once. The main reason importing currently relies on ReadHandlers is checking resource existence (since import's not yet writing template snippets themselves). Worth re-evaluating whether existence check is worth holding back import functionality for most resource types, since I don't believe it is
Would you please enable these resource imports? AWS::DMS::Endpoint AWS::DMS::ReplicationInstance AWS::DMS::ReplicationTask AWS::DMS::ReplicationSubnetGroup AWS::DMS::EventSubscription
Requesting support for resource imports for following resources:
- AWS::SSM::Parameter
- AWS::Lambda::Permission
- And all cognito resources
Thank you!
How about AWS::Route53::RecordSet resoures?
Reiterating @Sanchi-Halikar's comment, but specifically interested in Cognito resources
Requesting support for resource imports for following resources:
- AWS::DMS::Endpoint
- AWS::DMS::ReplicationTask
Requesting support for resource imports for following resources:
- AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
- AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup
Please add:
- AWS::Glue::Database
- AWS::Glue::Table
Please add: AWS::CertificateManager::Certificate
How about AWS::Route53::RecordSet resoures?
@gietschess IIRC these might actually just work by re-creating them over the top of existing resources, i.e. effectively 'adopting' existing resources into management without needing an import.
I work for AWS, regarding the AWS::Route53::RecordSet There is an internal feature request open for this. As a workaround that worked in my testing: Let's say you have a hosted zone in console which has records in it and you want to import this into a cloudformation template. You first need to import the hosted zone. A stack and a template gets generated out of it. The records are not in that template yet. Then you need to update the stack and you need to add the exact records that are in the console. Cloudformation will not create new records and it will not fail (on existing records already). It will simply 'import' them into the stack.
You can use Former2 tool to get the exact resource infrastructure of the records.
Bump on supporting import of AWS::QLDB::Ledger
Given that ledgers can't really be "backed up" and restored, would love to see this one prioritized.