amplify-js copied to clipboard
Filters doesn't return any data when using numbers.
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- [X] I have searched for duplicate or closed issues and discussions.
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- [X] I have done my best to include a minimal, self-contained set of instructions for consistently reproducing the issue.
JavaScript Framework
React Native
Amplify APIs
Amplify Version
Amplify Categories
Amplify CLI
Environment information
OS: macOS 14.4.1
CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M1 Max
Memory: 1.60 GB / 32.00 GB
Shell: 5.9 - /bin/zsh
Node: 18.17.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/bin/node
Yarn: 1.22.19 - /opt/homebrew/bin/yarn
npm: 9.6.7 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v18.17.1/bin/npm
pnpm: 8.7.0 - /opt/homebrew/bin/pnpm
bun: 1.0.23 - ~/.bun/bin/bun
Chrome: 124.0.6367.201
Safari: 17.4.1
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@hookform/resolvers/io-ts: 1.0.0
@hookform/resolvers/joi: 1.0.0
@hookform/resolvers/nope: 1.0.0
@hookform/resolvers/superstruct: 1.0.0
@hookform/resolvers/typanion: 1.0.0
@hookform/resolvers/typebox: 1.0.0
@hookform/resolvers/valibot: 1.0.0
@hookform/resolvers/vest: 1.0.0
@hookform/resolvers/yup: 1.0.0
@hookform/resolvers/zod: 1.0.0
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@types/numeral: ^2.0.5 => 2.0.5
@types/react: ~18.2.45 => 18.2.79
HelloWorld: 0.0.1
aws-amplify: ^6.0.30 => 6.0.30
aws-amplify/adapter-core: undefined ()
aws-amplify/analytics: undefined ()
aws-amplify/analytics/kinesis: undefined ()
aws-amplify/analytics/kinesis-firehose: undefined ()
aws-amplify/analytics/personalize: undefined ()
aws-amplify/analytics/pinpoint: undefined ()
aws-amplify/api: undefined ()
aws-amplify/api/server: undefined ()
aws-amplify/auth: undefined ()
aws-amplify/auth/cognito: undefined ()
aws-amplify/auth/cognito/server: undefined ()
aws-amplify/auth/enable-oauth-listener: undefined ()
aws-amplify/auth/server: undefined ()
aws-amplify/data: undefined ()
aws-amplify/data/server: undefined ()
aws-amplify/datastore: undefined ()
aws-amplify/in-app-messaging: undefined ()
aws-amplify/in-app-messaging/pinpoint: undefined ()
aws-amplify/push-notifications: undefined ()
aws-amplify/push-notifications/pinpoint: undefined ()
aws-amplify/storage: undefined ()
aws-amplify/storage/s3: undefined ()
aws-amplify/storage/s3/server: undefined ()
aws-amplify/storage/server: undefined ()
aws-amplify/utils: undefined ()
expo: ~50.0.14 => 50.0.17
expo-dev-client: ~3.3.11 => 3.3.11
expo-font: ~11.10.3 => 11.10.3
expo-image: ~1.10.6 => 1.10.6
expo-image-picker: ~14.7.1 => 14.7.1
expo-linear-gradient: ~12.7.2 => 12.7.2
expo-linking: ~6.2.2 => 6.2.2
expo-location: ~16.5.5 => 16.5.5
expo-router: ~3.4.8 => 3.4.8
expo-splash-screen: ~0.26.4 => 0.26.4
expo-status-bar: ~1.11.1 => 1.11.1
expo-system-ui: ~2.9.3 => 2.9.4
expo-web-browser: ~12.8.2 => 12.8.2
lucide-react-native: ^0.372.0 => 0.372.0
moment: ^2.30.1 => 2.30.1
numeral: ^2.0.6 => 2.0.6
react: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0
react-dom: 18.2.0 => 18.2.0
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react-native-mask-input: ^1.2.3 => 1.2.3
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react-native-screens: ~3.29.0 => 3.29.0
react-native-svg: 14.1.0 => 14.1.0
react-native-svg-transformer: ^1.3.0 => 1.3.0
react-native-web: ~0.19.6 => 0.19.10
react-native-woodpicker: ^0.3.17 => 0.3.17
typescript: ^5.1.3 => 5.4.5
zod: ^3.23.4 => 3.23.4
zustand: ^4.5.2 => 4.5.2
corepack: 0.18.0
npm: 9.6.7
Describe the bug
I'm trying to get all the records in my db filtering by lat and lng, (Float fields) I have a range for each field (lat, lng)
This is my query statement:
const { data } = await client.graphql({
query: listAffiliates,
variables: {
filter: {
and: [
lat: {
between: [
lng: {
between: [
Even doing this doesn't seems to work:
lat: {
eq: 36.77676,
My data without any filtering is this one so it should work:
[{"__typename": "Affiliate", "address": "***", "businessHours": "{\"monday\":{\"from\":\"09:00 am\",\"to\":\"07:00 pm\"}}", "category": null, "coupons": {"items": [Array]}, "coverPicture": null, "createdAt": "2024-04-30T04:39:21.263Z", "description": "Cenaduría", "id": "218b239b-42ee-4392-8a42-c38008c2201f", "lat": 36.77676, "lng": -115.56526, "name": "Tortas La Panzona", "profilePicture": "profile-picture/a4a88488-b041-70ed-e1ff-127fd80eea4d_6350A80E-0A3F-49A5-8774-09FD97F5BB86.jpg", "reviews": {"items": [Array]}, "updatedAt": "2024-04-30T04:46:31.671Z", "userId": "a4a88488-b041-70ed-e1ff-127fd80eea4d"}, {"__typename": "Affiliate", "address": "***", "businessHours": "{\"monday\":{\"from\":\"11:00 am\",\"to\":\"12:00 pm\"},\"tuesday\":{\"from\":\"11:00 am\",\"to\":\"12:00 pm\"},\"thursday\":{\"from\":\"09:00 am\",\"to\":\"11:00 pm\"},\"Lunes\":{\"from\":\"10:00 am\",\"to\":\"04:00 pm\"}}", "category": "Restaurante Bar", "coupons": {"items": [Array]}, "coverPicture": "cover-picture/14784418-40e1-703f-6058-37f638350ebf_0AC2B4A9-DDBD-4E4D-AFF4-1442A5877843.jpg", "createdAt": "2024-04-30T04:31:08.823Z", "description": "Cenaduría", "id": "17989f6d-2e5f-49a9-b529-f55d894cc496", "lat": 36.77676, "lng": -115.56526, "name": "Tortas El Panzón", "profilePicture": "profile-picture/14784418-40e1-703f-6058-37f638350ebf_959090CF-944A-4363-B042-975373E3AB60.jpg", "reviews": {"items": [Array]}, "updatedAt": "2024-05-10T23:36:32.447Z", "userId": "14784418-40e1-703f-6058-37f638350ebf"}]
Expected behavior
Filter the records in my db in order to get the nearest to the user.
Reproduction steps
- initialize a new amplify project.
- create a model with a Int field.
- create a record for this model and enter a negative number in this numeric field
- try to filter this record by its numeric field using a couple negative values.
- face the error.
Code Snippet
// Put your code below this line.
const { data } = await client.graphql({
query: listAffiliates,
variables: {
filter: {
and: [
lat: {
between: [
lng: {
between: [
GraphQL model
type Affiliate @model {
id: ID!
name: String!
lat: Float! @index
lng: Float! @index
...other fields
Log output
// Put your logs below this line
No response
Manual configuration
No response
Additional configuration
No response
Mobile Device
Iphone 15 pro Simulator
Mobile Operating System
IOS 17.4
Mobile Browser
No response
Mobile Browser Version
No response
Additional information and screenshots
No response