amplify-js icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
amplify-js copied to clipboard

NotImplemented: A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented - AWS Amplify Storage remove()

Open ChristopherGabba opened this issue 11 months ago • 25 comments

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JavaScript Framework

React Native

Amplify APIs


Amplify Version


Amplify Categories



Amplify Gen 2 (Preview)

Environment information

    OS: macOS 14.2.1
    CPU: (10) arm64 Apple M2 Pro
    Memory: 1.26 GB / 16.00 GB
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    @aws-amplify/cli: 12.10.1
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    node: 20.6.0
    npm: 10.3.0
    pod-install: 0.2.0
    react-native-spinkit: 1.5.1

Describe the bug

When a post is deleted in my application, I use the list and remove functions from the aws-amplify storage. When it hits the remove() function, occasionally (maybe 1 in 4 post deletions) this error comes up and it fails the deletion.

Expected behavior

This error should not appear and it should successfully delete my post. What is interesting is that I have not changed anything in this function in months and this error started appearing a week ago and I can't pinpoint what it's telling me.

Reproduction steps

Refer to reproducible code below.

Code Snippet

Here is my delete function:

import { list, remove } from "aws-amplify/storage"
import { generateClient } from "aws-amplify/api"

export async function deletePostFromDB(post: Post) {
  try {
    const client = generateClient()
    // Starting from the outside in, delete the post first in dynamoDB
    await client.graphql({
      query: deletePost,
      variables: {
        input: {
   // delete all other media associated with this post
    const objects = await list({
      prefix: `${}/${}`,
      options: {
        pageSize: 2,

    for (const obj of objects.items) {
      console.log("Removing post object:", obj.key, "from storage")
      await remove({ key: obj.key })

    // Now that post is deleted, lets clean up sharedMedia if it is no
    // longer needed. Get the sharedMedia data to check if other post are present

    const queryInput: PostsBySharedMediaIdQueryVariables = {

    const postResponse = await client.graphql({
      query: postsBySharedMediaId,
      variables: queryInput,
    // If other posts are using this sharedMedia, don't delete it
    // otherwise delete it
    if ( === 0) {
      console.log("found no other shared media's using this post")
      const objects = await list({
        prefix: `${}`,
        options: {
          pageSize: 4,
      // Delete each object
      for (const obj of objects.items) {
        console.log("Removing shared media object", obj.key, "from storage")
        await remove({ key: obj.key })
      // console.log("looks like this was the only post using this shared media")

      // Now that the storage is cleared, lets delete the dynamo db sharedMedia
      const response = await client.graphql({
        query: deleteSharedMedia,
        variables: {
          input: {
  } catch (error) {
    reportCrash({ error, method: "deletePostFromDB" })

Log output

    "errorType": "AmplifyStorageError",
    "title": "NotImplemented",
    "message": "A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented",
    "stack": "NotImplemented: A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented\n    at construct (native)\n    at apply (native)\n    at _construct (\n    at Wrapper (\n    at construct (native)\n    at _callSuper (\n    at AmplifyError (\n    at construct (native)\n    at _callSuper (\n    at StorageError (\n    at buildStorageServiceError (\n    at ?anon_0_ (\n    at next (native)\n    at asyncGeneratorStep (\n    at _next (\n    at tryCallOne (\n    at anonymous (\n    at apply (native)\n    at anonymous (\n    at _callTimer (\n    at _callReactNativeMicrotasksPass (\n    at callReactNativeMicrotasks (\n    at __callReactNativeMicrotasks (\n    at anonymous (\n    at __guard (\n    at flushedQueue (\n    at callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue (",
    "function": "deleteReelFeelFromDB"


/* eslint-disable */
// WARNING: DO NOT EDIT. This file is automatically generated by AWS Amplify. It will be overwritten.

const awsmobile = {
    "aws_project_region": "us-east-1",
    "aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint": "",
    "aws_appsync_region": "us-east-1",
    "aws_appsync_authenticationType": "API_KEY",
    "aws_appsync_apiKey": *REDACTED*,
    "aws_cognito_identity_pool_id": *REDACTED*,
    "aws_cognito_region": "us-east-1",
    "aws_user_pools_id": *REDACTED*,
    "aws_user_pools_web_client_id": *REDACTED*,
    "oauth": {},
    "aws_cognito_username_attributes": [],
    "aws_cognito_social_providers": [],
    "aws_cognito_signup_attributes": [
    "aws_cognito_mfa_configuration": "OFF",
    "aws_cognito_mfa_types": [],
    "aws_cognito_password_protection_settings": {
        "passwordPolicyMinLength": 8,
        "passwordPolicyCharacters": [
    "aws_cognito_verification_mechanisms": [
    "aws_user_files_s3_bucket": "reelfeelmedia",
    "aws_user_files_s3_bucket_region": "us-east-1"

export default awsmobile;

Manual configuration


  "aws_project_region": "us-east-1",
  "aws_appsync_graphqlEndpoint": "",
  "aws_appsync_region": "us-east-1",
  "aws_appsync_authenticationType": "API_KEY",
  "aws_appsync_apiKey": *REDACTED*,
  "aws_cognito_identity_pool_id": *REDACTED*,
  "aws_cognito_region": "us-east-1",
  "aws_user_pools_id": *REDACTED*,
  "aws_user_pools_web_client_id": *REDACTED*,
  "oauth": {},
  "aws_cognito_username_attributes": [],
  "aws_cognito_social_providers": [],
  "aws_cognito_signup_attributes": [
  "aws_cognito_mfa_configuration": "OFF",
  "aws_cognito_mfa_types": [],
  "aws_cognito_password_protection_settings": {
    "passwordPolicyMinLength": 8,
    "passwordPolicyCharacters": [
  "aws_cognito_verification_mechanisms": [
  "aws_user_files_s3_bucket": "reelfeelmedia",
  "aws_user_files_s3_bucket_region": "us-east-1"

Additional configuration

App entry extra:

import amplifyconfig from "./app/amplifyconfiguration.json"

const libraryOptions = {
  Storage: {
    S3: {
      prefixResolver: async ({
      }: {
        accessLevel: any
        targetIdentityId?: string
      }) => {
        if (accessLevel === "guest") {
          return "public/"
        } else if (accessLevel === "protected") {
          return `protected/${targetIdentityId}/`
        } else {
          return `private/${targetIdentityId}/`

Amplify.configure(amplifyconfig, libraryOptions)

Mobile Device

iPhone 12

Mobile Operating System

iOS 17.3

Mobile Browser


Mobile Browser Version

No response

Additional information and screenshots

No response

ChristopherGabba avatar Mar 17 '24 00:03 ChristopherGabba

Hello @ChristopherGabba, and thank you for providing the sample code. Was there a specific page/section of the Storage docs you were following to set up your backend? And is this an app that you've explicitly only used Gen2 resources/docs for backend or was this something you're trying to migrate from a Gen 1 setup?

cwomack avatar Mar 19 '24 21:03 cwomack

@cwomack @ashika112

I'll give you the step-by-step:

  1. I started building this app about 9 months ago, and at the time, all I saw was Amplify version 5. I used the online Amplify Console online (i.e. not the CLI) to do all the setup and then I just used the amplify pull command to bring it all into my app.
  2. I got the app mostly working but I would get these occasional Token Expired errors that drove me crazy for months Issue #12735 during media upload.
  3. After a bunch of troubleshooting, I figured what the heck, and I did the full upgrade to amplify v6 following the Docs.
  4. It was quite a conversion, and in the process I read about ways to improve my GraphQL queries to be more efficient using @index in the GraphQL structure. I ended up having to modify some relationships that the Amplify Console would not allow me to do, so I had to modify my schema.graphql file directly and then did an amplify push to update the backend. When I did this, it rendered the Amplify Console (API section) uneditable anymore because I provided a relationship that it did not understand/allow, but it works fine in the app. The relationship was basically having more than one @many-to-many's for one GraphQL object, which I needed but could not do in the Amplify Console.

That's how I ended up with my current structure.

Step #2 Is where I set up all of my configs. I still kind of have both a v5 and v6 amplifyconfiguration.json and aws-exports.js in my file system. The other big deal was the from v5 to v6, they no longer used public as the default storage category and it changed to guest, which I thought was strange. I tried to accommodate that with the Additional configurations referenced above (converting guest back to public).

ChristopherGabba avatar Mar 20 '24 14:03 ChristopherGabba

they no longer used public as the default storage category and it changed to guest

You don't really need to override the prefix in your bucket for guest access level, the guest still uses public/ under the hood. (See here for details)

This NotImplemented (A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented) is a service error (code: 501). For DeleteObject service call to S3, the library doesn't apply any headers, however. Can you check the object keys values you were removing which triggered this error, do they happen to have any special characters, or punctuations?

HuiSF avatar Mar 21 '24 00:03 HuiSF

Hello @HuiSF, I just replicated the error with more logs on the the keys being deleted via remove:

    for (const obj of objects.items) {
      console.log("Deleting post key:", obj.key)
      await remove({ key: obj.key })
      for (const obj of objects.items) {
        console.log("Deleting sharedMedia key:", obj.key)
        await remove({ key: obj.key })


 LOG  Deleting post key: 83a71e87-4e5f-4fda-8c08-a8fc4f10719c/rf-cba41459-7eb4-41db-aca6-c26bec855acb/videoThumbnailUrl.jpg
 LOG  Deleting post key: 83a71e87-4e5f-4fda-8c08-a8fc4f10719c/rf-cba41459-7eb4-41db-aca6-c26bec855acb/videoUrl.mp4
 LOG  Deleting sharedMedia key: 83a71e87-4e5f-4fda-8c08-a8fc4f10719c/originalUrl.mp4
 LOG  Deleting sharedMedia key: 83a71e87-4e5f-4fda-8c08-a8fc4f10719c/thumbnailUrl.jpg
    "errorType": "AmplifyStorageError",
    "title": "NotImplemented",
    "message": "A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented",
    "stack": "NotImplemented: A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented\n    at construct (native)\n    at apply (native)\n    at _construct (\n    at Wrapper (\n    at construct (native)\n    at _callSuper (\n    at AmplifyError (\n    at construct (native)\n    at _callSuper (\n    at StorageError (\n    at buildStorageServiceError (\n    at ?anon_0_ (\n    at next (native)\n    at asyncGeneratorStep (\n    at _next (\n    at tryCallOne (\n    at anonymous (\n    at apply (native)\n    at anonymous (\n    at _callTimer (\n    at _callReactNativeMicrotasksPass (\n    at callReactNativeMicrotasks (\n    at __callReactNativeMicrotasks (\n    at anonymous (\n    at __guard (\n    at flushedQueue (\n    at callFunctionReturnFlushedQueue (",
    "function": "deletePostFromDB"

I have not yet removed my prefix override yet, but will and try to replicate it again.

ChristopherGabba avatar Mar 21 '24 10:03 ChristopherGabba

Thanks @ChristopherGabba the keys strings look normal to me (I found an instance that DeleteObject may encounter this error when the key contains quotes)

How do you replicate this error, in a local environment? If so, I think if you can inspect the outgoing network request (request URL and headers) for this remove operation that would be helpful.

HuiSF avatar Mar 21 '24 16:03 HuiSF

@HuiSF I will try to do this and see what the headers are on the network request in the coming day or so. I should not have quotations in any object keys, but will confirm there is nothing weird going on.

ChristopherGabba avatar Mar 21 '24 16:03 ChristopherGabba

@HuiSF Managed to catch the bug in dev tools network tab:

Here was the logs of the keys:

 LOG  Deleting post key: d51334e6-de2d-44f4-9186-8fe30aab9ee2/rf-dc627e34-3cb6-4bf2-a127-828f0294123c/reactionThumbnailUrl.jpg
 LOG  Deleting post key: d51334e6-de2d-44f4-9186-8fe30aab9ee2/rf-dc627e34-3cb6-4bf2-a127-828f0294123c/reactionVideoUrl.mp4
 LOG  Deleting sharedMedia key: d51334e6-de2d-44f4-9186-8fe30aab9ee2/originalUrl.mp4
 LOG  Deleting sharedMedia key: d51334e6-de2d-44f4-9186-8fe30aab9ee2/thumbnailUrl.jpg
    "errorType": "AmplifyStorageError",
    "title": "NotImplemented",
    "message": "A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented",
    "stack": "NotImplemented: A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented\n    at construct (native)\n    at apply ,
    "function": "deletePostFromDB"

Headers Tab:

Request URL:
Request Method: DELETE
Status Code: 501 
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/xml
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 20:50:38 GMT
Server: AmazonS3
Transfer-Encoding: Identity
x-amz-id-2: Su+YNtrfDpVQQprfkYSZmXoDFUAHlzv/NGf7jIp8PJv+IIFfZJAKvkh2nVK6gEUQWXSdFHrXtsY=
x-amz-request-id: NMM2TMRNRXW767WB
Provisional headers are shown
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Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=ASIAWNCHDFQHQHY2PSOK/20240321/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token;x-amz-user-agent, Signature=71fc075b2bee0f422312049eb0038c234fbec334ce0c132ee1e0efeec13e88ec
baggage: sentry-environment=development,sentry-public_key=3b5232832eaa5d236bd2769b99a42d31,sentry-release=com.g10developers.reelfeel%401.7.2%2B1,sentry-trace_id=709534f5ca104c86806419f4c256cefd
sentry-trace: 709534f5ca104c86806419f4c256cefd-3f432b4e21cc43f1-0
x-amz-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
x-amz-date: 20240321T205037Z
x-amz-security-token: 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

Preview Tab:

A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented

Response Tab:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>NotImplemented</Code><Message>A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented</Message><Header>If-Modified-Since</Header><RequestId>NMM2TMRNRXW767WB</RequestId><HostId>Su+YNtrfDpVQQprfkYSZmXoDFUAHlzv/NGf7jIp8PJv+IIFfZJAKvkh2nVK6gEUQWXSdFHrXtsY=</HostId></Error>

Screenshot of Window:

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 3 53 23 PM

Note: This happened after about 10 delete attempts, so it's about 1/10. Note this also occured after removing the extra configurations regarding the guest to public conversion.

For comparison if needed expand the below to see the successful deletion response headers immediately before this one failed:

Headers Tab:

Request URL:
Request Method: DELETE
Status Code: 204 
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2024 20:50:38 GMT
Server: AmazonS3
x-amz-id-2: +ZlHPIR0f9VCtTfJPJhHJ0O/8qKLP7qDa8+rQPOVlJXuQDSPpD9bwdiLhsdr1WFBtclXVrSwCmI=
x-amz-request-id: 1GMB6E9ZNF50F3PD
Provisional headers are shown
Learn more
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=ASIAWNCHDFQHQHY2PSOK/20240321/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token;x-amz-user-agent, Signature=34fc5c9f8ef50babd0ff9e84b13838be833e3d89200d7753b79499e5c540fabf
baggage: sentry-environment=development,sentry-public_key=3b5232832eaa5d236bd2769b99a42d31,sentry-release=com.g10developers.reelfeel%401.7.2%2B1,sentry-trace_id=709534f5ca104c86806419f4c256cefd
sentry-trace: 709534f5ca104c86806419f4c256cefd-3f432b4e21cc43f1-0
x-amz-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
x-amz-date: 20240321T205037Z
x-amz-security-token: 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
x-amz-user-agent: aws-amplify/6.0.20 storage/5 framework/202

Screenshot of Successful deletion immediately before:

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 4 04 01 PM

ChristopherGabba avatar Mar 21 '24 20:03 ChristopherGabba

Thanks @ChristopherGabba this is helpful. In the service responded error message, it mentioned about this header If-Modified-Since that caused this error. though I don't see it in your screenshot, can you double if the screenshot shows every header fields that attached to the request? Specially look for If-Modified-Since.

In addition, the Amplify library doesn't not attach this header any where. I noticed that sentry-trace presents in the request header, I just make sure there is no other parties in your app manipulating the request headers.

HuiSF avatar Mar 21 '24 21:03 HuiSF

@HuiSF I just double-checked. The only place I see If-Modified-Since is on the Preview Tab (all headers are shown in the screenshot):

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 4 34 32 PM

And I counted 7 displayed ^

Screenshot 2024-03-21 at 4 33 02 PM

I do have sentry installed in my application, but if that was the cause, wouldn't it block every post DELETE request to the server? This all started occurring in the last few weeks. I did upgrade from sentry-expo to sentry-react-native in that timespan maybe, it's hard to recall, I've done a lot in the last few weeks.

ChristopherGabba avatar Mar 21 '24 21:03 ChristopherGabba

@ChristopherGabba Thanks for confirming, this is odd, as the request doesn't have that header but the service complained about it... I don't have a clue now how this could happen at this moment. We do have integration tests performing similar amount of remove objects calls and it has not encountered this error so far.

Could you check and try to disable any functionality that alters network request and run some tests see if it still reproducible? If it's still reproducible, could you create a minimum sample app for reproducing this issue and share with us?

HuiSF avatar Mar 22 '24 15:03 HuiSF

@HuiSF I disabled sentry in my app by removing all the sentry code and replicated the error. Here are the new logs and screenshot

Request URL:
Request Method: DELETE
Status Code: 501 
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/xml
Date: Mon, 25 Mar 2024 23:10:02 GMT
Server: AmazonS3
Transfer-Encoding: Identity
x-amz-id-2: GBP19d6y72Gz7L2lqZWtv0NHB0XgUNw4iuRQi+46fOKi4BsSP+rYbbwdvGwVTuZm+wczx1wsOxo=
x-amz-request-id: WT9PF89AEVNQF1WS
Provisional headers are shown
Learn more
Authorization: AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=ASIAWNCHDFQH7N25LJU5/20240325/us-east-1/s3/aws4_request, SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date;x-amz-security-token;x-amz-user-agent, Signature=4365ad2c059e4b8f3c4496099b2acb904784f081db8469b1bcc3f52859818f98
x-amz-content-sha256: e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855
x-amz-date: 20240325T231002Z
x-amz-security-token: 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
x-amz-user-agent: aws-amplify/6.0.20 storage/5 framework/202

Preview Tab

A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Error><Code>NotImplemented</Code><Message>A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented</Message><Header>If-Modified-Since</Header><RequestId>WT9PF89AEVNQF1WS</RequestId><HostId>GBP19d6y72Gz7L2lqZWtv0NHB0XgUNw4iuRQi+46fOKi4BsSP+rYbbwdvGwVTuZm+wczx1wsOxo=</HostId></Error>

Screenshot of network tab: Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 6 14 14 PM

ChristopherGabba avatar Mar 25 '24 23:03 ChristopherGabba

Sorry I accidentally hit "Close with comment" the issue is not resolved.

Here is the file that is still in the bucket, so it clearly did not get deleted:

Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 6 17 29 PM Screenshot 2024-03-25 at 6 18 05 PM

I will try to make a minimum reproducible example, but it could take quite a while. I'll have to set up another amplify app with auth, etc. Do you guys have a demo/example app I could start with?

ChristopherGabba avatar Mar 25 '24 23:03 ChristopherGabba

@ChristopherGabba, let us know if you get a sample repro app up and running. I'll check with the team internally to see if we have one that can be used to duplicate this as well.

cwomack avatar Mar 27 '24 21:03 cwomack

@ChristopherGabba, just wanted to add that the A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented error that you're seeing seems to be coming from the S3 Service. That error isn't in our code base for v6.

cwomack avatar Mar 27 '24 22:03 cwomack

@cwomack Just want to clarify, are you suggesting that I submit an issue with the S3 team?

ChristopherGabba avatar Mar 27 '24 23:03 ChristopherGabba

@ChristopherGabba, iterating this error is not thrown from Amplify. It is on the actual call to S3 delete object.

This NotImplemented (A header you provided implies functionality that is not implemented) is a service error (code: 501). For DeleteObject service call to S3, the library doesn't apply any headers

Since the library is not modifying this header. I could be happening from any of your dependency. We can try and help but at this we would need minimal repo code to see whats going on.

ashika112 avatar Apr 04 '24 22:04 ashika112

Hi @ChristopherGabba. I am facing exactly the same issue. Updating V5 to V6 resolved the "Token expired" issue properly? You said you still sometimes get ECONNABORTED error on V6.

SuperSuccessTalent avatar Apr 11 '24 02:04 SuperSuccessTalent

@ashika112 I will try to get a minimum reproducible example going for several of my errors in the coming weeks.

ChristopherGabba avatar Apr 11 '24 12:04 ChristopherGabba

@ashika112 @HuiSF I made a demo app but so far am unable to replicate the error. I'll keep trying in that app and try to replicate exactly what I'm doing in my main app.

In the meantime, I'm now getting this error almost every time I send a remove command to S3. What are the chances I could get on a quick teams or zoom call with you to troubleshoot this? I am able to easily replicate it on my primary app. Is there another way I could try to get this solved? I'm open to anything. Is there a way for you to check to see what the server is actually seeing vs what my Chrome Debugger is showing?

Edit: I found a few threads that mention this NotImplemented Error, although these are all in the PUT request:


All of these seem to reference an issue where the Content-Length header is 0. I'm not seeing header or value anywhere in Chrome Debugger. I'm going to try to capture this Delete Object request using a different debugger and see if more headers are exposed to see.

Edit: Captured all the headers on the Reactotron Debugger: Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 11 56 00 AM Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 11 56 09 AM Screenshot 2024-04-18 at 11 56 22 AM

I do not see any other data included in the Request Headers that wasn't showing up in the chrome debugger.

ChristopherGabba avatar Apr 16 '24 00:04 ChristopherGabba

@ashika112 @HuiSF I just captured this Header NotImplemented bug in sentry and got the following:

Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 2 52 01 PM

What is interesting is that Sentry captured the following bug simultaneously:

Screenshot 2024-05-05 at 2 56 38 PM

Basically I'm watching a video. When the video ends, I send a DELETE to the server. I'm wondering if this error is related to the video still being connected to the server or something and then deleting it while connected.

ChristopherGabba avatar May 05 '24 19:05 ChristopherGabba

Okay I am getting the bug regardless of whether or not the video is playing. I read through this stack overflow thread: and it seems to hint at a content-length header being set to 0 or empty?

I also read in the same thread: image

I'm trying to use Charles Proxy but struggling with it, I will keep trying.

ChristopherGabba avatar May 06 '24 12:05 ChristopherGabba

Update: I was able to capture the request with Charles Proxy and the content-length field is zero. However, I am seeing this on every single request made and some work and some don.t I tried the delete request again and it was successful.

Unsuccessful request:

Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 8 07 44 AM

Successful Request: Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 8 08 24 AM

Notice that the headers on the unsuccessful request include If-Modified-Since and also include If-None-Match. I'm literally getting this not implemented header 50% of the time now and I'm not doing anything out of the ordinary.

I also noticed that the list function call returns a Last Modified Header and an eTag: Screenshot 2024-05-06 at 11 24 13 AM

ChristopherGabba avatar May 06 '24 13:05 ChristopherGabba

@HuiSF @ashika112 @chrisbonifacio

I invited you to a private repo and updated the ReadMe with instructions to reproduce the issue.

ChristopherGabba avatar May 23 '24 22:05 ChristopherGabba

@ChristopherGabba Thanks for the reproducible code. Will try to pull in and see whats happening. Can you also provide link to the repo?

ashika112 avatar May 23 '24 23:05 ashika112

Here you go:

I've updated the ReadMe again, so please refer to it. I've made two accounts for troubleshooting and sent the same content for testing for the error.

ChristopherGabba avatar May 23 '24 23:05 ChristopherGabba

Good morning @chrisbonifacio / @HuiSF / @ashika112, hope all is well. If you guys need help reproducing the issue, or any other details, let me know and I can gladly get on the phone to discuss.

ChristopherGabba avatar May 28 '24 12:05 ChristopherGabba

Hey, @ChristopherGabba. Please reach out to me on Discord with your availability and email to invite. I'll schedule a call for tomorrow if that's okay.

chrisbonifacio avatar May 28 '24 16:05 chrisbonifacio

@ChristopherGabba as per our call, the cause of this issue seems to stem from some nested dependency or deeper network layer of Expo or React Native. Going to close this issue and ask that anyone else running into this please track the issues opened on the Expo and React Native repos regarding the headers mentioned in this thread.

I hope those teams are able to help out and you're unblocked soon 🙏 Of course, we're happy to re-open this issue if it turns out the root cause stems from our library.

chrisbonifacio avatar May 31 '24 18:05 chrisbonifacio

In my case, I got the error message when the path includes '-' in the folder name, and when I got the '-' removed, it is working fine for eg. my is '1223-2342-123412356341' and the file i uploaded to path was 'public/1223-2342-123412356341/avatar.jpg' deleting from the same path give this error but when I got the '-' all removed, remove method never complains again.

marcmoo avatar Aug 31 '24 21:08 marcmoo