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React Native v6 push notification troubles with iOS - getLaunchNotification not called

Open stefoid opened this issue 1 year ago • 11 comments

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# Put output below this line
    OS: macOS 14.2.1
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Describe the bug

These problems are specific to iOS. Android works perfectly as documented

issues 1: when clicking a push notification while the app is terminated, once the app starts up, onNotificationOpened is called. getLaunchNotification returns nothing 2: onTokenReceived is never called

I should note that I am migrating from V5 to V6 following your guide. For V5, I experienced other issues with iOS that prompted me to try out V6. However, onTokenRecieved was working for V5. With just a namechange for V6 and its stopped working.

Expected behavior

  1. getLaunchNotification should be called. onNotificationOpened should not be called

  2. onTokenRecieved should be called

Reproduction steps

apart from the setup code below, both handling permissions (a copy paste of your example permission function) and getLaunchNotification are called later when the app has done its own initialization.

Thats all I can think of.

Code Snippet

// Put your code below this line.
import { initializePushNotifications, getPermissionStatus, onTokenReceived, onNotificationReceivedInForeground, onNotificationOpened, getLaunchNotification, requestPermissions} from 'aws-amplify/push-notifications';

AppRegistry.registerComponent(appName, () => App);

function configure () {

        Notifications: {
            Push: {
                AWSPinpoint: {
                    appId: ',yyy',
                    region: 'ap-southeast-2'


    onTokenReceived((token) => {

    onNotificationReceivedInForeground((notification) => {

   onNotificationOpened((notification) => {

Log output

// Put your logs below this line


No response

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Additional information and screenshots

No response

stefoid avatar Feb 12 '24 06:02 stefoid

Update on this - I can get the device token. I missed the ...didRecieveToken... in the AppDelegate.m .

However, the issue with getLaunchNotification (iOS only) remains

stevenmathers avatar Feb 13 '24 02:02 stevenmathers

Hi @stevenmathers thank you for opening this issue, I am currently taking a look at this and will provide an update soon. In the meantime let me know if you have any more context or new information.

nadetastic avatar Feb 16 '24 18:02 nadetastic

HI @stevenmathers following up here - please note that calling getLaunchNotification can return a null result if:

  • You called it more than once (i.e. subsequent calls will be null)
  • Another notification was opened while your app was running (either in foreground or background)
  • Your app was brought back to the foreground by some other means (e.g. user tapped the app icon)

Can you verify if any of these cases may be affecting you?

Additionally in the code snippet you shared, I don't see where you are calling getLaunchNotification(), if you are could you share the code snippet on how you are calling it?

nadetastic avatar Mar 07 '24 21:03 nadetastic


Well, its not a very interesting snippet, but this is called one time only at a specific point in the app after the user has logged in.

startupNotification = await getLaunchNotification();

As I understand it, onNotificationOpened should not be called when the app is started from a terminated state by clicking on a push notification?

stefoid avatar Mar 11 '24 04:03 stefoid

@stefoid, can you share where you are calling getLaunchNotification()?

cwomack avatar Apr 09 '24 17:04 cwomack

Its being called after login and syncing of data from the backend, which could take a few seconds. Once the app reaches this point, I call getLaunchNotification for the first time, and once only.

stefoid avatar Apr 09 '24 23:04 stefoid

@stefoid, got it. Can you confirm that you're "killing" the app by swiping it away/closing it down? And is the app being relaunched by tapping the notifications that are coming in?

If all this is being done, can you confirm in this scenario that onNotificationOpened() is being triggered afterwards?

If background mode is enabled, then getLaunchNotification() may not fire in iOS. If this is the case, then you'd refer to the onNotificationOpened().

cwomack avatar Apr 16 '24 18:04 cwomack

yes to all the above. The identical JS code works perfectly in Android, as in getLaunchNotification() reliably returns the notification when the app has been launched from tapping the notification (as opposed to bringing it from background to the foreground).

stefoid avatar Apr 16 '24 21:04 stefoid

Hey @stefoid

Thanks for getting back to us so quickly. The reason for why the behavior of these APIs different on iOS vs Android is due to how the systems handle background tasks.

With background mode enabled in iOS, when a push notification arrives during a terminated state, it will actually fully wake and start your app in the background (and trigger onNotificationReceivedInBackground) without launching it to the foreground. Due to this behavior, when you now tap on a notification, your application is actually already awake and therefore it is the onNotificationOpened which gets triggered.

cshfang avatar Apr 17 '24 00:04 cshfang

So getLaunchNotification is N/A to iOS? I suggest documenting the difference in the API if it isnt already (apologies if I missed it)

stefoid avatar Apr 17 '24 00:04 stefoid

You're certainly right that we should improve documentation around the specific behavior with the background capabilities enabled. I will add this to our tasks queue.

In the meantime, the combination of getLaunchNotification and onNotificationOpened should hopefully satisfy your use cases.

cshfang avatar Apr 17 '24 03:04 cshfang