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AppSync Subscription connection closing and unable to reestablish
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- [X] I have searched for duplicate or closed issues and discussions.
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- [X] I have done my best to include a minimal, self-contained set of instructions for consistently reproducing the issue.
JavaScript Framework
Amplify APIs
Authentication, GraphQL API
Amplify Categories
auth, api
Environment information
# Put output below this line
OS: macOS 12.0.1
CPU: (8) arm64 Apple M1 Pro
Memory: 487.03 MB / 16.00 GB
Shell: 5.8 - /bin/zsh
Node: 16.13.0 - /usr/local/bin/node
npm: 8.1.0 - /usr/local/bin/npm
Chrome: 103.0.5060.134
Safari: 15.1
@aws-amplify/ui-react: ^3.2.1 => 3.2.1
@aws-amplify/ui-react-internal: undefined ()
@aws-amplify/ui-react-legacy: undefined ()
@emotion/react: ^11.9.3 => 11.9.3
@emotion/styled: ^11.9.3 => 11.9.3
@mui/icons-material: ^5.8.4 => 5.8.4
@mui/material: ^5.9.2 => 5.9.2
@mui/x-date-pickers: ^5.0.0-beta.2 => 5.0.0-beta.2
@testing-library/jest-dom: ^5.16.4 => 5.16.4
@testing-library/react: ^13.3.0 => 13.3.0
@testing-library/user-event: ^13.5.0 => 13.5.0
@types/jest: ^27.5.2 => 27.5.2
@types/node: ^16.11.43 => 16.11.43
@types/react: ^18.0.15 => 18.0.15
@types/react-dom: ^18.0.6 => 18.0.6
@welldone-software/why-did-you-render: ^7.0.1 => 7.0.1
aws-amplify: ^4.3.28 => 4.3.28
date-fns: ^2.29.1 => 2.29.1
randomcolor: ^0.6.2 => 0.6.2
react: ^18.2.0 => 18.2.0 (18.0.0)
react-beautiful-dnd: ^13.1.0 => 13.1.0
react-dom: ^18.2.0 => 18.2.0
react-scripts: 5.0.1 => 5.0.1
typescript: ^4.7.4 => 4.7.4
web-vitals: ^2.1.4 => 2.1.4
Describe the bug
Exactly like, I have a working browser based app, that my subscriptions drop after about 20 minutes and they cannot be re-established without a browser refresh. @david-mcafee last year mentioned some code used to reconnect on a Discord but that Discord does not seem to exist any longer. In know that some people have experienced this problem with VPNs but in my situation there is not any VPN running.
Expected behavior
Subscription would either be re-established automatically or a coding method to reconnect without a full refresh would be made available
Reproduction steps
Run application Test out that subscription was successfully registered and is operational Wait roughly 20 mins of inactivity and errors will be raised for "Connection closed"
Code Snippet
// Put your code below this line.
Log output
// Put your logs below this line
No response
Manual configuration
No response
Additional configuration
No response
Mobile Device
No response
Mobile Operating System
No response
Mobile Browser
No response
Mobile Browser Version
No response
Additional information and screenshots
No response
Hi @cdellinger please follow this for future updates on this feature being implemented and released.
Reconnection is now staged on the next
tag in preparation for release in aws-amplify v5. To test against this update install the next
tag version of the aws-amplify packages your project is using. eg yarn add aws-amplify@next
With this change any disrupted connection will attempt to reconnect when possible. Reconnection can be expected to trigger 5 seconds after the resources to reconnect are available. If the network is disrupted in a way that can't be detected, reconnection will be attempted every minute until the connection is recovered.
Note that missed messages will not backfill on recovery. If you need to trigger behavior to catch up missed messaged on recovery, this should be possible to implement using the connection state Hub messages released last month.
Good news. Automated Reconnection is now available on the latest aws-amplify
release! Review the updated subscription docs and consider any application behavior you may want to add to best meet your users needs when subscriptions reconnect.
Please review our breaking change guidance before upgrading your application.
To upgrade Amplify to version 5, run the following in your project folder:
yarn add aws-amplify@latest
Check package.json
to see if your project uses other @aws-amplify/*
packages directly and upgrade them to latest as well.
With this behavior released, I am closing this issue as resolved.