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When a user not signed in mutation events are removed.
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JavaScript Framework
Amplify APIs
Amplify Categories
Not applicable
Environment information
OS: macOS 12.4
CPU: (16) x64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i9-9980HK CPU @ 2.40GHz
Memory: 89.74 MB / 32.00 GB
Shell: 5.8.1 - /bin/zsh
Node: 16.13.1 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.13.1/bin/node
npm: 8.1.2 - ~/.nvm/versions/node/v16.13.1/bin/npm
Chrome: 103.0.5060.53
Firefox: 81.0.1
Safari: 15.5
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@angular/animations/browser/testing: undefined ()
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@angular/compiler-cli: ~12 => 12.2.16
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@angular/core/testing: undefined ()
@angular/forms: ~12 => 12.2.16
@angular/language-service: ~12 => 12.2.16
@angular/platform-browser: ~12 => 12.2.16
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic: ~12 => 12.2.16
@angular/platform-browser-dynamic/testing: undefined ()
@angular/platform-browser/animations: undefined ()
@angular/platform-browser/testing: undefined ()
@angular/router: ~12 => 12.2.16
@angular/router/testing: undefined ()
@angular/router/upgrade: undefined ()
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@capacitor/geolocation: ^1.3.1 => 1.3.1
@capacitor/haptics: 1.1.4 => 1.1.4
@capacitor/ios: ^3.5.1 => 3.5.1
@capacitor/keyboard: 1.2.2 => 1.2.2
@capacitor/local-notifications: ^1.1.0 => 1.1.0
@capacitor/share: ^1.1.2 => 1.1.2
@capacitor/splash-screen: ^1.2.2 => 1.2.2
@capacitor/status-bar: ^1.0.8 => 1.0.8
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@ionic-native/background-mode: 5.36.0 => 5.36.0
@ionic-native/core: ^5.36.0 => 5.36.0
@ionic-native/native-audio: 5.36.0 => 5.36.0
@ionic/angular: ^6.1.7 => 6.1.7
@ionic/angular-toolkit: ^6.1.0 => 6.1.0
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@ngrx/store: ^12 => 12.5.1
@ngrx/store-devtools: ^12.0.0 => 12.5.1
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@types/node: ^12.11.1 => 12.20.52
@xstate/fsm: ^1.5.1 => 1.6.5
almost-equal: 1.1.0 => 1.1.0
auth0-js: ^9.19.0 => 9.19.0
aws-amplify: ^4.3.26 => 4.3.26
codelyzer: ^6.0.0 => 6.0.2
cordova-plugin-app-version: 0.1.9 => 0.1.9
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core-js: 3.2.1 => 3.2.1 (3.16.0, 3.22.8)
crypto-browserify: ^3.12.0 => 3.12.0
es6-promise-plugin: ^4.2.2 => 4.2.2
example-typescript: 1.0.0
geoposition-to-object: 1.0.2 => 1.0.2
jasmine-spec-reporter: ~5.0.0 => 5.0.2
karma: ~6.3.20 => 6.3.20
karma-chrome-launcher: ~3.1.0 => 3.1.1
karma-coverage-istanbul-reporter: ~3.0.2 => 3.0.3
karma-jasmine: ~3.3.0 => 3.3.1
karma-jasmine-html-reporter: ^1.5.0 => 1.7.0
lib: 0.0.1
list: 2.0.19 => 2.0.19
list/curried: undefined ()
list/fantasy-land: undefined ()
list/methods: undefined ()
list/ramda: undefined ()
lodash: 4.17.15 => 4.17.15 (4.17.21)
mapbox: ^1.0.0-beta10 => 1.0.0-beta10
mapbox-gl: 2.3.1 => 2.3.1
moment: ~2.24.0 => 2.24.0
moment-timezone: ~0.5.23 => 0.5.34
ngx-mapbox-gl: ^7.1.2 => 7.1.2
node-example: 1.0.0
protractor: ~7.0.0 => 7.0.0
protractor-example: 1.0.0
rxjs: ~6 => 6.6.7 (7.5.5)
rxjs/ajax: undefined ()
rxjs/fetch: undefined ()
rxjs/internal-compatibility: undefined ()
rxjs/operators: undefined ()
rxjs/testing: undefined ()
rxjs/webSocket: undefined ()
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ts-node: ~8.3.0 => 8.3.0 (10.8.0)
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tslint: ~6.1.0 => 6.1.3
typescript: ~4.2.3 => 4.2.4 (4.6.4, 4.3.5)
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uuid: ^8.3.1 => 8.3.2 (3.4.0, 3.3.2, 7.0.3)
zone-mix: undefined ()
zone-node: undefined ()
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zone.js: ~0.11.4 => 0.11.5 (0.10.3)
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zone.js/fake-async-test: undefined ()
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zone.js/jasmine-patch: undefined ()
zone.js/jasmine-patch.min: undefined ()
zone.js/long-stack-trace-zone: undefined ()
zone.js/long-stack-trace-zone.min: undefined ()
zone.js/mocha-patch: undefined ()
zone.js/mocha-patch.min: undefined ()
zone.js/proxy: undefined ()
zone.js/proxy.min: undefined ()
zone.js/sync-test: undefined ()
zone.js/sync-test.min: undefined ()
zone.js/task-tracking: undefined ()
zone.js/task-tracking.min: undefined ()
zone.js/webapis-media-query: undefined ()
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zone.js/webapis-notification: undefined ()
zone.js/webapis-notification.min: undefined ()
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zone.js/webapis-rtc-peer-connection.min: undefined ()
zone.js/webapis-shadydom: undefined ()
zone.js/webapis-shadydom.min: undefined ()
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zone.js/zone-patch-electron.min: undefined ()
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zone.js/zone-patch-fetch.min: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-jsonp: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-jsonp.min: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-message-port: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-message-port.min: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-promise-test: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-promise-test.min: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-resize-observer: undefined ()
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zone.js/zone-patch-rxjs: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-rxjs-fake-async: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-rxjs-fake-async.min: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-rxjs.min: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-socket-io: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-socket-io.min: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-user-media: undefined ()
zone.js/zone-patch-user-media.min: undefined ()
@angular/cli: 13.3.7
@aws-amplify/cli: 8.3.1
@ionic/cli: 6.19.1
cordova-res: 0.15.4
cordova: 11.0.0
corepack: 0.10.0
ios-deploy: 1.11.4
native-run: 1.5.0
npm: 8.1.2
Describe the bug
When a user is signed out any model which is created via persists but after erroring and retrying the mutation is deleted from the queue.
One the mutation event is deleted the model is never synced and remains locally available but not remotely available.
The responsible line of code is below. Commenting out this dequeue operation appears to fix the problem. What the consequences are of doing this I am unaware.
Expected behavior
When a user is not logged in and creates models mutation events should not be deleted and on user signup i.e Datastore.stop Datastore.start the mutations should be processed by the sync engine.
I can see why this might be useful in some use cases but the developer has control of the local Datastore via Datastore.clear and thus the default behaviour should be that the mutations remain in the queue.
Reproduction steps
1.) Without a signed in user create a model 2.) In Application on chrome browser view sync_MutationEvent and note that mutation event has been deleted 3.) Create user and login 4.) Query for created model and see that it is available but has not been synced remotely
Code Snippet
// Put your code below this line.
Log output
// Put your logs below this line
No response
Manual configuration
No response
Additional configuration
No response
Mobile Device
No response
Mobile Operating System
No response
Mobile Browser
No response
Mobile Browser Version
No response
Additional information and screenshots
No response
Hi @capitaldotcodes 👋 thanks for raising this issue. Could you please share your schema to see what auth rules you might be using?
Is the model authorized to be created by public access (API_KEY) or by private access (Cognito User Pools, OIDC, IAM, etc)?
Or are you seeing this behavior with any model regardless of the auth rules set?
I'm using Cognito User Pools i've tested in a very skinny example app and can reproduce the behaviour.
rules: [
{ allow: owner }
id: ID!
name: String
owner: String
When the user is signed out the mutation event is removed you can tell it is created as the local storage index increases.
Possibly related to #6534.
Could further explain your use case for creating models when no user is signed in?
Or is it more the following case?
- Sign in user
- Create a new model
- Sign out user
- New model mutation is removed from queue.
The app is offline first and does not require an account to use. When the user creates an account the models created locally should automatically sync. Given that when the mutation events are left in the queue amplify handles this seamlessly it would seem strange to imply the use case was not supported. This was how the datastore worked in all the AWS provided demo apps.
I don't think it is related to #6534. To me it is a problem with what is and is not a retry-able error. The no current user error should be a retry-able error and the mutation event shouldn't be deleted. Alas at the moment it retries, fails, gives up and deletes the event after logging 'done retrying'.
No the method to reproduce is 1.) Without a signed in user create a model 2.) In Application on chrome browser view sync_MutationEvent and note that mutation event has been deleted 3.) Create user and login 4.) Query for created model and see that it is available but has not been synced remotely
Ok, I understand now. I agree it is strange behavior that the mutations are deleted. I'll look into some solutions for this.
@capitaldotcodes - my apologies if I'm not understanding the reproduction steps correctly, but from what I see you're attempting to create a model when a user is not signed in, but your schema does not allow for public CRUD access - is that correct? If so, you would need to update your schema to allow public access, or only perform the mutation when the user is signed in. If I'm not understanding correctly, please let me know. Thank you!
@capitaldotcodes - closing this ticket as we have not heard back from you. If you need further assistance, please let us know!