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MFA Enable/Disable using setUserMfaPreference doesn't sync with AWS cognito

Open YazhiniGurubaran opened this issue 2 years ago • 1 comments

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Describe the bug

We have a cognito user pool which has MFA as optional. When we enable the MFA through React web application for a user through the SDK(using setUserMfaPreference method), the status in AWS console is not reflecting the same. The console UI doesn't have any effect. It always shows as disabled. Also when we disable MFA for the same user from AWS cognito, UI the frontend application still persist the previous status(enabled) and prompt the user for MFA code .

Expected behavior

Whenever the user Enable/Disable the MFA Status using this SDK, AWS Cognito userpool should reflect the changes in MFA Status section.

Reproduction steps

  1. Install package (npm i amazon-cognito-identity-js)
  2. signUp a user with email, password (signUp)
  3. Add a mobile number for that user and verify the mobile number (updateAttributes & getAttributeVerificationCode)
  4. Once verified, Enable the MFA (setUserMfaPreference)
  5. Try login for this user, it will ask MFA code.
  6. Now login into AWS and open the user profile in cognito user pool
  7. MFA status will be shown as disabled

Code Snippet

var smsMfaSettings = {
        PreferredMfa: true,
        Enabled: true,
      cognitoUser.setUserMfaPreference(smsMfaSettings, null, function(err, result) {
        if (err) {    
        return result;

Log output


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Manual configuration

No response

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No response

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No response

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No response

Additional information and screenshots

No response

YazhiniGurubaran avatar Jun 20 '22 13:06 YazhiniGurubaran

@YazhiniGurubaran Hello, I've tried to reproduce your issue, but it seems to be only reproducible using the older user interface for the Amazon Cognito Console, and behaves as expected on the new Amazon Cognito Console interface. I was wondering if you were using the older Cognito Console and referencing SMS MFA method which would look like the below image: Old Console Interface Image If this is the case is it possible you could switch to the new console, and see if the same issue persists using the MFA setting and MFA method instead: New Interface Since if it is not reproducible in the new console this may have something to do with a deprecated parameter. Please let me know if I misunderstood anything, and if you experience the issue on the newer console interface let me know. Also if possible could you expand on where you mention

Also when we disable MFA for the same user from AWS cognito, UI the front end application still persist the previous status(enabled) and prompt the user for MFA code

If I understand correctly you try to disable it through the AWS console, and it still returns the callback requesting an MFA code.

ahilashsasidharan avatar Aug 09 '22 11:08 ahilashsasidharan

Hi 👋 Closing this as we have not heard back from you. If you are still experiencing this issue and in need of assistance, please feel free to comment and provide us with any information previously requested by our team members so we can re-open this issue and be better able to assist you.

Thank you!

chrisbonifacio avatar Sep 02 '22 19:09 chrisbonifacio