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Custom Authorizer in GraphQL not being invoked
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Describe the bug
The @custom
authorization directive ( and ) does not seem to work. Its not even getting invoked when I trigger it from AWS Appsync Console even.
Expected behavior
It calls the custom auth lambda.
Reproduction steps
I created the following model:
type Billing
@auth(rules: [
allow: custom
]) {
The unique identifier for the billing.
id: ID!
I can confirm that after running the deploy command it updated my cli-inputs.json
"version": 1,
"serviceConfiguration": {
"apiName": "api",
"serviceName": "AppSync",
"defaultAuthType": {
"openIDProviderName": "asdfasdf",
"openIDIssuerURL": "",
"openIDClientID": "",
"openIDAuthTTL": "0",
"openIDIatTTL": "0"
"additionalAuthTypes": [
"mode": "API_KEY",
"expirationTime": 365,
"apiKeyExpirationDate": "2024-12-07T13:26:47.653Z",
"keyDescription": "system"
"mode": "AWS_LAMBDA",
"lambdaFunction": "authorizer",
"ttlSeconds": "0"
"conflictResolution": {}
As you can see I have a 0
ttl and am using multiple auth providers with OIDC
being the default here. When I try to execute this in the console I get an unauthorized error:
as you can see when I go to the logging portion I have 0 logs despite logging being turned on:
Interesting enough if I run the command to get the matrix I get the following:
api git:(main) ✗ amplify status api -acm Billing
🛑 Could not create a role from {"allow":"custom","provider":"function"}
which I haven't been able to find any information on and it does seem to deploy OK ( despite the fact it doens't work at all ). The only changes I've made to the lambda is to make it always return true like:
* @type {import('@types/aws-lambda').APIGatewayProxyHandler}
exports.handler = async (event) => {
console.log(`EVENT: ${JSON.stringify(event)}`);
const {
requestContext: { apiId, accountId },
} = event;
const response = {
isAuthorized: true, // authorizationToken === 'custom-authorized',
resolverContext: {
// eslint-disable-next-line spellcheck/spell-checker
userid: 'user-id',
info: 'contextual information A',
more_info: 'contextual information B',
deniedFields: [
// `arn:aws:appsync:${process.env.AWS_REGION}:${accountId}:apis/${apiId}/types/Event/fields/comments`,
// `Mutation.createEvent`,
ttlOverride: 0
console.log(`response >`, JSON.stringify(response, null, 2));
return response;
I feel like either I'm missing something or this is not compatible with my setup. Maybe someone else who has implemented this can shed some light.
Project Identifier
Log output
Additional information
Before submitting, please confirm:
- [X] I have done my best to include a minimal, self-contained set of instructions for consistently reproducing the issue.
- [X] I have removed any sensitive information from my code snippets and submission.
Hey,👋 thanks for raising this! I'm going to transfer this over to our API repository for better assistance 🙂.
This might be a side-effect and related to This regression is fixed in and pending release.
@phani-srikar - Awesome news - is there an ETA for release?
@phani-srikar - I upgraded to the latest version ( 12.9.0 ) after I saw @dpilch said it was released today however it still doesn't work. I'm get the same messages as above.
@dpilch @ykethan @phani-srikar - Is there an ETA on this? Its a major blocker for me at the moment.
Hey @amcdnl, We recognize the importance of this for you. We're actively working on it and will provide you with an update on the timeline as soon as possible.
@amcdnl - Are you using a JWT token as authorizer token? In that case, AppSync considers it as Cognito auth mode and process the request incorrectly. Can you add a prefix (say 'Bearer' or something else) and give a try? You can remove this in lambda and extract the actual authorizer token.
Related issues:
@sundersc - Yes, I also tried adding Bearer per some of the other tickets in the console and same result. I'm not using Cognito or IAM - its all JWT Tokens.
I encountered a similar issue.
Adding Bearer + JWT seems to have the same problem. However adding Token + JWT seems to resolve this issue.
However adding Token + JWT seems to resolve this issue.
Can you expand on that?
Using the following Graphql Request
This code will correctly hit my lambda authorizer with an authToken in the format of Token xyz...
let token = (await Auth.currentSession()).getIdToken().getJwtToken();
query: queries.listItems,
authToken: `Token ${token}`,
}).then((response) => {
This code will not hit my lambda authorizer even though the only change is Token xyz...
-> Bearer xyz...
let token = (await Auth.currentSession()).getIdToken().getJwtToken();
query: queries.listItems,
authToken: `Bearer ${token}`,
}).then((response) => {
Hi @amcdnl I'm facing the same issue. Were you able to figure out the solution? It's urgent for me. Thanks!
@AvaniYorkie - No, I ended up migrating off Amplify, too buggy.
Hey @dpilch @ykethan @phani-srikar , what's the status of this bug? Is there an ETA by any chance?
@dpilch @ykethan When I tried the same, I have found that using the cognito jwt token as an Authorization header in external platform like postman or apollo studio would always invoke the USERPOOL AUTH mode, allowing you to access graphql queries. but if the token is other than the valid jwt, would invoke lambda function with the auth type being AWS_LAMBDA. is there a way to invoke lambda for both of the case when cognito user pool mode is set up as a primary auth mode and lambda auth mode as additional auth mode ? we are looking to secure our graphql api when called from external platform such a way that our business logics are in the custom authorizer lambda function.