om-tutorial copied to clipboard
Please provide Solutions for Exercises
I have the following solution to UI exercises, not sure if they are correct?
(defui Person
;; TODO: Add a query for :db/id, :person/name, and a recursive access of :person/mate
;; TODO: Add an ident that uses :db/id
(initLocalState [this] {:checked false})
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [person/name person/mate]} (om/props this)
{:keys [onDelete]} (om/get-computed this)
checked (om/get-state this :checked)]
(dom/li nil
(dom/input #js {:type "checkbox"
:onClick #(om/update-state! this update :checked not)
:checked (om/get-state this :checked)})
(if checked
(dom/b nil name)
(dom/span nil name))
(when onDelete
(dom/button #js {:onClick #(onDelete name)} "X"))
(when mate (dom/ul nil (om-person mate)))))))
(defui PeopleWidget
(render [this]
; TODO: (ex 4): Create a deletePerson function
(let [{:keys [people]} (om/props this)] ; TODO (ex 2): Get yo stuff
(dom/div nil
(if (= nil people)
(dom/span nil "Loading...")
(dom/div nil
(dom/button #js {} "Save")
(dom/button #js {} "Refresh List")
; TODO: (ex 4) pass deletePerson as the onDelete handler to person element
(dom/ul nil (map #(om-person %) people))))))))
(def people-widget (om/factory PeopleWidget))
(defui Root
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [widget new-person last-error]} (om/props this)]
; TODO (ex 2): Get yo stuff
(dom/div nil
(dom/div nil (when (not= "" last-error) (str "Error " last-error)))
(dom/div nil
(people-widget widget)
(dom/input #js {:type "text"})
(dom/button #js {} "Add Person"))))))
Just playing and learning ;)
I sometimes get:
Each child in an array or iterator should have a unique "key" prop. Check the render method of
om_tutorial$B_UI_Exercises$PeopleWidget. See for more information.
Not sure why this happens and how to fix it? Thanks :)
@kristianmandrup I was thinking the same thing, but stumbled across the final answers in the project here: For your question, you should check out the ui.cljs
One thing I found out is where you have:
(let [{:keys [people]} (om/props this)]
it should be:
(let [people (-> (om/props) :people)]
I'm still trying to figure out what the heck the ->
does and what the difference is between that and ->>
I apologize, but I don't have time to work on the tutorial at the moment, nor do I have time to answer general questions. The tutorial is a public resource, but it is incomplete and unsupported.
In general if you have questions you should join the Slack Clojurians, and join the #om channel. There are many friendly and helpful people there that can answer questions.
@kristianmandrup you are almost right, you'll want to prefer this for "bolding" the text
(dom/span (when checked #js {:style #js {:fontWeight "bold"}}) name)