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A fast and portable CouchDB command line utility.

couchdb-utils Build Status

A fast and portable CouchDB command line utility. See help below for more information. Built with Go.

Specifically this was built for maintaing a backup database by providing the following functionality:

  • Easily replicate an entire remote machine (except databases that begin with '_'). This can be run repeatedly, as it will skip over any existing replicators on the target.

couchdb-utils rep host --continuous

  • Refresh/regenerate all views in the backup database to allow quick failover. This could be run from a cronjob or as an external process. See the couchdb faq for more info.

couchdb-utils refreshviews

Speed is an important feature. Here's a general idea of what you can expect.

$ time couchdb-utils databases | wc -l

real	0m0.020s
user	0m0.000s
sys	0m0.000s

$ time couchdb-utils views | wc -l

real	0m0.076s
user	0m0.012s
sys	0m0.016s

Run using local database on a linux virtual machine, YMMV.


Binaries for select systems are available

There are no dependencies besides the included binary.


Example Usage

# refresh views in `mydb` database on host, print views refreshed
couchdb-utils refreshviews mydb --host=user:[email protected]:1234 -v
# refresh all views on host, print http requests
couchdb-utils refreshviews --host=user:[email protected]:1234 -d

# start continuous replication of all databases that do not begin with '_'
# from `` to `user:[email protected]:5984`
couchdb-utils rep host -h user:[email protected]:5984 -v

Base commands

  couchdb-utils [flags]
  couchdb-utils [command]

Available Commands:
  version                            :: Prints the version number of couchdb-utils
  server                             :: Print basic server info
  stats [(<part1> <part2>)]          :: Print server stats (optionally only a certain section eg: couchdb request_time).
  activetasks [<type>]               :: Print active tasks (optionally filtering by type)
  session                            :: Print information about authenticated user
  databases                          :: Print all databases
  views [<db>...]                    :: Print all views (optionally filtering by database(s))
  refreshviews [<db>...] [--verbose] :: Refresh views (optionally filtering by database(s))
  rep <command>...                   :: Replication subcommands
  help [command]                     :: Help about any command

 Available Flags:
  -d, --debug=false: print http requests
  -h, --host="http://localhost:5984": Couchdb server url (http://user:password@host:port)
  -v, --verbose=false: chatty output

Replication commands

  couchdb-utils rep <command>... [flags]
  couchdb-utils rep [command]

Available Commands:
  list                                                 :: Print all replicators
  start <source> <target> [--create --continuous]      :: Configure replication from source to target
  stop (<id>... | --all) [--verbose]                   :: Stop replicating given id(s) or all
  host <remote_host> [--create --continuous --verbose] :: Replicates all databases in remote host that do not begin with '_'

 Available Flags:
  -d, --debug=false: print http requests
  -h, --host="http://localhost:5984": Couchdb server url (http://user:password@host:port)
  -v, --verbose=false: chatty output


A simple makefile is provided. Make sure GO is installed and setup for cross-compiling. See here and here for help.


Please do.

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request