awesome-streamerrc icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
awesome-streamerrc copied to clipboard

Dotfiles for various streamers on Twitch.

Results 9 awesome-streamerrc issues
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**Describe the bug** I tried use your vim schema, and i have: Error executing function ColorMyPencils: line 10: E5108: Error executing lua [string "luaeval()"]:1: Vim(colorscheme):E185: Color schema 'gruvbox' not found...

replace '~' with $HOME, because Tilda sometimes does not expand in double quotes. I put double quotes around the input augment to the command. If the variable should have a...

missing colors for TelescopeBorder :)

Move between vim splits and tmux pans with the same keybingind. The c-h,j,k,l are expeted to be the same pane or split movement keybinginds.

**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** A clear and concise description of what the problem is. Ex. I'm always frustrated when [...] I `git clone` the...

Hi, ThePrimeagen Thanks for your great work : ) It seems that [Vimspector]( has renamed the command for cleaning (clean ---> clear) the breakpoints. >Use vimspector#ClearLineBreakpoint( file_name, line_num ) to...

Was this done on purpose? Same binding used for two different functions. Line 166: `nnoremap vh :lua vim.lsp.buf.hover()` Line 210: `nnoremap vh :lua require('telescope.builtin').help_tags()`


Just something convinient to avoid thoses ugly trailing spaces at the end of the line

After watching your [video]( on YouTube, I copied the [init.vim]( file as my ~/.vimrc and then: - Exec `rm -rf ~/.vim` - Exec `mkdir ~/.vim/undodir -p` - Installed Plug from...
