markdown-scriptures-standard-works-church-of-jesus-christ copied to clipboard
Markdown Files by Chapter: The Book of Mormon, The King James Version of Old Testament & New Testament, Doctrine & Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price, and the Joseph Smith Translation (JST, Inspired...
Files are written lowercase with the chapter following for fast opening and linking (1nephi01)
Folders are numbered in order to enable using file navigation for sequential reading (01 1 Nephi, 02 2 Nephi, ...)
- An application like Obsidian can star a file and a reader can update that star as they read sequentially
Each verse has a H2 heading so they can be cross-referenced via Wikilinks in an application like Obsidian [[1nephi03#7]]
Multiple verses can be referenced by referencing a chapter and noting the verses [[1nephi03]]:7-9
Bullets (-) or Blockquotes (>) can be used to write comments directly after a verse
You might consider writing comments that apply only to a particular verse directly after that verse, and comments that could be applied to mulitple verses throughout the scriptures (principles) as a separate note to be linked to from those scriptures
Visual Studio Code's Find and Replace is an efficient way to change file content (verse headings, ect)
Obsidian has a community plugin called Bulk Rename if you want to change file names (this will also update links)
Another option if you are using macOS is namechanger
In addition to the Standard Works, this repo also includes the Joseph Smith Translation (JST, Inspired Version) of the Bible, which Joseph completed before July 1833. This is the complete JST with all changes. Verse numbers will not always correspond with the King James Version. You might choose to only study the King James version, only study the JST version, or study both side-by-side.