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"Real-Time Style Transfer" with Keras

Real-Time Style Transfer with Keras

Brick nuke gif

This is an attempt at implementing something like Real-Time Style Transfer with the Keras framework.


  • pip install keras-rtst
  • Download pre-trained VGG16 weights You'll need to pass its path as a parameter to the scripts.
  • Training currently only supported on Theano backend, but texturing can be done with either.


After installation you'll find, and on your path. The shell scripts are just wrappers around to demonstrate usage and maybe be a little convenient. There's also a script that will download a small batch of images randomly selected from a subset of ImageNet 2012.


There's an examples folder. Example of an example:

Train a brick texturizer: ./ bricks0 path/to/training/images path/to/evaluation/images path/to/vgg16/weights.h5

Texturize a gif with that brick texturizer: VGG_WEIGHTS=/path/to/vgg.h5 ./ path/to/your.gif bricks0 out/bricks0gif

Differences from the paper

  • This code doesn't use strided convolutions for upsampling as it doesn't seem to be implemented in Keras/Theano.
  • The learning rate starts at 0.1 and decays at a rate of 0.9 every 200 iterations until it reaches 0.001.
  • Also similarly to "Texture Networks" I'm using a really small training set.
  • I've added MRFRegularizer and AnalogyRegularizer which add losses for patch-wise markov random fields and image analogies. Use --style-map-path=/your/image.jpg to specify "image A" in image analogy parlance (--style-path corresponds to "Image A prime")
  • --model=girthy adds a series of residual blocks at each depth instead of just the bottom-most scale. Set maximum depth with --depth and the peak number of convolution filters with --num-res-filters. The number of filters is halved at each larger scale.